《Fairy Tail's Little Fairy Book 1 (Rewriting)》80) Lamia vs Mermaid



The second battle is about to happen. It is Lamia Scale versus Mermaid Heel. I am excited to see how this battle will end with.

''I hope Mermaid Heel wins. I have known Millianna since the Tower of Heaven business, see.'' Says Happy and look at Levi.

''I guess I am rooting for Lamia Scale. They have been a big help.'' Says Levi back.

''Me to. We even thought together with Blue Pegasus.'' I added.

''Certainly, we have a history with Lamia Scale...'' Starts Macao.

''... but all the Mermaid Heel wizards are beauties, right?'' Finish Wakaba with all the other boys beside him, blushing.

''Boys.'' I whispered to Levy.

''Yeah.'' Agreed Levi and giggle with me. ''Juvia, I guess you are cheering for Lyon, huh?''

''You have been approached by Lyon more than once, right?'' Ask Cana and sit beside Juvia with Mirajane on the other side.

''Having a woman's heart, you must be interested, right?'' Ask Mira cheerfully.

''Juvia... Juvia...'' It seems Juvia is imagining something again about Gray. This would probably gonna take some time before she return back to us. ''No. As a member of the guild, Juvia is a bad girl for wishing Injuries on her comrades. But Juvia wants to be with Gray-sama's side. AND YET... Juvia doesn't want her guildmates to get hurt. What should Juvia do?'' Complained Juvia more likely to herself.

''W-What's wrong, Juvia?'' Ask Levy nervously and worried for her comrade. I return my gaze back to the field, as the battle is getting ready to start.

''After this match is over, the next one is between Fairy Tail and Sabertooth at last.'' Says grandpa to Mavis.

''All we need to do is have faith in them. Let's take a load off and wait... WOAHH.'' Says Mavis and tripped as she was about to sit down.

''First Master.'' Says grandpa worried, but does he remember that she is a ghost?

3rd POV

Right before the battle starts, tells Kagura that Millianna should battle alone if she wanna reach her goal.


''Our opponents are two women. But if we don't go all out against those two, it's doubtful that we will achieve victory.'' Says Yuka to Lyon.

''That's because Kagura is one of them. But if I strut my stuff for her... I am sure she will think more highly of me.'' Says Lyon and at Juvia with loveful eyes.

''Hey, that might be a little cocky...'' Says Yuka and sweatdropped at Lyon. After five more minutes, rings the start bell and Millianna start attacking right away.

''Nikosoku Tube.'' Chant Millianna, but Lyon and Yuka dodge in time. But Millianna doesn't stop from there. She get her Cat Binding Tube in her hand and wipe it like a whip. ''Kagura-chan doesn't need to take part.''

''They are really making light of us...'' Says Sherry to her cousin.

''They must be confident...'' Says Cherry

''You... Mermaid Heel... Lyon. Yuka. Do whatever you have to do to win. Show them how strong we are.'' Grumble master Obaba from Lamia Scale.

''Kagura is just watching?'' Pointed Yuka out.

''In that case, let's rag her to the party. Ice Make: Eagle.'' Lyon sends ice made birds at Kagura, but Millianna block it with her Cat Binding Tube.

''Don't ignore me.'' Yuka tch at Millianna and block her whip with his wave, but Millianna dodge gracefully like a cat. Then Millianna use her Kitten Blast, but only to blind Yuka and land on him with lots of punches. ''Niko Punch. Niko Punch. Punch.''

''There it is. The first attack that's landed is by Mermaid Heel.'' Says Chapati Rola.

''She is totally relaxed as she fights. Maybe it's because she feels secure with Kagura behind her.'' Praised Erza.

''You ain't seen nothing yet. I train with Kagura-chan every day.'' Says Millianna and take off her gloves. ''Secret weapon. Scratch attack. What's wrong? You are not putting up any resistance.''

''This is a surprise. Those two are the go-to wizards of Lamia Scale, but Millianna isn't giving an inch.'' Says Chapati Rola.


''It seems that both of her opponents are flummoxed by her quick, cat-like moves.'' Commented Yajima.

''Ow... That girl is better than I thought...'' Admitted Yuka.

''If she weren't, it wouldn't be interesting.'' Informed Lyon. Millianna do her Cat Binding Tube, which Yuka blocked.

''But... my wave can nullify magic attacks.'' Millianna smirked at that information.

''Huh. In that case, how is this? Nikosoku Tube. Double. Triple. Uh... A lot.'' Millianna was unsure what the name is for four. Yuka blocked all the Binding Tubes, accept one that got his left arm, but Lyon cut it. ''You are wasting your energy.'' This time she got them both.

''At this rate, I won't be able to look cool in front of Juvia. But... I have brains as well as techniques. This is the only thing to do against a cat opponent. Ice Make: Mouse.'' Chant Lyon and make a small ice mouse. Millianna let go of the two and chase after the mouse.

''Don't insult my intelligence.'' Shouts Millianna after figuring Lyon's plan out. Lyon smirked and made a blizzard. Millianna shiver and found shelter in a kotatsu. ''Would you stop treating me like a cat?''

''Did you see that, Juvia? My beautiful brain play.'' Lyon look at Juvia, who is disgusted by it. Poor Lyon. As the time runs out, decided Lyon to finish Millianna, by chasing her with a ice tiger, which is scaring her and make her run into the stone wall. Knocked out. Kagura then walk forth and ready to fight. Yuka try first to attack Kagura, but he missed.

''An attack that nullifies your opponent's magic, eh? However...'' Says Kagura and use her sheathed sword to hit another wave. ''...It's meaningless if your opponent doesn't use magic attacks.''

''Good heavens. Mermaid Heel's Kagura... is overpowering her opponent with her sheathed sword.'' Commended Chapati Rola. Yuka try one more time, but was to slow for Kagura. She finish him off with one hit. Now is it only Lyon and Kagura that is left. The two talk for a moment, when Lyon attacked first, but Kagura dodge them all and attack Lyon with her sheathed swords. ''Kagura really is strong. Is Lyon powerless to do anything?'' Then Gray shouted to Lyon and remind him who he is and that he is a disciple of Ur.

''Yeah. And we are running out of time... Ice Make: Snow Tiger. Ice Make: Snow Abe. Ice Make: Snow Dragon. I bet not even you will be able to escape this.'' Mocked Lyon with his three creation around him. As the three attack Kagura, does she only dodge them all.

''You can create all these at the same time? Still...'' Now Kagura use her magic. Gravity Change.

''Amazing. Her Gravity magic is really strong.'' Admired (Y/N) with an amazed glint in her eyes. Kagura then jump and destroy the three ice creature.

''It ends here.'' Says Kagura and fly directly at Lyon, but pause when the bell ringed. They are face to face as the battle ended in a draw.

''Time's up. 30 Minutes have passed. It's a tie-kabo.'' Says the mascot.

''The crowd is still pumped up here at the arena. But don't take your eyes off of the next battle.'' Says Chapati Rola and remind the crowd that there is still one more battle for the fourth day.

''At last.'' Cheered Mavis.

''Yep. At last...'' Says Macao.

''At lond last.'' Says Wakaba to.

''Finally.'' Says Levi.

''...the time has come.'' Cheered Cana and fist pump.

''Natsu-san, Gajeel-kun, don't get hurt. No injuries. Nobody is allowed to get hurt.'' Screamed Juvia which gets everyone's attention.

''Why are you so obsessed with injuries?'' Ask Mirajane confused.

''I know this will be rough battle, but this will show that Fairy Tail isn't someone you should mess with.'' Says (Y/N). She is so ready to see this battle.

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