《Fairy Tail's Little Fairy Book 1 (Rewriting)》92) Nakagami armor


3rd POV

(Y/N) watch the screen and see the intence battle against Gajeel and Rogue. Gajeel manage to consume the shadow and become the Shadow Iron Dragon Slayer, just as (Y/N) predicted after she told him the trick about shadow magic. After Gajeel do the final attack, which end the match, does she notice a shadow move away from Rogue's unconsciousness body. She look at Warren and see he doesn't look at her. (Y/N) take the change and teleport near the battle between the two dragon slayers, but she is only looking for the shadow.

''So you could feel me. Not surprised by Rufus little sister, (Y/N) Lore.'' Behind (Y/N) came the shadow, but someone came out of it and it is not someone (Y/N) regnise.

''Your sense is familiar, but strange at the same time. What are a person from the future doing here?'' Ask (Y/N) calmly.

''To change the future, why else?'' Says the person and smirk. (Y/N) glare at the male.

''Not on my watch.'' (Y/N) stand in a fighting stand, ready to fight, but the stranger chuckle at the at her.

''I knew you would say that. That is why I am gonna do this.'' The man lift his arm, and the shadow beneath (Y/N) crawl up her legs like multiple arms and dragging her down. The man didn't stop there. He lightly touch (Y/N)'s stomach and paralyze her.

''T-This is Sting's magic.'' Mumble (Y/N) and try to move, but is unavailable.

''Watch the show in the shadow, cause now is the biggest treat to my plan gone and that leaves one more fairy I need to kill.'' The shadow finally consume (Y/N) before she could say anything or cast a spell. The man smirked and leave through the shadow towards the castle.

*Somewhere else*

Laxus saw how Jura defeated Orga with just one punch, that just show how strong Jura really is. After countless of attack, feel Laxus he can't do it, but one thing reminded him that he need to continue. Natsu would just continue until he can't fight or move anymore, and so will Laxus. By Erza is she hurt in her right leg, that she is having a hard time fighting Minerva.


''I doubt you can stand anymore with that leg.'' Pointed Minerva with a smirk. Erza slowly stand up.

''I will get up again and again. If it's a fight that I can't afford to lose, will I keep on getting up. I told you before. You people... have made enemies of the one guild you don't want to anger.'' Says Erza and stand fully up. Minerva isn't faced by that statement.

''Anger isn't good for beauty.'' Is the only thing Minerva says back.

''How dare you do that to Lucy, my comrades... Kagura, Millianna... I am angry.'' Stated Erza and get really serious.

''And I am supposed to be afraid of such anger?'' Ask Minerva and start attacking in different direction. Explosion happen here and there and Erza can't avoid them fully. ''My Spatial Magic makes everything I see a target area.'' Erza do a zig zag to avoid some explosion, then she remember.


''Really. You can really give me that armor?'' Ask Erza to (Y/N), who nodded and have Metal beside her.

''You have what it takes to bear it and use it for the good, but only use it as a last resort against Minerva.'' Says Metal and hit Erza with a small beam, giving her the armor.

''Minerva's magic is hard to predict like Rufus, but when she explode something will she be blinded in that area of the explosion. So dodge until she can't see you anymore, then attack. Her magic is based on what she can see, so use that against her. I know you can do it, Erza.'' Says (Y/N) with a big smile.

*Flashback end*

Erza smiled at her sweet fairy.

''The strongest magic befits the strongest guild. Territory.'' Says Minerva and smirk. Out of the dust of the explosion, came Erza with two dagger in hands and hit Minerva.


''I saw it coming.'' Says Erza. Minerva grunted and try to punch Erza with her magic. Erza hit her again and push her back.

''You...'' Growled Minerva and run at her, but Erza isn't faced.

''My fury is the guild's fury. Second Origin, release.'' A huge light beam cover over Erza's body as her new store power came out and she use it to get on her newest armor, bestowed by her friend, made by the creator of magic, the first mage. ''Nakagami Armor.''

While their battle has only reached the climax, is the other battle at their end. Gray and Juvia have found out that Lyon and Cheria doesn't have any teamwork like they do. And as for Laxus, does he finally finish off Jura with a Dragon Slayer Secret Art: Roaring Thunder. Gray and Juvia use their power together and do an Unison Raid with Ice and Water magic.

''You dare flirt with her openly in my presence? I am done paying games. Cheria.'' Lyon look at Cheria, but she is dazzled by the beauty of their magic. Lyon then shake Cheria to wake her up. ''What are you doing, Cheria? Power me up. Cheria, snap out of it.'' But it is too late.

''Water Nebula.'' Chant Juvia.

''Ice Geyser.'' Chant Gray and together do they hit both Lyon and Cheria, sending them away, getting two extra points and eliminate Lamia Scale fully. Back to where Erza and Minerva is, is it time for the finish their fight.

''Nonsense. This is nonsense.'' Says Minerva a little unsure, but still attack Erza.

''It's over.'' Says Erza.

''Disappear.'' Minerva send a beam at Erza, but Erza cut right through the magic. Minerva doesn't understand it how she did it, but the Nakagami Armor hold a lot of magic when it is worn and who ever wears it can break the laws of magic. The ultimate armor made and worn by the first mage and only a few people are worthy of wearing it. ''It can't be. How can you have this much power left?'' Ask Minerva confused.

''You harmed the people I care about too much.'' Says Erza. Minerva take a step back in fright.

''D-Don't.'' Mumble Minerva.

''Suffer the consequences.'' Says Erza angry. Minerva is now scared, cause what ever she do, won't work on Erza. She don't know what to do.

''Stop. I... I...'' Even now can't Minerva finish her sentence, that is how scared she is.

''Nakagami Seisai.'' Erza cut the space, not hitting Minerva, but the space does and Minerva is trowed back with scratch body and torn dress. Defeated. That give Fairy Tail five more points and make them have a lead with 63 points. Now there is only one more person for Fairy Tail to defeat. The hole crowd in the arena believes Fairy Tail has the win, but...

''Nine points. If Sting beats all five Fairy Tail members, will he get nine points. Sabertooth would come from behind for the win. You don't think he...'' Announce Chapati and look at Yajima.

''All of the Fairy Tail members are injured.'' Pointed Yajima out.

''He intends to take them all down-kabo.'' Then a light with the Sabertooth symbol shine the sky.

''I am right here. Come and get me, Fairy Tail.''

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