《Fairy Tail's Little Fairy Book 1 (Rewriting)》93) The winner of GMG


3rd POV

''I am right here. Come and get me, Fairy Tail.'' Shouts Sting with his signal in the night sky. Every member of Fairy Tail in the battle field see the signal, and slowly are walking towards the location. They all arrived together, as a team. ''What a spectacular sight. All of you are wizards I looked up to seven years ago.''

''Stop the chatter. This is the final battle.'' Says Gajeel.

''We will beat you one on one. Who do you want?'' Challenge Gray.

''All at once is fine. With your injuries, one on one would be boring.'' Answered Sting. Juvia let go of Gray and step up.

''You would better not underestimate Fairy Tail.'' Warned Juvia.

''I wouldn't dream of it. I am treating you guys with respect. That is why I am gonna crush you all together. I have been waiting for this. I am gonna show Lector how strong I am.'' Says Sting proud and ready to fight.

''Lector?'' Mumble Gray confused.

''I don't know what you are talking about, but are you serious?'' Ask Laxus calm and tired.

''I am serious. I got stronger. Losing Lector has awakened new strength. For Lector's sake... For my best friend's sake... I am gonna beat all of you.'' Says Sting serious. Erza then step along with the others.

''Fine. If you are that prepared... then we will fight you, Sting.'' Says Erza.

''That is what I want to hear. I will show you my newly-awakened power.'' Says Sting and power up, ready to fight, but he see something he wasn't prepared to see. All five stand in a line together and held their head high up. Not even faced by Sting's power. The power Sting had surrounded him, vanish. Sting is now hesitating. He could easily win, but something inside of him tells him that it won't change anything. After a minut, fall Sting to his knees, surrender and give the last point to Fairy Tail.


''That's it. The winner of the Grand Magic Games... is Fairy Tail.'' Announce Chapati Rola and the crowd cheered for the Fairy Tail an their victory. Every member at the booth cheered of happiness, as they are now back to be the strongest guild in Fiore. Firework and confetti explode and fly in the sky. While the arena are cheering, walk Erza closer to Sting.

''Sting, why didn't you come after us?'' Ask Erza. Sting hesitate, but still answered.

''I had a feeling I couldn't meet him. Before, I thought I would be able to meet him if I won... but for some reason, I felt like I couldn't meet him. I don't understand it myself. You people are so radiant that I didn't think I could meet him the way I am now.'' Says Sting very low, but loud enough for them to hear. Erza smile kindly and look behind her.

''Sure you can.'' Walking closer is Millianna, who is holding a sleeping cat. Sting look up and is shocked to see Lector sleeping in Millianna's arms. Lector woke up and see Sting running towards him. Lector jump out of Millianna's arms and jump into Sting's waiting arm. The moment of the two being reunited is weary tearing. Both Sting and Lector are crying happily and Fairy Tail are just smiling at the small reunion. The Lacrima Vision is even showing it to everyone.

''How? How could she have you, when it was Lady who had you?'' Aks Sting to Lector.

''I was taken before Lady could. It was blurred, but a saw a small person helding me in their arms.'' Says Lector and try to explain, but failed.

''That would be (Y/N).'' Says Gray softly. Both Sting and Lector are shocked by it.

''When we planned out strategi for the final battle, told (Y/N) us everything that happen in Sabertooth. She was there and couldn't let an innocent Exceed get hurt. Or anyone for the matter.'' Says Gajeel and smirk.


''(Y/N)-chan said she kept Lector in her own space, keeping him safe. But why she was with Millianna is a good question. Do you something happen to (Y/N)-chan?'' Ask Juvia and look at Erza.

''I can't feel her presence at all... Silver, please come out.'' Called Erza for one of (Y/N)'s spirirts, but he doesn't come.

''Didn't (Y/N) say that her spirits are having a meeting and won't come out unless it is an emergency.'' Pointed Laxus out.

''Something stange is going to happen. After fighting Rogue, was there a weird shadow moving away from him after manipulate Rogue. Maybe (Y/N) saw that and went to investigate in it as her role as the first mage.'' Suggested Gajeel. Before Erza could say anything, comes a soldier at their direktion.

''Order from the king. Every guild mages are meeting up at the center of the city, by the La Crystal. Treatment will also be happening there.'' Inform the soldier and run again, probably to tell other mages about the meeting.

''Then let's go. We will see if (Y/N) is there, if not, then we would warn master.'' Says Erza. They all agreed and help each other towards the meeting point.

*Time skip*

The king has explained the situation and are asking for the guild members to help him win this fight against the dragons. The guild are conflicting between each other if it is even possible to defeat 10.000 dragons.

''Wizard guilds, I must request that you please lend us your aid. I would like you to use your power to slay the dragons that survive. That is all. Please save this country.'' Begged the king and bowed. The answer was clear and that is for everyone to cheer for the upcoming battle. The king cry tears of joy of the decision. After calming down, remember Erza a problem.

''Master, (Y/N) is missing. I can't feel her anywhere.'' Inform Erza, that just make every member of Fairy Tail scream of worried.

''What do you mean she is gone?'' Ask Cana.

''We don't know. We can't just feel her presence, that is all.'' Defended Gajeel.

''Don't worry, we have her.'' Everyone look up at the crystal and see Darkness and Demon emerging from the crystal. In their hand is (Y/N), still paralyzed and look like she is a statue.

''(Y/N), what happen to her?'' Ask Makarov worried for his child.

''A strong shadow has kept her in the shadow world along with a paralyzing spell so she can't move or talk.'' Informed Darkness as they place their princess down.

''The shadows around her were so strong, that we couldn't get to her, so we manage to drag her out.'' Added Demon. The seal on her stomach is still glowing.

''That is my paralyzing spell, how did she get it?'' Wonder Sting and step closer to break it. (Y/N)'s body feel, but Sting held her close to him. ''It seems she has been paralyzed for some hours, that will make her body unable to move for some time, but she is fine now.''

''Thank god.'' Sighed Fairy Tail. (Y/N) open her eyes and meet Sting's.

''Where am I?'' Wondered (Y/N) and look around.

''At the centrum of the city, (Y/N).'' Inform Erza and walk closer. (Y/N) nodded and see Darkness and Demon returning back to their realm. She knew right away that they could feel she was in danger and came to her aid.

''Wait, there is something I need to inform you.'' With some energy, manage (Y/N) to sit up against her body's will. ''The dragons aren't coming from this time period. They are coming from the past. All of this is a plan made by that man who captured me in the shadow and paralyzed me with light magic. We are in far more danger than we believe, so you have to listen to this.''

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