《Fairy Tail's Little Fairy Book 1 (Rewriting)》76) Fun with others



After the hole accident with the water park, has the guild returned to the inn and got to bed. The next day is a free day, but with a twist. Apparently after three days of Grand Magic Games did they thought of having all the competition to spend a say together and become frenemies. Friends outside the competition, but are still enemies in the games. I think it is confusing, but I do understand that tonight will we be together with all the other guilds. And because of some things about all the bars in the city is closed or reserved, has grandpa told the producer that it could be hold at our bar. So here we are.

''Barrel roll round two.'' Cheered Natsu and lay on the big menu bord on top of three barrels.

''Aye sir.'' Cheered Happy and are rolling with Natsu.

''Not again.'' Whined Droy and dodge them. Four of the other guilds are here, which is Lamia Scale, Mermaid Heel, Blue Pegasus and Quatro Cerberus. Sabertooth hasn't arrived yet. While the members are having fun, are there a little area for the guild masters, so they can enjoy each others company.

''Argh.'' I look over to the noise and see Natsu crash into one of the pillars with head first. Gonna leave a mark.

''So lame, Natsu. This is how you gonna do it.'' Says Gray and ride the barrel the other way, only wearing his pants.

''Please stop this madness.'' Whined Jet this time.

''Lively like always.'' Commended Jura as Lamia Scale and the other laugh at Gray, who lost his balance and crash into the wall. I stand beside him, laughing at the silliness of my family. Then the door to the bar open.

''Who invited them?'' Grumble Gajeel and look at the arrived guild, Sabertooth. Silent filled the hole bar. I walk towards Sabertooth.

''Good to see you all... Hey, where is your master?'' I ask kindly.


''He doesn't wanna do this, so he stayed.'' Says Sting to me.

''Well, that doesn't mean that you are here. I am glad you took my invitation.'' I smile and take Sting's hand and make him come over to bar area I have reserved for them.

''Wait, (Y/N). You invited them?'' Ask Natsu.

''Of course. This day was ment for all participating guilds to spend some time together, that includes Sabertooth.'' I said simply with a smile.

''But...'' Complained Natsu. I look at him with teary eyes.

''Didn't you taught me to follow the rules?'' A small tear treated to fall down. Natsu and everyone from Fairy Tail start freak out.

''Of cause you didn't do anything wrong. Just like the others, are they also welcomed here.'' Says Erza calmly. I nodded and smile again. I know that trick always win. Faking to start crying, and they will all try to make me happy again.

''Anyway, you didn't choose a game yet, (Y/N).'' Says Lucy and change the subject.

''I wanted so say I wanna try the barrels.'' I said and pointed at the three barrels.

''No.'' Shouted some member, while other said yes.

''Then come here.'' Says Natsu and take my arm, only to drag me all the way to the barrels and set it up.

''It probably best, if you have your hair sat up.'' Says Happy and pull my hair. Only to make a lose bun with two-third of the hair down. I giggle and then sat up.

''Ready?'' Ask Natsu.

''Yes.'' I cheered and Natsu push the barrels, hard.

''Oh, no. Not again.'' Shouts Levy and jump on the table to avoid getting hit.

''Watch out.'' Shout Sherry worried and use her magic to to move the tree blanks to make a ramp for me. The barrel tour move up and then down towards the other way.


''Wee.'' I cheered of the fun I have here. I hear some of the others are laughing at this. I then see I was going towards Sabertooth member and I can't let these barrels hit them. With a flick of my right hand flies a ice shard and block the barrels, but sadly make my fly off. I take a deep breath and blow at the ground to do flip in the air and land on my feet's. Unfortunate, do I lose my balance and need to take a few step forward. ''I am fine.''

''Be careful next time, (Y/N).'' Says grandpa with a smile and drink his beer. I nodded and look at Sabertooth.

''Do you want a beer or something to drink? I always help Mira serve drinks at the guild, so I know a lot.'' I ask kindly.

''Then what drinks can you make?'' Challenge Minerva. I run around and come behind the counter to see what kind of alcohol there is.

''I can make Sunny Beach (S*x on the beach in real life) and Gin Lemon (Gin hash)'' I said out loud and find the ingrediens. Then Mira come over to us and take down a bottle from the high shelve.

''Then let's make lots of it so that everyone can have some, ne?'' Says Mira to me with a smile.

''Hai.'' Together made Mira and I five pitcher each and serve to every adult. I said I served for Sabertooth and to the masters.

''Not bad for a five year old.'' Commended Minerva as she drink the Sunny Beach.

'' I am six.'' I yelled to her from where the masters sits.

''Such a young age with beautiful talents. You make my heart beat like crazy of your cuteness.'' Complemented master Bob to me. I giggle and finish pouring grandpa's cup.

''She always wanted to find a way to help, so we let her help serve food and drink in the guild.'' Explain grandpa and ruffle my hair. Night arrived and we all talk and laugh, having a great time. Except for Sabertooth. I manage to have conversations with them, still being careful as to not have known them and not blowing oni-san's cover.

''(Y/N)-nee, please make this move.'' Ask Asuka and give me a piece of paper. She love to see my magic. She is only one year younger than me, but in reality should I have been 13, soon 14.

''Sure.'' I make the paper turn into a paper bird and make it fly around. Asuka laugh and chase after it.

''Your unlimited power always impress me. Even when we battle couldn't I figured out your next move.'' Says Jura to me.

''I also had fun fighting you. I hope we can do it again.'' Then the conversation turned into how strong I am with my powers.

*Time skip*

It is almost midnight and tomorrow starts the fourth day of Grand Magic Games, so the participating members should get some sleep. It is also over my bed time, but I wanna say goodbye to everyone. First Sabertooth, then Mermaid Heel. Sometime later said Quatro Cerberus goodnight along with Blue Pegasus. Lamia Scale went lastly. Most of the guild thanked for the party and also thanked me for good drinks.

''Alright. Time for bed (Y/N).'' Says Mira and lift me up.

''Okay, but wait. I have something to show you all.'' I said and make paper come out of thin air. ''I made new designs to the final day.''

''Wow, they all look amazing. Can you make them in time?'' Ask Lucy.

''I am already 75% finish. I only need to make two-three more and that's it.''

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