《Fairy Tail's Little Fairy Book 1 (Rewriting)》85) Magic Force


3rd POV

As (Y/N) scream in anger, inside the beaming light with her inside, can everybody feel the pressure rise to a high one. Even higher when (Y/N) confronted Minerva this morning. And talking about Minerva, has she just exit the arena when she feel the scary pressure and look at a Lacrima Vision that was outside the arena. The siluhetto of (Y/N) start growing, not only her features, but also her body. Her hair got out of her messy ponytail and move into three braids on each side and a bow on the back with ribbons, that appeared out of no were, tied into her hair. (The picture is the idea)

Her dress even change, from her small simple dress into something with more forms. The end of the dress is getting more like a butterfly wing. More ribbons appeared again and wrap around the arms and legs. Then the light beam split into six ray and swirl around (Y/N)'s body, coloring the dress. When the six ray disappeared is the child looking (Y/N) there, but a grown up (Y/N) with curves on the right place and a fair C cup chest, showing of her beautiful butterfly like dress. Glitter is danging behind her back, and with one swing of her arms, comes forth wings that is similar to the shield that was around Tenrou Jima when it appeared after seven years. Purple and blue for magic and royalty.

(Y/N)'s open her eyes and her eyes are still pure white. She then fly up into the air with water, earth, wind and fire flying around her right hand and as light, shadow, nature and lightning is around her left hand.

''Wh-What has happen here? (Y/N) Legend has changed a lot.'' Says Chapati Rola as him and everyone are trying to figuring out what happen. But one person know what happen to her.

''Magic Force. That is impossible.'' Says Mavis and get the attention from the other.

''Magic Force? What is that?'' Ask Makarov and look at the First Master.


''Magic Force is like Dragon Force, but much more stronger. The magic in the air flow into the body and give them eternal magic power, but Magic Force has only been used once and that was the First Mage, Galexia. (Y/N)'s mentor. For her to have unlocked that is beyond amazing.'' Says Mavis as (Y/N) swing her hand with the four elements at Maura. She dodge, but the result is still unbelievable. The ground broke and make a deep hole, from there the fire burst up from the hole, water is scolding hot and make unnatural steams as they land on the ground, and the wind blew hard for even Maura to stay still. Maura look at the damage, then at (Y/N), then chuckle.

''I see... It is you all that are giving her the Magic Force. That brat isn't strong enough for such power, so you give her all yours to do this. Clever trick, spirits.'' Praised Maura, but her voice turn venoms.

''You took our queen from us, we will never let you do the same to our princess.'' Says (Y/N), but her voice is so different. So many voices are talking together and are coming from (Y/N)'s mouth. Fairy Tail knew those voices. They are all (Y/N)'s 15 spirits. (Y/N) strike again with her left hand. Maura dodge again and the result is as scary as the other. The ground is covered with light and shadow mass with lightning dancing over it, and small roots grow up from the ground. (Y/N) tries again with both and hit Maura this time, but that didn't stopped Maura. Maura charge at (Y/N) with her staff, ready to strike. The two collide at each other with staff and magic, and neither of them will back off. They separated and (Y/N) quickly called out a sword, engulfing it with golden magic and strike to the right. Maura got a scratch on her stomach, but she ignored the pain and strike again, only to hit shadow.


''Now it makes sense.'' Start Mavis after analyzing (Y/N). ''Her 15 keys are not around her anymore, which means they are inside of her.'' Makarov look closely at (Y/N) as she continue fighting Maura with powerful attacks.

''And it also look like she has mastered all 15 keys, but I know she hasn't yet.'' Added Makarov as Mavis nodded.

''The 15 keys are the one controlling her body and are also the one doing the spells, and they even ending up giving her the Magic Force, just to do this revenge for their queen.'' Says Mavis nervously for the young child. ''If this continue, will this only end bad for (Y/N) herself.''

''Then this fight need to end, now.'' Says Makarov and stand up, but (Y/N) beat him to it.

''Let's finish this now with an ultimate Unison Raid.'' Shouts (Y/N) and raise her right hand into the air, with Fairy Glitter mark appearing on her arm, as a star circle appeared underneath her.

''Will she really combine those two.'' Shouts Mavis scared.

''Ten wo hakari ten wo hiraki. Amaneku subete no hoshiboshi. Sono kagayaki wo motte. Ware ni sugata wo shimese... Tsudoe. Yōsei ni Michibikareshi Hikari no Kawa yo... Tetorabiburosu yo. Ware wa hoshiboshi no shihaisha. Asupekuto wa kanzen nari. Araburu mon wo kaihōseyo... Terase. Jyanaru Kiba wo Messuru Tameni... Zenten hachijūhassei. Hikaru... URANO GLITTER.'' Screamed (Y/N) as all the planets is glowing and the Fairy Glitter is holding Maura at place. The light cover scene and make everyone cover their eyes from the brightness. A huge explosion come afterwards, which everyone waited for dust and light to disappear.

''T-That... W-Won't stop... Me...'' The dust and ligt vanish and the sight is terrifying. Maura is still standing, barely, with su much damage that she should be in coma.

''Then this will. Let the magic be your judge of justice.'' 15 orbs appeared around (Y/N). Maura stab her staff on the ground and make a shield around her. (Y/N) pointed at Maura as the 15 orbs shot at her. Maura scream in pain as she tries to keep the shield up, which is cracking.

''(Y/N) stop it.'' Shouts Erza as she notice the danger.

''This isn't the right way.'' Shouts Gray too.

''This isn't what the guild of Fairy Tail has taught you, (Y/N).'' Added Laxus. (Y/N) look slowly at them, before turning her gaze at Maura, that almost can't keep the shield.

''This... isn't... the... right... way...'' Mumble (Y/N) as she shake her head. That is were she see them. All her spirits, circling around her as their eyes are blood red from anger. This isn't right. Galexia wouldn't want this, (Y/N) wouldn't want this. ''I command you to stop NOW.'' Outside the mind is (Y/N) shaking her head one more time and open her eyes again, this time is it back to normal. (Y/N) stopped her spell and look at Maura. The shield vanish and Maura is still alive.

''We will... see each other again, one day.'' Muttered Maura and vanish. (Y/N) sighed and looked around. All the damage is almost impossible to fix.

''I order you all to fix this.'' Order (Y/N) as her body moved on her own. The 15 keys obeyed and fix the arena until it looks the same. The hole from the Dragon Slayer battle is gone and there aren't anymore magical leftover anywhere. ''Revenge isn't the right way. Not for us.'' After that, shrink (Y/N) back to her normal size and her Magic Force vanish. Her body went limp and make her fall to the ground, but luckily fly Lily in his big form and catch (Y/N) carefully.

''Quickly, get her to Porlyusica.'' Order Makarov as Lily fly the weak girl into the emergency room.

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