《memoirs || beomryu》-PROLOGUE-


Author's POV

Personnel from a café said to a blue haired girl, who got her coffee.

The blue haired girl replied back to the personnel of the café, while smiling.

The personnel laughed. The personnel said while playfully shooing away Ryujin.

Ryujin then played along with it. Ryujin said while pouting at the personnel while also laughing.

Ryujin said while looking at her watch.

The personnel said while waving his hand while Ryujin just waved back her hand on the way out of the café.

On the other part of the café, there was a boy who was waiting for his order to be called out. The boy was on his phone and was clearly testing with someone. The boy then sensed somebody was looking at him so he naturally looked up to see who the person was.

When the boy looked up he saw a personnel who was giving him, his order that he had been waiting for. Then the boy gave his alarm back to the personnel and thanked the personnel. The boy was about to leave when that same personnel had stopped him from walking any further.

The personnel said while holding onto him.

'Oh wow. How many times have I been asked about this today? I practically lost count already...' The boy mentally sighed as he thought that.

The boy said and took the alarm from the personnel's grasp and then went towards the cash register to give it back.

After he gave it the personnel on the cash register apologized for his co-worker. The personnel said while trying to recall the boy's name.

Beomgyu said as he smiled at the personnel.

Beomgyu said as he waved and then soon after left the café.

After a few minutes of walking, Beomgyu then got a text from one of his friends.


Where are you?! We're here already!

After seeing the message Beomgyu let out a smirk. Beomgyu said as he kept his phone inside his jean's pocket.

Meanwhile a blue haired girl was running towards a certain direction.

The blue haired girl said mumbling it underneath her breath as she ran much faster than before.

While the blue haired girl was running towards the café's direction, she bumped into somebody on the way there, it was an old lady. Since it was mainly the blue haired girl's fault why the old lady fell, she quickly helped the old lady and was apologizing when the old lady suddenly asked for her name.

The old lady said, making the blue haired shock.

The blue haired girl asked the old lady.

The old lady said while still looking at the blue haired girl.

Ryujin said as she smiled at the old lady.

The old lady said while holding onto Ryujin's arm.

Ryujin said to the old lady, who she had bumped into.

Ryujin was then helping the old lady stand up when a black haired boy passed by her. Ryujin was focusing on helping the old lady that she didn't notice the boy.

The black haired boy or namely Beomgyu was very indifferent with the scene he saw while he was walking towards their school. Beomgyu then quicken the pace of his footsteps as soon as he did that he quickly passed by the blue haired girl and the old lady.

But after a few minutes of Beomgyu passing by the blue haired girl and the old lady he suddenly felt something weird flow through his veins. Beomgyu then quickly looked around to check if somebody did it to him but there was nobody. Plus there was a very big crowd right here.

Beomgyu then gave up his search for the person who did it to him. But then moments later a picture flashed before his eyes.


Beomgyu's POV

I saw another picture of a girl that I don't even know of. The picture was a girl smiling to me, and she was with so much blood around her. It was as if she was bathing on her own blood. The girl had pink hair that I guess reached her shoulder.

I sighed once again after all this wasn't clearly the first time I've seen this particular girl. It's something that I've always had ever since I was a kid. It seems like she wasn't from our timeline though, her clothes were always like for doctors or maybe gowns that were very old fashioned if I do say so myself.

It's funny since it kind of looks like memories of somebody.

Author's POV

After Ryujin was finally done helping the old lady to stand up when she suddenly felt something rush through her veins. Ryujin then quickly looked around the perimeter is somebody was playing tricks on her again. But there was nothing near Ryujin except for the old lady who was still standing right in front of her.

Well except for the fact that she was in the middle of such a huge crowd. Ryujin then let out a sigh to which the old lady finds odd.

The old lady asked Ryujin.

This quickly took Ryujin's attention and made her look at the old lady once again. Ryujin shook her head as a sign that nothing's wrong and then smiled back the old lady.

Ryujin said as she bid her farewell to the old lady.

But moments later a picture flashed before her eyes.

Ryujin's POV

I saw another picture of a boy that I don't even know or seen my whole life. The picture was the boy smiling so sheepishly with his hand on the back of his neck as if he has done something wrong. He was once again dressed up in another tuxedo that matched with his blonde hair.

It's at it again and here I thought it would go away. I released another sigh as my nightmare begins once again.

It kind of reminds me memories that people usually talk about.

Beomgyu's & Ryujin's POV

It's like its of the old generation.

When you suddenly get old memories, of your past life.

And it leads you to, your destiny.

- Choi Beomgyu

- Shin Ryujin

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