《royalty || beomryu》Chapter 13


August, 9, 1898

Ryujin's POV

We were suddenly called to Taehyun's 'Office' he said, he wanted us to get some field experience which we really don't get. If, you're going to be an assistant court herbalist, then shouldn't you be more in the field of like, studying, measuring, cleaning, fixing, filing, taking notes, and stuff like that. But, what he said makes no sense at all. He said that we will get some field experience literally outside the castle and the kingdom.

We ran towards the castle infirmary, as it was our rest day. But, Taehyun said, this is an urgent matter. Once, we got in, we quickly went to Taehyun's 'office'. We knocked and then, opened the door, and saw him, frustrated and that rarely happens to him, by what Mia eonni said and explained to us. So, before we ask, what's the thing that's so, Urgent, and comfort him first.

Chaeryeong asked him.

He quickly looked at us, and then shook his head so bad. Okay, now I think, this is literally an urgent matter or maybe, he is just crazy for Chae?

Chaeryeong asked him, in a comforting voice.

He said, and threw his hands up.

Okay, so, this is all about the herb that somebody got him? Okay, apparently he has gone haywire, or in other words, Crazy. I still don't think that's a reasonable and urgent problem, to make me and Chae, ran here, as if our lives depends on it.

I asked him, which he just nodded at.

I said which made him look down.

He said, while his looking down at the floor.

He said.

I asked him, which he looked surprised.

He said, while looking at us.

I said, making my point.

He asked.

I literally face palmed on his really stupid question, and I thought Beomgyu was the stupid one, turns out he has a younger version of him. Although, Beomgyu did say, that he has a younger brother, we haven't seen him yet. But, Yeonjun oppa and Yeji eonni said, that his brother is out of town as of the moment, he is visiting Alynthi. Yeji unnie's kingdom.

We were starting to talk, about what we should do, to get the herb that was stolen. We searched every single book, in the infirmary but, there was nothing about it. But, then I remembered that I have a book that, Taehyun was borrowing.

'Maybe, that book has something in store for us.' I thought.

I asked him, which he looked confused at first but suddenly got the idea, and answered it with a nod. And quickly left the room, to look for it. After a couple of minutes, he returned with a book in his hands.

We quickly looked at it, and scanned the whole book, to see clues about the herbs, that was or wasn't stolen. After an hour, we finally saw a clue. It was called: "Marigold Blue Magic Leaf". And it doesn't really say that much about the herb, but it did say where we will most likely find it. And I must say, this book is quite helpful.

Taehyun said, and stood up, to pack his things. But, suddenly stopped qhen Chaeryeong held his hand. He looked at us,

She asked and looked at me, which I quickly nod at.

She said, trying to reason out with Taehyun.

He quickly sighed, but then, it suddenly got to me. She was trying to persuade him to stay here. And was telling him to send us, instead of him.

He said but got cut off by me.

I said.


I said, while making a plan.

I said, and started walking outside.

I said, and left.

I walked towards the Courtyard and just sat under one of the trees. I was just relaxing when I suddenly heard, people running, I looked up and it was their maids, they keep on murmuring. I was so confused; I thought the First Prince of Clarines weren't supposed to return, until their father says so.

And speaking of their father, I haven't seen him or the Queen. And Beomgyu, keeps on reasoning the same thing, And then laughs awkwardly.

I was standing up, when I saw somebody a tall guy, talking to a guy shorter than him. I guess he felt that somebody was looking at him, so he quickly glanced at my direction and smirked, then quickly walked towards the Castle. Which, I find it weird as I don't really have anything related to him, although I did take his younger brother's first dance, but other than that, I did nothing else.

Soobin's POV

Finally, I've returned to my own kingdom, after being back after so many years, memories suddenly came back to me, some are bad, and some are good. But, mostly good ones, I always had a good time every since I was so little, and I was with my Younger brother who is probably stupid, right now. I was walking with my personal aid, and was telling me things that are new here in the Castle.

A certain topic caught my attention though. Beomgyu, bringing two people back into the kingdom and the two of them are both from Roselia, and are working here in the Castle as court herbalists.

I was still in deep thoughts when I felt somebody was looking at me, I quickly glanced at that person, and when I saw her, I quickly smirked and quickly walked inside the castle.

Beomgyu's POV

I was literally, nervous because this is the first time that I will see my older brother! After such a long time! I was so excited but at the same time nervous. I know Yeji noona knows my brother, as she said on our first meeting that she was his, Secret Pen Pal.

I'm currently in my bedroom, getting ready because I know my brother, will be calling me anytime soon, and I feel something odd about it. I feel like it won't be good news for me, instead it would be bad news, and good news for him. I'm just going to wait for his personal aid, to come and call me, even Yeonjun hyung and Yeji noona dressed up for this matter.

I swear, if he drags either Ryujin or Chaeryeong in this mess, he'll have to deal with me, first. Before, getting through them, and I swear, if he does anything that will destroy our relationship, I don't think I'll take that out the easy way. I can also sense the seriousness of these two as well.

We were just waiting here for us to be called. We were all doing our own things, Yeonjun hyung, looking outside, at the balcony. Yeji noona, reading a book, while being seated at one of my arm chairs, while I was still getting ready. When somebody knocked on my door, calling all of our attentions. I noticed Yeji noona, sighed and stood up to get the door.

Once, she got the door, she was talking to the person, who knocked, about who knows what, and immediately closed the door and looked at us.

She said, while looking both me and Yeonjun hyung in the eyes. But, something tells me, there's more.


We immediately walked towards the door to meet up with Yeji noona. She looked at me straight in the eye, and gave me a warning look, meaning something is up. I knew it.

She said reminding me, and left me and Yeonjun hyung inside the room.

I looked at Yeonjun hyung and he looked at me as well, we nodded at each other, and decided to just like not do stupid things, as we are in my brother's office. As we continued walking towards my brother's office.

Soobin's POV

I was looking out the window in my office, waiting for my little brother, and another person who caught my attention, to get in my office, well, that's for Beomgyu, and for the other person, that would be the waiting cubicle.

'I just hope that everything in my plan will end well.' I thought.

I was lost in thought, until I heard a knock on the door, I quickly turned around.

I said, while looking at the door.

When I saw who entered, it was the girl, she kind of looked familiar, but I don't know when and where I saw her. She also has an intimidating aura surrounding her. I quickly coughed, and tried to fix my composure.

I said, and turned around.

She said, as I hear footsteps, meaning she was going on the waiting area.

Ryujin's POV

I was literally going back to the infirmary to get Chaeryeong, and pack for our so called "Field Experience", while I was walking back, I heard somebody calling me so, naturally, I turned around to look, I was genuinely surprised as I saw the personal aid of the First Prince. I didn't know what to do, so I quickly bowed to him.

I asked him.

He said, while bowing.

I was taken back when I heard that the First Prince was requesting for me, which is weird. Because, I don't even know him. I would get it, if it was Second Prince of Clarines, but the First?

'That's just absurd...' I thought.

I decided to shake that thought off, and smiled and followed him towards the First's Prince office. Once, we reached it, he signaled me to knock, and so I did. I heard his signal, and came in. When he saw me, I think he was surprised then, I guess he was judging me by my looks.

He said, and turned around, I was getting ready to attack him, but I think I shouldn't after all he is the first prince of this fine kingdom. So, in the end I decided to just obey, his orders so he won't be able to see through me.

I said, and walked towards the waiting but, before going in; I decided to stick my tongue out at him.

Once, I got in, I quickly scanned my surroundings, and to think, I never thought that I will be actually in a waiting room, ever in my life or meet the first Prince of Clarines. This is such a big turn of events for me while, I was busy scanning the place, I heard a knock, which startled me.

'So, that's why you made me go here, thinking that I'm nothing, huh? I'll have you know, that I was a princess.' I thought, but quickly erased it.

I decided since, there's literally nothing here; I should eavesdrop on their chat.

Soobin's POV

I was looking outside once again, when I heard another knock came in, I quickly turned around and walked towards my chair, and signaled my personal aid, to let them in, and leave. He quickly did what he was asked to do, and left me alone.

I heard the door unlock and when I looked at it, it's Beomgyu and his so called 'Bodyguards'.

He said, and bowed.

But, I was too busy looking at Yeonjun hyung and Yeji, but of course it's mostly Yeji, who caught my attention. She changed so much, I didn't think that she'll change so much. I sighed mentally, knowing that she'll probably kill me.

I said, and looked at him, and he returned the favor.

He asked, in a straight forward manner. I slightly smirked.

'He was thought very well...' I thought.

I said, and stood up, walking towards a vase which has Roses, and pluck one of them.

I asked, while playing with the Rose on my hand.

He said, I'm sensing he's feeling guilty.

I asked him, while twirling the Rose on my hand.

He said, answering my question in a really straight forward manner.

I said, and started plucking the Rose petals that looked odd or dead.

He said.

He said, defending himself and the two girls.

I asked and stood up.

He said, while also glaring at me.

I said, walking towards the waiting area, where the girl is staying.

I asked him, in an ordinary way, but showing some of my angry side.

He asked me, and then crossed his arms.

I said, and opened the curtain revealing the girl.

She was shocked when she saw me and the others. I quickly gave her the Rose and bowed.

He said.

She asked, looks like I underestimated her, it looks like she figured out my plan.

He asked her.

She answered him, and bowed to him.

She asked, and I can feel her stares.

'She literally knows how to get into somebody's nerves, huh?' I thought.

I then heard footsteps, I looked up and saw my brother, going in the waiting room, and held her.

Ryujin's POV

I was literally having so much fun, getting into the nerves of this idiot of a prince. When, Beomgyu suddenly walked towards me and held my hand, then closing the curtain.

He whispered, and then looked at me, still holding my face.

'I was literally having fun playing with him, though....' I thought, and pouted.

He then, quickly kissed my cheek, which surprised me. I quickly turned red because did that. I heard him chuckle before leaving me, with his brother. I saw Yeji eonni, worried look before she got out, and closed the door.

Okay, so the only thing I need face is this tall bunny guy? I got to say, he is handsome, but Beomgyu, is in a really different level.

He asked, or maybe just maybe more like investigating me.

I was thinking of a way to get out of here, when a thought came in my mind.

'This is going to be fun...' I thought.

I answered him, while crossing my arms and raised my eyebrow at him, which surprised him.

He shouted at me, and pointed his finger at me.

He shouted at my face.

At this point I was already filled to the brim, who does he think he is?! Controlling my life and choices! All of those belong to me and me alone. I answered him angrily, I said, and left him in his own office.

Once, I got out, I saw the three of waiting for me, but they had surprised expressions on. But, instead of talking to them, I just walked away from them, ignoring every single call of them, and ran away. I ran away once again, to escape every single problem. I ran towards the infirmary and bumped into somebody when I looked it was Taehyun, he had a worried expression.

He asked me, while helping me to get up.

And at that point I broke down in front of him, I can't take it anymore, I ran away almost every single time I encounter a problem. I'm pretty sure, Taehyun is surprised that I was crying right in front of him, but none the less started to comfort me.

Once, I calmed down he took the opportunity to ask me. He asked, still comforting me.

I started telling him what happened in that guy's office and Beomgyu's thing, and then them waiting for me, and I ran away from them. He continued to comfort me but, he was walking me towards my sleeping quarters that Chaeryeong and I share. When we reached I saw the four of them talking to each other, I guess they noticed our presence and looked at our direction.

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