《Fairy Tail's Little Fairy Book 1 (Rewriting)》77) Naval Battle



The fourth day of Grand Magic Game and the competition today is ready, which is apparently a big sphere of water. I wonder what the rules are.

''Day four of the Grand Magic Games. In just a moment, today's competition will begin. The name of the competition is 'Naval Battle'. In other words, a sea battle.'' Says Chapati Rola. I sit beside Mavis, excited for this competition. ''Any player who leaves the sphere of water is out. The last person to remain in the sphere is the winner. However, when it gets down to two people left, a special rule will com into effect. That's the five-minute rule. When there are two players left, they've got five minutes. The one person who leaves the sphere during that time will be in last place.''

''So it's basically a sumo match in water.'' Pointed Yajima out.

''I can't wait. Thank you very much for inviting me.'' Oh no, not him. I remember him after the accident with the theater request seven years ago.

''Our guest today is Rabian-san, leader of the Scheherazade Theatrical Troupe.'' Says Chapati Rola. I look at the booths for each of the participating teams and they all jump into the sphere of water. ''All of the teams are entering the water. From Lamia Scale, Cheria. From Blue Pegasus, Jenny. From Mermaid Hell, Risley. Juvia from Fairy Tail B has also entered the water.'' Then the women I meet entered the water.

''Sabertooth's Minerva has arrived.'' The hole area cheered of exitment. She is really popular.

''There she is... Minerva. Listen to those cheers.'' I look at the Sabertooth booth and they all seems confident that they will win this competition.

''Sabertooth certainly did choose their top five strongest to compete.'' Says Yajima to the mic.

''Arigatou gousarimatsu.'' Says Rabian.

''And Lucy from Fairy Tail A. What a gorgeous tapestry we got before us. All of the players are female and they are wearing swimsuits.'' Hey, he forgot the one from Quatro Cerberus. ''The rules are simple. If you leave the water, you are out. In just a moment, the Naval Battle will begin.'' Says Chapati Rola and finish introduce the participates and the rules.


''I think this match is Juvia's to lose.'' Says Lisanna from the seats behind me.

''I dunno... Lucy can use plenty of other Celestial Spirits beyond Aquarius.'' Says Wakaba

''We probably shouldn't make light of Mermaid Hell either. After all, they do have 'mermaid' in their name.'' Pointed Jet out.

''That Minerva looks like a tough customer, too...'' Added Droy.

''Lu-chan, do your best.'' Cheered Levy. I look at Minerva and remember how she called Happy, bindet and crying, out of the blue. The gong sound, saying the game has startet.

''Sorry, everyone, but right off the bat... Open. Gate of the Water Bearer. Aquarius.'' Lucy start of first and called Aquarius out. And at first she looked proud, but when she spot the other did she get angry.

''Water is my garden.'' Yelled Aquarius and make a swirl of pure water come out of her vase. Four of the participates gets in the spiral, screaming.

''Oh, no you don't. Water Cyclone.'' Chant Juvia and hit her own water spiral with Aquarius.

''Juvia's and Aquarius attacks are colliding head on.'' Says Wakaba a little amazed.

''We got a highlight right away.'' Says Levy.

''Wow. I wonder which of them is stronger?'' Wondered Lisanna excited. While Juvia and Aquarius are battle against each other, took Jenny the change and kick the guy from Quatro Cerberus, or should I say Quatro Puppy. The crowd doesn't care, only for the women's in swimsuits. Then Cheria start attacking to at Risley, but she manipulated the gravity and make herself skinny. Just as the competition could get any better, decided Aquarius to go on a date.

''I totally forgot she dated Scorpio and they date all the time.'' I mumble and thought of those two along with Fire and Water that is like the same. At least will they stay if I call for them than Aquarius. Juvia took the change to get Lucy, but Lucy called out Virgo and Aries just in time. All the boys in the area cheered at the two spirits. Boys.

''Fairy Tail Wendy-tan. It looks like she wants to get in on the action, too.'' Says Chapati. I look over to their booth to look at Wendy.


''Well, her match did end in a draw yesterday.'' Pointed Yajima out.

''She is a good as saying, 'this time for sure, I want to beat Cheria with my own hands'.'' He took it wrong.

''I am not thinking that at all.'' Shouts Wendy back.

''I wanted to see Wendy-tan fight... Arigatou gousarimatsu for helping my troupe last time.'' Says Rabian.

''Fairy Tail A. Why didn't you let Wendy-tan do this one?'' Asked Chapati. I quickly look at Lucy and she is getting annoyed by this.

''It's not too late. Switch her in. Arigatou gousarimatsu.'' Lucy look at the three commentators, really angry.

''Urusai.'' Shouts Lucy. Juvia notice the quietness in the competition and make a big move. A move that took out Jenny, Risley and Cheria with ease. Aries fluffy guard held on and protected Lucy and Minerva is still floating at the same spot.

''Would you believe it? Juvia has knocked out three at once. In a water battle, Juvia is unbeatable.'' Cheered Chapati Rola. We at the Fairy Tail booth cheered for Juvia as well, she did very good, but for some reason is she suddenly out of the water, out of the competition. ''She was outstanding, but unfortunately, she is out. But even so, for third place, her team gets six points.''

''That was Minerva's doing.'' I mumble to myself, but Mavis heard me.

''Minerva? What do you mean?'' Ask Mavis quietly to me.

''I can use any kind of magic there exist, but sometime I need time to understand a magic I haven't heard or seen before. Minerva is new, but the same time not. Silver told me about this, but said I can't master it yet. Territory.'' I whispered back and look at Mavis right in her green eyes.

''Territory... Please tell me more after we return to the inn.'' I nodded and look at the bottom. The five minut rule has begun and Lucy is getting burned by surprising explosion that she doesn't have time to react to. And to make it worst, does Minerva steal Lucy's keys.

''Oh no. Lucy.'' I thought. Without her keys are she in trouble. Minerva send another explosion which knock Lucy back and down to the bottom of the sphere. Lucy luckily manage to stay inside. But Minerva doesn't hesitate and make another explosion behind Lucy.

''No matter what... kind of attack you throw at me... I'm gonna... take it.'' Says Lucy and take two more hits.

''Maybe it's about time for me to put you outside?'' Says Minerva and smirk a little.

''If I lose now... I won't be able to face everyone... who got me here. I can't betray everyone's feelings. That's why... there is now way I'm gonna give up.'' Yelled Lucy at last, surprising Minerva. Silent feel the air and nothing is happening in the sphere.

''W-What's going on here? Minerva's attacks have stopped. And just like that... the five minutes are up. All that is left is ranking them.'' Says Chapati Rola and Minerva take it as her que and attack Lucy with a big attack.

''You are arrogant, Fairy Tail. What do you know of us? We are this world's number one guild. We are Sabertooth.'' Minerva sends lots of attack at Lucy and one knock her towards the spheres wall, but then Lucy got teleport back to Minerva, just so she can kick Lucy on her back, hard.

''Lucy.'' Yelled all of us Fairy Tail member. All of us doesn't like this at all. We worry about Lucy with all of our hearts cause she can't defend herself.

''And now a body blow. Even without using magic, Minerva has incredible power.'' We can see that, Chapati Rola.

''Please stop. Now you are just being cruel. Arigatou gousarimatsu.'' Says Rabian sadly.

''She is still in the water, so she is not down. She is just taking a beating.'' Says Chapati sadly back.

''Do you know what it means to dis Sabertooth? I am going to teach you with her body.'' Says Minerva evilly. Then bells ring.

''The referee has stopped it. The competition is over. The winner is Minerva. Sabertooth really is strong. Lucy hasn't moved for a while, but is she okay?'' Ask Chapati Rola. Fairy Tail A team jump off the railing towards the dangling Lucy.


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