《Fairy Tail's Little Fairy Book 1 (Rewriting)》81) Dragon slayers vs dragon slayers


3rd POV

The third and final double battle is getting ready to start. The battle between Fairy Tail and Sabertooth.

''I am sure all of our viewers have been eagerly looking forward to this battle. A fateful showdown between the guild that was called the strongest seven years ago and the current strongest guild. Fairy Tail Natsu and Gajeel versus Sabertooth's Sting and Rogue. And all four of them are Dragon Slayers. All four possess anti-dragon magic. The dream Dragon Slayer showdown is finally happening.'' Says Chapati Rola as the crowd is cheering for the next battle.

''Sock it to them.'' Cheered Gray for his two teammates.

''Get them for us, too.'' Says Laxus.

''I have faith you will win.'' Says Erza next with a smile.

''The time to clash is here at last. Who will win, Fairy or Tiger? All four dragons are on the battlefield.'' Says Chapati Rola and pointed out that the game will begin.

''Fight to the best of your ability. There is nothing else to say.'' Says master Makarov and glared at master Jiemma, who is sitting with the public.

''Both team has magic that is the complete opposite of the other, light and shadow, fire and iron, which make it hard to fight together individually, but if they can fight together as a team, will they reach new high of ability.'' Says (Y/N) wise and look at Makarov and Mavis. ''Silver thought me that.''

''Then he is right.'' Praised Mavis and look down at the field.

''I have been looking forward to it, too-kabo. The time limit is 30 minutes. Let the match begin.'' Announce the mascot and start the battle.

''Here I go.'' Says Sting and start running.

''Yeah.'' Mumble Rogue and follow him, but as Sting run towards Natsu and Gajeel, comes both of them in full speed and punch the two Sabertooth right on the face. And that is not all. As Sting fly through the air from that punch, comes Natsu one more time and kick him. Sting land on the ground, looking angrily.


''Hakuryū no Hōkō.'' Cast Sting as a breath of pure light shoot at Natsu. Natsu dodge, shocked that it is like a laser. Then Sting make the roar go towards Gajeel, which also dodge. Rogue take the opportunity and attack Gajeel.

''Eiryū no Zangeki.'' Gajeel make is arm turn into a spiky sword and block Rogue's attack. Gajeel chuckle at the attempt and trow Rouge away.

''Rogue.'' Shouts Sting. Then Natsu come out of the dust with Rogue and use him to hit Sting.

''Karyū no Yokugeki.'' Shouts Natsu and burst his hands into flames.

''W-What is this? Sting and Rogue... The Twin Dragons of Fiore's strongest guild are on the ropes.'' Says Chapati Rola shocked.

''He really is strong... But i would be disappointed otherwise.'' Says Sting with a smile. He has waited for this day, the day he would fought Natsu.

''Gajeel...'' Mumble Rogue.

''Did you two really defeat dragons with power like that?'' Ask Natsu.

''Not defeat... I killed a dragon with this very hand.'' Says Sting proudly.

''Wasn't it your parent?'' Ask Natsu again, not believing in Sting.

''It's got nothing to do with you. From now, I am gonna show you the power that killed a dragon.'' (Y/N) crock her head at that. ''White Drive...'' Mumble Sting as his body light up.

''Shadow Drive.'' Mumble Rogue as darkness cover his body.

''No way. The have achieved that?'' Muttered (Y/N).

''Achieved what, (Y/N)?'' Ask Levi.

''They say that is the power that killed a dragon, but Dragon told me that a Drive is more like a boost, a Second Origin, but their refleks and speed would also increase.'' Answered (Y/N) and amazed that they got it. Dragon told her it is hard to achieve the Drive ability, so how did they get it?

''Sting and Rogue, the Twin Dragons of Sabertooth... Dragon Slayers, like Natsu and Gajeel... But their magic is still an unknown... Well, let's see what happens...'' Says master Makarov.


''I think they are done testing each other. From here on in, they are going to get serious, so let's really cheer them on.'' Says first master Mavis.

''And remember what I said before.'' Pointed (Y/N) out.

''Alright, the silent face-off continues... but the entire arena is filled with tension. Which side will make the first move?'' Says Chapati Rola to the audience. Within second run Sting at full speed at Natsu with a fist of light. ''Sabertooth's Sting makes his move. Fairy Tail's Natsu held it back.''

''Receive Hole White Judgment.'' Says Sting and start punching Natsu in unnatural speed.

''Salamander.'' Shouts Gajeel and ignore Rogue. Then Gajeel notice that Rogue is coming in a shadow form. Gajeel tried punching and kicking, but hit only shadow.

''Oh, my. It looks like Fairy Tail's Gajeel is at the mercy of Rogue's Shadow Drive.'' Says Chapati Rola.

''You can't get ahold of shadows.'' Mumble Rogue and turn into a shadow, moving directly at Gajeel. Gajeel tried cutting him with an iron sword arm, but hit again nothing. Rogue use his elbow to hit Gajeel on the face and Sting kick Natsu in the face. The two Fairy Tail member hit each other, back on back.

''Don't get in my way.'' Shouts both Natsu and Gajeel to each other.

''Squabbling in the middle of a match? You guys sure have confidence.'' Laugh Sting above them with Rogue. They land on top of Natsu and Gajeel.

''What the hell? You have gotten faster for some reason...'' Mumble Natsu as Sting attack him again.

''Come on, come on, Natsu-san. You call that defense?'' Mocked Sting. Gajeel and Rogue are punching each other, but Rogue manage to got Gajeel's headband.

''Tch. I got that headband special created you little punk.'' Says Gajeel and try to punch Rogue, but he jump away and land beside Sting, then speed running together and attack Natsu and Gajeel.

''I admired you for the longest time. And then I set my sight on surpassing you. Now is that time.'' Says Sting and punch Natsu on the stomach, making a Magic Circle there.

''C-Can't.... move.'' Grumble Natsu and tried to move, but he stays put.

'*The Claw of the White Dragon is a holy attack. A body that's marked by its stigmata loses its freedom.'' Explained Sting with a smirk. ''And with this, I will surpass you.'' As for Gajeel does he have a hard time hitting Rogue in his shadow form.

''The dragon that becomes shadow hides its form. It always take down its prey.'' Says Rogue and attack from behind. But Gajeel grab his right arm like it was nothing.

''It always take down... What is it? Don't get too stuck on yourselves, brats.'' Ask Gajeel and elbow Rogue. ''And don't make light of Fairy Tail.''

''Get them, Natsu.'' Shouts Happy as Sting run at Natsu with an attack ready. Natsu smile which make Sting hesitate for a second. Natsu then move and punch Sting with a fire fist, which surprise Sting.

''How can you move?'' Ask Sting and look closer. ''You burned off the stigmata.''

''Not too shabby...'' Says Natsu while smiling. ''But you have got a ways to go.'' Togther hit Natsu and Gajeel Sting and Rogue and make them crash into the wall.

''Oh, my. The course of the battle has just shifted again.'' Announce Chapati Rola as Gajeel and Natsu hit Sting and Rogue.

''You guys really are the best.'' Says Sting and get into a stance, which (Y/N) knew right away what it is. ''We have to give this our all and then some. The Fist of the White Dragon even reduces flames to smithereens.''

''S-So bright. Yajima-san, what is this?'' Ask Chapati Rola and can't see anything from the light.

''Sting-kun is concentrating his magic into a single point.'' Informed Yajima.

''Here I go, Natsu-san. Dragon Slayer Secret Art. Holy Nova.''

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