《Fairy Tail's Little Fairy Book 1 (Rewriting)》84) Unknown enemy



Who is that lady and why is she saying that I have something that belong to her? I have never meet her my entire life. And her staff is something I have never seen before.

''I don't know who you are and what you want, but leave. I haven't stole anything my entire life.'' I protested and land on the ground with Natsu, Sting and Rogue.

''You haven't stole it, but you have Galexia's keys and those belong to me.'' Says the woman and land on the other site of the big hole.

''No way that they belong to you. My spirits told me that only I can use their powers because of my magical powers within me. If you don't have it, then you don't have the magic to it.'' I defended back. ''And also, do I not know you name. How rude to not introduce yourself.''

''Fine, my name is Maura and I will take those keys with my own hands.'' Says Maura and swing her staff making a wave of dark energy at us. I quickly swing my arms down and cut the wave.

''Oh, my. An unknown enemy has enterfered with the Grand Magic Games and are attacking the young fairy.'' Says Chapati Rola scared.

''(Y/N), I will help you.'' Says Natsu and get into a stand.

''No, you don't have any more magic left. Leave and get Sting and Rogue out of here.'' Says (Y/N) back and jump over the hole with my keys in hand. ''I open there the weapon and armor gate and burning gate, Metal. Fire.''

''No one is touching our princess or our keys.'' Says Fire and swing his arm and send fire at Maura. She block it with her staff. But my spirits doesn't keep her waiting. Metal call out hundred swords like Erza and send them all at Maura and I use Natures magic and make a storm out of leaves.


''Those won't work.'' Says Maura dodging and deflecting our attacks. ''I have spending years in any kind of magic, so your silly attempts won't work on me.''

''Then how about this. Fire, Metal, combo.'' I order. Metal call for more swords around him and charge at Maura. Fire use his flame to surround Metal as he charge at Maura. Metal hit her head on and make her fall back into the stone wall. ''Good job you two, please return back.''

''Not bad kid.'' Praised Maura with venom in her voice and got out of the wall.

''Even with that amazing attack is Maura still standing.'' Says Chapati Rola to the mic. Thanks for pointing the obvious out. Maura glared holes into my skull as she stand with head held up high, to show how strong she is, but it won't scare me. I have seen Erza like that many times, so it isn't scary for me.

''I thought this would be easy because you are a little girl with no experience, but it seems you learn faster than you seems... Time to get serious.'' The last part was like demon is inside of Maura. Her brown eyes turn pure black and I feel a dangerous aura coming from her.

3rd POV

Everyone in the arena could feel the sudden change of Maura, that she is now ready to fight with all she has, and it's going to be really dangerous for poor (Y/N), who isn't fully ready to face a stronger opponent like Maura, that she doesn't know what kind of power she has unlike it is pure darkness.

''(Y/N) is in danger, we have to help her.'' Says master Makarov and try to jump into the arena, but a barrier is blocking him. A barrier that reach over the audience, but leave the air open.

''No one entefrier with this battle.'' Shouts Maura and charge at (Y/N) with dark energy around her body. (Y/N) didn't dodge in time and get hit. (Y/N) screamed and fall down the broken arena ground, but she quickly flap her wings and get up, still in pain but won't stop fighting. She need to protect her keys.


''I am from a guild that fight until we no longer can stand.'' Mumble (Y/N) and take all of her keys out. She need to be quick, so she will hit Maura with her strongest spell. All 15 keys circle around her as they glow brightly. ''Rainbow of Magic.'' Powerful and colorful light beams strike down to the ground, just like Sting's Holy Ray. Maura make a shield, but still get hit from behind.

''You little...'' Maura send beam at (Y/N), but she flip around it in mid air. Maura tried again and hit her this time. The blast was so strong that (Y/N) hit the barrier and even broke through it and into Sabertooth's booth, crashing into the seats with rumbles falling on her. The keys followed her, but fall right in front of the rumbles. ''Finally. Now I can get take the keys without that peasant in my way.'' Says Maura, flying up to have a closer look and lift her left hand. The 15 keys float up and slowly flying towards her, but one person took them.

''I remember her saying that these keys doesn't belong to you.'' Says Rufus. He remember something his mother told him when (Y/N) was born, that never let anyone have the 15 keys.

''I thought Sabertooth hated Fairy Tail?'' Says Maura angrily at Rufus for stopping her getting the keys.

''We are, but you aren't part of these games or in any guild for the matter, so letting an outside crash into the games and take magic from (Y/N), is something we can't let happen. Not Sabertooth, not everyone here.'' Says Rufus back and look back, where Orga is helpint (Y/N) out of the rumbles. She is scratched, hurt and filled with pain. Rufus walk over to her and give her one of the keys, Poison's key. (Y/N) take it and heal herself, which make Maura angry.

''I don't care if they belong to me or not. I want their powers. I want my right to return back to me. I should have taken them from that bastard right away when I started the fire twelve years ago.'' Shout Maura in pure rage. (Y/N) blinked for a second and remember the fire. The fire that killed her parents. The fire twelve years ago.

''You killed my parents...'' Mumble (Y/N). The keys in Rufus hand glowed as (Y/N) feel her blood bubble of pure rage. ''It was you who killed my parents, isn't it?''

''Oh, so that bastard had a daughter, unbelievable you survived that. You should have heard them scream in pain as the fire killed them and send them to hell. The same place I will send you.'' Shouts Maura proudly and send another dark beam at the Sabertooth's booth, but it got sucked into a black hole, made by (Y/N) herself. She then take the remaining 14 keys from Rufus hand and make them fly around her again, but this is different than Rainbow of Magic, this is a power up. A strong power up. (Y/N)'s (E/C) eyes turned pure white as the keys beam up to the sky with (Y/N) inside of it. Her scream is not one in pain, but like Mirajane when she used her magic again after so long, when fighting Freed. Her small silhouette could be seen, as it change into something different. Everyone has one thing in their heads.

'What is going on?'

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