《Fairy Tail's Little Fairy Book 1 (Rewriting)》94) The Eclipse Project


3rd POV

Every guilds are listening close to (Y/N).

''Princess Hisui has been tricked to believe that the Eclipse Portal is a weapon that will defeat 10.000 dragons in this time periode, but it isn't a weapon at all. It is a time machine. That man have told her and make her believe that today will 10.000 dragons arrive and destroy the city, and she needed to collect magic from the Grand Magic Games these seven years and then open the portal with the help of the twelve golden keys, Lucy and Yukino's keys, to open the portal and kill the dragons, but the real plan is to get the 10.000 dragons from the past to the present. The princess has been tricked to cause the destruction to come to this land, to give her the blame.'' Explain (Y/N) and talk really loud so that everyone can hear her.

''Who would do something like that? Did you see who is behind this, (Y/N)?'' Ask Makarov. (Y/N) nodded, but looked unsure if she wanna tell them.

''I am unsure who it is in present time, but I know for sure that he is from the future.'' Answered (Y/N) and keep a detail to herself. She know it is Rogue, a future Rogue, but she doesn't know why he would turn evil, so she wanna let that fact keep out to not cause any unnecessary fight. Then the bell start ringing and a huge magical pressure has suddenly come. ''It is too late. The Eclipse Project has begun. The gate is open.'' Mumble (Y/N) scared. Every guild split up to protect a part of the city, with Fairy Tail staying.

''Don't worry (Y/N). I am sure Natsu and the others will stop the project before the dragons come.'' Insure Lisanna. (Y/N) doesn't believe her and look at the red moon. Her scared (E/C) eyes gets fuggy all of sudden.

''(Y/N), what is wrong?'' Ask Levy when she see her eyes. (Y/N) then start mumbling something.


''The gate of time mustn't open. Close it with what open it, then destory it by the power of the 15 pillars. I will lend you a hand, my descendant.'' (Y/N)'s body glowed and she suddenly start floating. Her body and cloths change to a more adult and the same dress when stopping the Clock and the new Oracion Seis.

''What is happening?'' Ask Max and see an adult (Y/N) in that green dress.

''(Y/N).'' Shouts Erza when (Y/N) fly away towards the castle. The portal is slowly opening. Lucy is trying to convince the princess to close the gate.

''That portal is connected to 400 years in the past.'' Defended Lucy. As she said that, began the ground to shake, like something big has step on the ground. Everyone is looking at the gate.

''You have to believe in Lucy. There is no weapon in that thing, only a time portal which will bring the 10.000 dragons. There are no dragons in present time, so the warning you got was a trick to open this so called weapon and bring the dragons from the past to the present.'' Above in the air is (Y/N) looking at the portal and explain short the situation. As predicted walks a gray dragon out of the portal, and more is coming. The dragon destroy some of the city and continue forward. ''Lucy. The twelve golden keys open the Eclipse Portal, so that is also the way to close it. Use your Celestial magic to close with me.''

''Hai.'' Lucy run towards what seems like a door handle, and pull it along with (Y/N)'s help.

''There isn't enough Celestial Spirit power.'' Says Arcadious.

''I can help.'' Says Yukino and run towards the gate with Mirajane. ''Lucy-sama. Please take out the 12 Gold Keys. We will combine them with mine, and use 12 Keys to seal the portal.''

''With Celestial Spirits?'' Ask Lucy.

''Lucy-sama.'' Yukino trow up her two keys.


''Got it.'' Lucy did to with her ten keys. All twelve fly up into the air and form a circle and glowed.

''Hold hand together and chant the spell, I will give the power to keep the gate open and make sure you won't use up all of yours.'' Says (Y/N). Lucy and Yukino both take her hand along with each other.

''Celestial Spirits of the 12 Gold Keys...'' Start Yukino.

''... lend us the power to seal away the evil.'' Continue Lucy.

''Open...'' (Y/N) doesn't say anything.

''... 12 Gates.'' The 12 keys light down on the three girls. The familiar sound of a doorbell rings, and that is a sign that it works.

''Zodiac.'' Chant Lucy and Yukino together. One by one arrive the spirits, and all 12 spirits are standing fourth all together.

''Please.'' Mumble Lucy. All 12 spirits fly up and towards the portal, six on each side as they push the gate close. A dragon try to get through, but the power of the Celestial Spirits close the gate before it could come out. ''It closed.'' Cheered Lucy.

''You did it.'' Cheered Wendy along with Happy.

''It isn't over yet. Seven dragons manage to come out of the gate. Now it's time to deal with them before they can destroy the hole city and continent.'' Says (Y/N) and that is now where they notice her voice is different.

''That voice... Huh, Galexia has taken over (Y/N)'s body.'' Happy now remember the voice, it is the same as when Phantom Lord attacked them seven years ago. Galexia came to their aid. Then furture Rogue appeared and told them his plan, and that it still will succeed with only seven dragons. He order them all to slaughter all wizards in the city and they obey him.

''To think you could come out, but why didn't you just close it by your self, Fairy?'' Ask furture Rogue.

''I must admitted that she could do it, but in that condition wouldn't she and my powers are limited. I am only here until my descendant has regain her powers, so that she can continue. Your plan will fail, Rogue Cheney.'' Says Galexia and fly up. Furture Rogue isn't faced by her, but jump and got on the first dragon that came. Galexia follow him to fight him. ''Be careful. Some dragons can make small dragon soldiers. You can easily defeat them, but they can kill you in an instead, so be careful.''

''Understood.'' Says Lucy and Wendy. Out by the other guilds, meet Fairy Tail the fire dragon, Atlas Flame. Sabertooth gets to fight the red dragon. Blue Pegasus, Mermaid Heel, Lamia Scale and Quatro Cerberus meet the stone dragon. Other guilds that saw the games like Twilight Orge, are fighting the blue sea like dragon. And some other are taking care of the black dragon. While at the castle takes the guards and the guild members the green dragon, that Lucy, Wendy and the Exceed meet at the dragon graveyard. Galexia look at the scene, feeling nervous for her descendants friends and family. Would they be able to kill them?

''Just so you know, Galexia. I know your little secret. And I can already warn you that in about a month from now on will your son and daughter die. And the ultimate power will fall in your arch enemies hands. That is another reason for me to get the dragons, to tire her out and steal the ultimate power for my self.'' Says furture Rogue and are proud of his plan.

''Don't spoil the future, that is an internal rule that everyone knows. The future isn't sealed. There multiple after multiple scenerioum. The one you came from may have ended like that, but I know that my daughter and son will survive and bring peace to this world.'' Says Galexia serious and glared at future Rogue. ''Especially my daughter.''

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