《Fairy Tail's Little Fairy Book 1 (Rewriting)》95) Seven dragons


3rd POV

''Yes. That is it. Run amok even more. Show them the wrath of a dragon.'' Says Future Rogue with pleasure as he fly on the top of the mother dragon, but then he notice something or someone standing on the top of a tower. Galexia look at the same direction and see Natsu glaring daggers at Future Rogue.

''Natsu.'' Mumble Galexia amazed that he is here.

''Natsu... Dragneel... You have escaped death.'' Future Rogue order the mother dragon to charge at Natsu. But Natsu easily dodge it and got on the dragon to charge at the enemy. Future Rogue vanish into the shadow and come behind Natsu, but Galexia kick him before he could hurt Natsu. Natsu also noticed him and attack him by roaring at him. ''Do you really think flames like that could singe me? You are already exhausted from having several battles in a row. Struggle as you might, you have no chance of winning and not with the all mighty Galexia by your side.'' Says Future Rogue.

''Won't know that until I try and who is Galexia?'' Both Future Rogue and Galexia sweetdropped at that statement from Natsu.

''I helped your guild when you were fighting Phantom Lord by using my hosts body. Can't you see that I am using (Y/N) Legends body?'' Ask Galexia and mention to the familiar body of the girl that Natsu know and love as a sister.

''Oh yeah. Now I remember, but are you really that mighty? If you are then I wanna fight you.'' Says Natsu excited. Galexia lightly hit Natsu's head and pointed at Future Rogue.

''After you defeat the enemy, Natsu.'' Says Galexia. Natsu nodded and got serious again. The dragon tilt after that and make Natsu tip of, while Galexia use gravity magic to stay. Natsu flip and land on the roof to jump back up.

''Shake him off.'' Order Future Rogue. And the dragon do so, but that doesn't stop Natsu. Even if he come off will he return back on the dragon. Galexia look at Natsu and how strong minded he really is. Then she remember something. Looking towards the other guilds with a dragon slayer. They all have their own problem, but they may be the only ones to defeat the dragons. (Y/N) could also, but she is resting.


''Natsu. You can have Future Rogue for yourself. I can feel I am at my limit, but there is something I still can do.'' Says Galexia and call out some angel wings.

''Leave it to me.'' Says Natsu and give a thumps up. Galexia leave a short message into his head before fully leaving. She fly towards where Sabertooth is, since they are the closes one. They are trying to defeat the red dragon. It destory a lot of the city with its tail.

''So this is a dragon's destructive power... It is a spectacle worth remembering.'' Says Rufus serious as he and the others look at the damage and the dragon.

''Perfect. Jura took me out right away during our battle, so I didn't get to run amok then. Here is where I make up for it, and then some.'' Says Orga and charge up his lightning powers. ''Raijin no Kaden Ryūshi Hō.''

''Gray defeated me. I use this Ice Make Magic out of respect for him. Memory Make. Kogoeru Kokurai no Tsurugi.'' Rufus eyes shine blue as he cast his spell. Together are they doing a version of Unison Raid.

''A combination attack with Orga's and Rufus Black Lightning...'' Says Sting amazed.

''I never thought I would see those two fight side by side.'' Admitted Rogue.

''It is Sabertooth team play. Considering how it is always been every man for himself, this is amazing.'' Says Lector proud of the guild he is in. When the dust fall down can they see that the dragon is still standing without a scratch. They are all simply confused as to why it is still alive. That is where Sting and Rogue confessed the truth about them killing a dragon. Sting's dragon, Weisslogia, made Sting kill him. And Rogue only killed Skiadrum to end his suffering from a sickness.

''How brave of you two to admit such a huge secret.'' Says Galexia and landed between the dragon slayer and their comrade.

''Who are you?'' Ask Sting, thinking she is an enemy.

''You probably know this body as (Y/N) Legend, my host for my magic, but I am Galexia, only borrowing (Y/N)'s body while she recover her magic powers while I use my spiritual powers.'' Explain Galexia short, then get to the serious part. ''You two dragon slayers need to split up. Soon will Natsu come with a good message, so hear it out and do it.''


''Why can't you just tell us the plan then?'' Ask Rogue a little confused.

''Because my time is short. I only came here because I need someone who love (Y/N) so much, that they will protect while she recover her remaining powers. And that would obvious be her big brother.'' Galexia look at Rufus with a kind smile. Rufus is confused as to why Galexia know him as (Y/N)'s brother. One idea is that Galexia is inside (Y/N)'s body and see and hear everything or...

''I remember know... Mother? Mother Alex?'' Ask Rufus and surprise the others.

''That is your mother?'' Scream Orga, Sting, Rogue and Lector. Frosch is just smiling.

''Seems like the spell Silver put on you is gone. Your memories of your parents identities has been revealed. But promise me not to tell your sister. It isn't time for her just yet to know the truth, dear son.'' Says Galexia and put a finger to her lips while smiling. Galexia's eyes shift from blurred to full of life, then back. ''Seems my time is up. I promise to explain everything one day, so please take care of (Y/N) until then.'' Rufus can't say anything as the green dress vanish and (Y/N) fall down into his arms.

''That is some f***ed up news, and we are in the middle of a war against dragons.'' Says Orga. The others agreed to that. Then a huge explosion happen at the flying dragon. Then the roaring, yelling sound of Natsu is coming from it.

''Can you hear me? Dragon Slayer Magic can take down the dragons. We got eight Dragon Slayers here. And seven dragons. Our magic exists for this very day. Dragon Slayers exist to fight this very battle. Let's go... dragon hunting.'' Yelled Natsu and punch the dragon again.

''Eight people? Aren't you miscounting?'' Ask Future Rogue while being burned at his fire.

''I can hear him...'' Says Natsu and smirk. ''And I also count (Y/N) in, cause I know (Y/N) can also use dragon slayer magic, and will help us.'' Future Rogues eyes widen and remember that the said girl has the power of every kind of magic. So dragon slayer magic is a magic that she can use. (Y/N) by the ground open her (E/C) eyes and look directly at Rufus.

''Oni-chan?'' Ask (Y/N) and feel her body shored.

''Relax. You need to recover your powers. Galexia ordered that.'' Says Rufus quickly and lift her up like a bride. He left out the fact that Galexia is their mother, Alex.

''I can't rest now. I need to fight. I have a feeling that I need to take care of the stone dragon where Lamia Scale, Blue Pegasus and Mermaid Heel is.'' Says (Y/N) and try to get free of the Rufus grib, but he held.

''First get your magical powers back, then you can go. I don't take a no for an answer.'' Says Rufus and look at Orga. He agreed and look at Sting and Rogue.

''Rogue. I got this one. Find another dragon... and help the guilds that don't have a Dragon Slayer.'' Says Sting and face the red dragon. Rogue nodded and run away. Then the mother dragon let some egg fall down the sky, hatching into smaller dragons. (Y/N) look first at Sting who made the first attack with Holy Ray, but then look behind the guild members. She jump off Rufus arms and punch the ground.

''Forest Curse.'' Tree plants raise from the ground and wrap around the dragons, killing them at the same time. ''Let's protect our country, mina.'' Says (Y/N).


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