《royalty || beomryu》Chapter 09


March, 9, 1894

Ryujin's POV

It has been months, after the ball, and I still have no idea, on what to do with my sister's case. I've been reading books about, on how somebody can interfere, in a arrange marriage, but nothing really actually helped me.

I was busy reading another book about it, called: "The Arrange Marriage Guide". Mel, said, it will save my sister, from her arrange marriage.

I was so uninterested in reading this type book I'd rather read more math and science books, but, for my sister, I'll do everything. I'm currently on page two thousand, nine hundred, eighty-two. Until a eye capturing, title got my attention, it said: "How to stop a Arrange Marriage, from two Royal Parties".

I finally, got to the section, where I really wanted to be in!

After, reading that full, section. I finally, get that the only way to stop it was, if you have a sibling, an older one. If they, either, die or run away, then, you are next in line to the Throne, meaning, if I left, the Kingdom, then, she'll stay here, and manage the Kingdom herself. She then won't be in that arranged marriage no more!

I quickly thought of a plan, so I can approach my parents, on this matter, without harming anybody. All they have to do was, agree on my terms, and were good to go.

But, if they stay away, then, I'm sorry, for I'm about to do, for Father always says, make a back-up plan so, if plan number one fails, you already know what to do.

Once, I got a plan, I stood up, and went towards the door of my Study room, but quickly looked back, thinking if this is really the good thing to do. Once, I got my mind made up, I quickly opened the door, and went outside walking towards my Parent's Study room. Knowing, that they'll be there.

I'm currently, standing in front of my Father's Study Room. To my surprise, I wasn't really scared or anything. Normally, I would be scared or anxious just talking to him, but, I'm not, well, anymore.


I knocked on the door, before saying my name. I waited for my Father's response, to let me come in. Once, I heard it, I gently turned the knob, and went in. I closed the door, and turned around, to see both my parents, sat and reading some books.

'Maybe, it's a cover up?' I thought, because it looks super odd.

I said, and walked towards them.

Mother asked me, but her attention was still on the book.

I asked them.

They both asked me.

I said, while raising an eyebrow at them.

Father said.

I said, and smiled.

I know that they're buying that I'll say yes. But, they're wrong.

I said, and smiled.

Father asked me.

I shouted back at the both of them.

Mother said, scolding me.

I quickly, took a deep breath, and continued to make my point. This time, without shouting.

I said, with a firm voice.

Father asked, obviously, annoyed.

I said.

It took them by surprise, and that's why, you can see that their reaction has their eyes out. Well, who wouldn't be?

I asked, them, in my normal tone, bored

Father said, raising his voice.

I admit, father does kind of looks scary, when he shouts.

I said, crossing my arms.

Father said, and walked closer to me.

I said, shouting back at them.

Mother said, while walking towards me, and ended up slapping me.

It looked like; she was shocked with what she did. But, for me, I just kept my tears, in, as I don't want them to see me cry. I pretended that it didn't hurt at all. I can hear, my Mother, new, as if she was crying, I looked at her, and she was. She tried to touch me, or rather my face, or maybe hug me. But, I retaliated, and that made Mother more upset than before.

Father shouted.

I said, and stormed out the room.

On the way to my Bedroom, I quickly met Mel; she was busy fixing some random stuff. When, she saw me she quickly went to me, and started to comfort me. Once I calmed down, she asked me what happened, and why, I'm crying. I quickly ran towards my Bedroom, with Mel behind me.


Once, we reached my Bedroom, I know Mel, quickly locked the door. And right there, I was literally a mess, I was crying. I've never had disobeyed, disrespect, and raised my voice at my own parents.

People, say I act differently, than other Princesses, but, the truth be told, just like any other Princess, we all only wanted to be loved, to feel loved.

Once, I know, I was good to go, I looked at Mel, and quickly dried my tears, and told her what happened, before I even knew, my tears were back once again. Mel, was even comforting me, telling me everything's going to be alright. Once, I was sober up once more, I continued to tell the story, and then a plan went in my mind. I looked at Mel, she looked super confused. I quickly called her attention.

I said, calling her attention.

She asked me.

I said.

She said, trying to change my mind.

I said, while walking towards the window, and looked outside, and then I saw her, I saw my sister, playing with her maid.

She asked me.

I said, explaining to her, and turned around.

She said, waiting for a confirmation.

I asked her.

She quickly fell into a deep thought, before answering.

She said, with a bit of hesitation in her voice.

I said, and started to discuss the plan to her.

Once, we were done, I quickly went over the plan to make sure she got it.

I asked her, just to make sure if she gets the plan or not.

She said.

I said, and got a luggage, and decided to pack already.

She asked which caught me completely off guard.

I said, and sat down on my bed, to at least think of something.

After that, I quickly thought of an idea.

I asked her, which she just nodded as a reply, and I continued to fix my clothes more.

She said, and pushed me towards my Desk.

She did made a point, I sighed knowingly I already lost to Mel. I sat down and got a piece of Paper, and a Pen, and started to write.

Dear: Secret Pen Pal

This will be most probably my Last Letter to you. I just fought with my parents, and decided to do things that are just too much, because they didn't agree with me; they'll just have to face the consequences, of their actions. Since, this is my last letter to you, I'll tell you, my real name, my name is Shin Ryujin. That's right; I'm the First Princess of Roselia.

P.S. I want you to know, that, talking to you is probably one of the funniest things, I've done in my life. Thank you for being a part of my life. I'll never forget you; you always have made my day. I'll always consider you as my Best Friend. ♡♡♡ Three hearts for you, meaning, I Love You.


First Princess

Shin Ryujin,

Secret Pen Pal

After that, I quickly put it inside an envelope, and gave it to Mel, for her to send it on the day of the plan. After that I helped her, with fixing my clothes. I decided, I shouldn't really have any gowns, as I don't think I'll need it.

Once, we made sure that I have every single thing, I need. We quickly hid the luggage, and fixed ourselves, so they won't judge us. Now, the only thing I have to do is, to avoid my parents, until the day comes. We talked with each other and spent time.

I said, while being laid down on the floor.

She said, also being laid on the floor just right beside me.

She said which made me smile.

Not long after, I feel sleepy, before I even knew it, I fell asleep.

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