《Fairy Tail's Little Fairy Book 1 (Rewriting)》82) Four Dragon Slayer


3rd POV

''Here I go, Natsu-san. Dragon Slayer Secret Art. Holy Nova.'' Sting jump right at Natsu with a right fist of pure light. The magic makes a lot of wind, which make everyone to cover their eyes of both the light and the wind. Natsu for the matter, stayed still. For a second, thought Sting he won. That he finally surpassed Natsu, but when the dust fall down and the view was clear, stand Natsu there, holding Sting's fist.

''Whoa. What is this? He stopped that tremendous attack with one hand.'' Says Chapati Rola when he saw the result of the attack.

''No way...'' Mumble Orga at Sabertooth booth.

''I have no memory of that skill ever being blocked.'' Says Rufus, also surprised.

''I see... Now it makes sense why he would storm into our inn on his own. I wonder what I could have seen if I hadn't stopped him then...'' Says Minerva with a smirk.

''Yajima-san, what do you make of this?'' Ask Chapati Rola to his fellow commentator. He doesn't answer at all as the battle continue. Rogue tried to his Gajeel from behind again, but Gajeel punch him away. Natsu and Gajeel are kicking Sting and Rogue, so that they hit each others back, then got kicked again.

''They belong to totally different ranks.'' Answered Yajima as Natsu and Gajeel continue attack. Then they paused to see what's gonna happen next. Sting and Rogue are on the ground not moving for a second.

''Wh-Who could have foreseen this development?'' Ask Chapati Rola as Sting and Rogue are trying to stand up. ''The Twin Dragons of Sabertooth, helpless before Fairy Tail. Will the match end like this?''

''Like hell it will end...'' Mumble Rogue and finally stand up. Is cape is ripped half up.

''Yeah... I knew this wasn't gonna be an easy wall to get over...'' Says Sting and stand up, doing a little stretch to his back. Then he remember the promise he made to Lector long ago. ''I know, Lector... We made a promise, right? I am not gonna lose.'' Sting get serious and weird markings are coming fort on his skin. The same with Rogue. ''I can't lose... For Lector's sake...''


''What the hell is this magic?'' Ask Gajeel to Natsu.

''They are...'' Natsu isn't sure either, but he has an idea.

''Wh-What is this...?'' Muttered master Makarov shocked at the magical pressure.

''How can they activate it on their own will?'' Wondered (Y/N) out loud.

''Dragon Force...'' Mumble Mavis.

''Natsu kinda looked like that at the Tower of Heaven...'' Says Gray to Erza.

''Yeah. Except... he gained the power then by eating Etherion.'' Says Erza.

''How do you get Dragon Force?'' Ask Romeo and look at (Y/N).

''Dragon told me that the key to get Dragon Force, is by having a huge among of magic inside of you or eat an huge among of magic from a magical source. But to activate at own will is something new.'' Explained (Y/N) and can't take her eyes of the Twin Dragons.

''Rogue. Hang back. I can take both of them on by myself.'' Says Sting with a smirk and step forward.

''U-Until just a minute ago, Sabertooth was being dominated. Unbelievably, he is challenged both of them.'' Says Chapati Rola.

''That's how much confidence he has, huh?'' Wondered Yajima.

''They are looking down on us...'' Says Gajeel to Natsu

''But this feeling... He is strong.'' Says Natsu back and glared at Sting. Five second later jump Sting at Natsu and punch him hard, making him fly away. Gajeel tried to kick him, but Sting dodge and send a energy ball of light. Natsu flip around and land his feet on the wall, then burst flame out of his leg to fly directly at Sting. Gajeel also got his feet to the ground and jump at Sting. Together punch Gajeel and Natsu at Sting, but he deflect all the punches. Sting then make the two clash into each other and jump into the air.

''Hakuryū no Hōrī Buresu.'' Chanted Sting and roar a stream of light out of his mouth and at Natsu and Gajeel. The hole arena shake and the floor is now broken

''Oh, dear. What is going on here? The floor of the arena is...'' Says Chapati Rola out of words. The Lacrima Vision turn on to see what is happening at the bottom of the hole. ''It seems the battlefield is moving underneath the arena, but the match will continue. Everyone, please enjoy it on Lacrima Vision.''


''I am just getting started.'' Says Sting and follow down the pit after Natsu and Gajeel. Natsu land on a falling rock and jump at Sting in his Sword Horn of the Fire Dragon and hit him. Gajeel then come from behind with his Roar of the Iron Dragon. Sting land on the ground first, but that doesn't stop him.

''The light of the White Dragon purifies all things... Holy Ray.'' Multiple light arrows fly out of Stings hand and hit directly at Natsu and Gajeel. And that is not all. When Natsu land on the ground, attack Sting yet again and make Natsu fly into the wall of rocks. Natsu and Gajeel try everything they can, but can't seems to hit Sting at all. At some point, lay Natsu and Gajeel on the ground, not moving. Rogue then come down and join Sting. Up at the Fairy Tail booth is everyone trying to get them up, telling them that they can continue and that they believe in them.

''Natsu-nii, stand up.'' Shouts Romeo.

''Gajeel, Natsu, please stand up and prove that Fairy Tail is the strongest.'' Shouts (Y/N) with small tears in her eyes.

''You can hear our voice, can't you? The guild's thoughts are one.'' Shouts Erza.

''Sting...'' Says Rogue and stand beside his partner.

''Yeah... Sorry I took Gajeel-san down, too. But you know... I kept my promise.'' Says Sting.

''Don't be too hasty...'' Says Natsu and stand up along with Gajeel. The hole crowd cheered when the two stand up, because it means the battle isn't over yet.

''You are better than I thought.'' Says Gajeel and stretch his neck and Natsu are scratching his head.

''But I saw through all of your habits.'' Says Natsu and smirk at the Twin Dragons.

''What?'' Mumble Sting and Rogue is shocked too.

''Your attack timing... Your posture when your defend... Even the rhythm of your breathing...'' Says Natsu while Gajeel is scratching his hair.

''What. That's ridiculous. I am using Dragon Force.'' Says Sting back angrily.

''Yeah, and it packs a wallop. My body aches all over, dammit.'' Says Natsu and roll his shoulder, getting a lot of cracking noise.

''Don't get rattled, Sting. He is bluffing.'' Says Rogue. Gajeel then chuckle and smirk.

''Bluffing, you say? You really think the Salamander can pull off a trick that requires using his brain?'' Mocked Gajeel and look at Natsu with his smirked on his face.

''Oh, shut up. For example, when you attack, your pivot foot is facing 11:00.'' Says Natsu.

''Nah, it's 10:00.'' Corrected Gajeel

''It's 11:00.'' Says Natsu back and look at Gajeel. They both bump their head into each others continue arguing.

''I could let you slide with 10:30, but not 11:00.'' Says Gajeel angrily.

''I say it's 11:00. 23:00 is fine, too.'' Grumble Natsu back.

''That is going around 360 degrees.'' Says Gajeel and start fighting Natsu like the bunch of kids they can be in the guildhall. Sting and Rogue are unsure what is happening while the hole Fairy Tail is embarrassed of the situation. Then Natsu push Gajeel into a mine cart.

''Clam it, already.'' Says Natsu and pull the leaver, making the cart start.

''Wha... Hey. You bastard.'' Gajeel yell as the cart drove and fall down.

''Wh-What are you doing?'' Ask Sting unsure.

''Gajeel...'' Says Rogue, who only want to fight the Iron Dragon.

''I have totally gotta pay you back for looking down on us. I can take both of you on by myself.'' Says Natsu and lit his finger, making the words 'Come on' appear. ''Go ahead, attack me at the same time.''

''Oh, boy. Now Natsu Dragneel of Fairy Tail is challenging the two of them to a battle.'' Says Chapati Rola shocked.

''You are fired up, ain'tcha?'' Challenge Natsu with a big smile on his face.

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