《Fairy Tail's Little Fairy Book 1 (Rewriting)》83) End of fourth day?


3rd POV

Natsu challenge Sting and Rogue to battle them all by himself, after he send Gajeel in a miner cart. Where Gajeel is now is unknown, but the battle of Dragon Slayers still continues.

''You can take us on by yourself? You are just messing with us...'' Mumble Sting as his blood boil.

''I have no business with you. Let me fight Gajeel.'' Grumble Rogue who's blood is also boiling.

''You want Gajeel, you gotta go through me.'' Mocked Natsu. Both Sting and Rogue activate Dragon Forces again.

''Dragon Force is the power of a dragon. There is nothing more powerful in this world.'' Shouts Sting and punch Natsu with light, but Natsu blocked it with ease.

''Maybe your power's half-baked... but I know someone who is stronger than her looks. Lucy may seems weak, but she has a strong heart and will, the same goes to (Y/N). A young child with to much power in her hands that she almost can't have a normal childhood. People like those are stronger than you think.'' Says Natsu and smile at Sting attempt.

''Stronger than you think, half-baked powers, huh? My powers is complete. This is the power I used to kill Vicelogia.'' Yelled Sting.

''I see. Then I will use my power... to fight for my friends who were laughed at.'' Says Natsu and lit his body in flames. He then punch Sting away and see Rogue attack with his Roar. Natsu roar back to block it.

''That was nothing.'' Shouts Sting and get back up.

''Frosch... I... I can still fight.'' Says Rogue and ran at Natsu.

''Bring it on.'' Challenge Natsu with a smirk. The two Twin Dragons attack from each side of Natsu, but both blocked and pushed away. No matter what Sting and Rogue attack with, blocked Natsu and attack back with his own tricks.

''H-He's strong...'' Praise Lily.

''That's Natsu.'' Says Happy happily.

''But where did Gajeel go?'' Wondered Lily and sweatdropped.

''I am scared of what will happen when he comes back...'' Says Happy and sweatdropped too. At the battle punched Natsu both Sting and Rogue. Sting try to roar again, but Natsu dodge and flip around, avoiding the laser beam and roar himself.


''Het, is this for real?'' Ask Orga and look at the Lacrima Vision.

''I have no memory of seeing the power of the Dragon Force losing ground like this.'' Says Rufus, also surprised at the view.

''Power, eh?'' Mumble Minerva, who doesn't like what she sees. At this point in the battle, is Sting and Rogue really angry that they can't defeat Natsu even in Dragon Force, which make them do their final move.

''Sting.'' Shouts Rogue and make a huge shadow ball behind him.

''Yeah.'' Shouts Sting and make a ball of light behind him. The two balls are getting bigger and bigger, making the hole ground shake of the pressure that is coming from it.

''This feeling... The quality of the magic has changed again.'' Pointed Juvia out.

''The magic of those two has begun to merge.'' Says Mira amazed.

''They are making an Unison Raid.'' Says (Y/N) and studied their movements of body and magic.

''Pretty much. But will Natsu handle that?'' Ask Romeo and look at (Y/N), who only shrugged.

''Unison Raid.'' Says Makarov impressed of the next attack.

''Their will, breathing and magic have combined perfectly into one power.'' Says Mavis and look at (Y/N). ''Impressive you could figured it out, (Y/N). You really have a strong knowledge in magic.''

''I have 15 teachers, what is the change that I don't know things like these?'' Joked (Y/N) and look at the screen. The two energy balls that Sting and Rogue made disappeared, only to be in their palm of hands and make one combined between them. A light and shadow combination. Two different type of magic that is opposite to the other, can be each others weakness, but in this situation is it their strongest magic.

''Yajima-san, what the heck is that?'' Ask Chapati Rola.

''Unison Raid. It is so-called Uniting Magic. It's high level magic that in general can't be mastered even if you devote your whole life to it.'' Explained Yajima so that the audience understand the situation.


''Seieiryū Senga.'' Chanted the two and send a mega beam of magic at Natsu, who won't move at all.

''He is not moving. He intends to take it.'' Says Lily impressed while Happy is scared for his partner.

''He will make it, we just have to believe in him, right?'' Says (Y/N) and stand up on the railing and lift up her right hand, making the Fairy Tail signal. All the other follow her, sending their hopes to Natsu in that specific hand sign.

''Dragon Slayer Secret Art.'' Chanted Natsu with flames ready in his hands. ''Guren Bakuenjin.'' The explosive flames break the Unison Raid and hit the Twin Dragons direct on, also making the Lacrima Vision go down.

''Oh, my. It looks like the mega-moves of both sides ended the match... It's like an earthquake here. Apparently, the live feed lacrima is experiencing technical difficulties, so please sit tight a little longer.'' Informed Chapati Rola to calm the audience from the surprising earthquake. The shaking stops and Lacrima Vision on again and are showing both Sting and Rogue fall down to the ground, not moving at all anymore. ''Th-This is... The last one standing is Natsu Dragneel. It's Fairy Tail. He broke the Twin Dragons. The winner is Fairy Tail.'' The hole crowd cheered as Natsu laugh in victory. ''With this, they have leaped to first place. And this bring an end to the fourth day of the Grand Magic Games.''

''He did it, yay.'' Cheered (Y/N) and jump.

''Oi, be carefull, (Y/N).'' Says Jet and hug her to make sure she doesn't fall down.

''After on day off, we will be back the day after tomorrow with the final battle. The last day... will feature a survival battle, with all of the members participating. Which guild will achieve victory in the end? Don't let anyone miss it.'' Announce Chapati Rola full of energy. All the other teams are thinking of the same thing after this battle, to defeat Fairy Tail at the last day. When the crowd calmed down, walk Natsu closer to Sting and Rogue and smile.

''Let's fight again sometime.'' Says Natsu and smile brightly. Then (Y/N) appeared out of no were and jump on Natsu's back.

''Yay, you won Natsu. It was so amazing. I have learned so much by watching.'' Praised (Y/N) and hug Natsu from behind and start healing him a little.

''Good to know you had fun, (Y/N).'' Says Natsu and make (Y/N) come down. (Y/N) then went to Sting and Rogue and start healing them, just so they can move again without being in to much pain.

''Wh-Why are you helping us?'' Ask Sting and starting moving to sit up.

''Because I has always been thought to be nice and help others out, even if they have been mean to me. I need to be a good example for those in the dark path, right Natsu?'' Says (Y/N) and look at Natsu.

''That's right.'' Says Natsu and pat (Y/N)'s head. Before Sting could ask further, comes and explosion on the stadium, which makes some rocks fall down. (Y/N) quickly make a barrier to protect them all. ''What is going all?''

''Let's get up.'' Says (Y/N) and use air magic to lift them up. When they arrive at the top is everyone scared and some are pointing to the sky. The four look at what they where pointing at and saw a tanned women standing in the open air with staff in hand.

''(Y/N) Legend. I have been awaited you, cause you have something that rightfully belong to me and I am here to avenge my rightful place as the first mage in the hole world.'' Says the women and pointed her staff at (Y/N). The only thing in the six year old's mind is...


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