《Fairy Tail's Little Fairy Book 1 (Rewriting)》75) Ryuuzetsu Land


3rd POV

''We are here.'' Exclaimed Lucy in her pink with yellow flower pattern bikini.

''It's so spacious.'' Added Wendy in her green and white striped bikini.

''This feels great.'' Says Erza and stretch her body while wearing a yellow bikini with a black symbol on the right bikini-top.

''Amazing. Even though it's nighttime, there are so many people here.'' Says Lucy and look at all the guesses.

''This place seems to be famous all over Fiore.'' Commended Erza.

''They have managed to build quite an awesome place in those seven years.'' Says Wendy.

''Erza, have your wounds healed already?'' Ask Lisanna, but Mira answered for Erza.

''Well, that's Erza for you.'' Mirajane smile at her younger sister, who understood her older sister.

''Check it out. A water train.'' Cheered Natsu, but passing a squid statues and he is motion sick.

''As usual he doesn't think about the consequences at all.'' Complained Gray with a smile. Juvia come out of hiding from another squid statue.

''Ah, Gray-sama, look this way.'' Thought Juvia and look at her crush. ''I took a lot of effort selecting it for a day like this. Actually, I always carry it with me just in case. I couldn't show it to him during the training camp, but please look at this cute swimsuit and Juvia who is in this cute swimsuit.'' Gray then look over to Juvia. ''He looked this way.''

''Juvia, about that swimsuit...'' Start Gray.

''Y-Yes.'' Muttered Juvia.

''The price tag is still attached.'' Finish Gray and walk away, naked.

''Hey, there is an aquarium over there. Let's go.'' Says Happy, well, happy.

''If you insist.'' Says Carla, not caring that much.

''The kiwi juice here is great.'' Commended Lily out of no where.

''Shall we go, too?'' Ask Levy to Gajeel.

''Huh? You gotta be kidding.'' Mumble Gajeel back. Levi sighed and not look happy about that answer, but Gajeel went into the aquarium anyway.

''Aw, I should have brought a swimsuit.'' Complained Cana in her white with pink roses underwear.

''Underwear? That's not allowed.'' Says Macao.

''Your regular clothes look like swimsuit anyway.'' Added Wakaba.

''Dad, aren't you gonna swim?'' Ask Romeo, but was not happy to see his dad and friend being a bunch of perverts. Then later on found Cheria Wendy and they start playing together. But not only are Lamia Scale in the Ryuuzetsu Land, so is Blue Pegasus, Quatro Cerberus and one from Mermaid Heel. Even two of Lucy's spirits are out, Aquarius and Virgo. Also, Elfman and Evergreen is at the water park, but they didn't think the guild would be here. As they hide, come Jenny from behind and take Mira's bikini top.


''There.'' Macao and Wakaba screamed at the sight. ''It's payback for yesterday. Thanks to you, I was really embarrassed out there, you know?'' Says Jenny with a smirk.

''Now you have done it, Jenny. My turn.'' Then Mira take her bottoms, making Macao and Wakaba have a huge nose bleeding.

''Not my bottoms.'' Whined Jenny. Risley laughed and pat Romeo shoulders.

''Dad.'' Complained Romeo and close his eyes. As for Lucy and Erza, are they trying to relax, but something or someone are at their side.

''By the way, Lucy... These guys are in the way.'' Says Erza and mention to the four Blue Pegasus member.

''Try telling that to them instead.'' Says Lucy.

''I thought I caught a whiff of some exquisite parfum.'' Says Ichiya and sniff at Erza.

''You are even prettier than usual, Erza-san.'' Says Hibiki.

''Hey, don't mess with me. How can you be so good looking?'' Says Rin to Lucy.

''If you have me, I would like to be your pet.'' Says the full bandaged Eve.

''Right. Ichiya is...'' Start Ichiya.

''Ichiya is...'' Copied the tree others.

''Parfum.'' Continued Ichiya.

''Parfum.'' Erza get's really annoyed by those four.

''All hail the parfum.'' Erza stand up from her chair.

''Parfum, hail.'' She turn at them.

''All hail the parfum.'' Then Lucy stand up.

''Parfum, hail.'' Erza lift her arm and grip at Ichiya, hard.

''Hold on.'' Then she give each a lesson. First Hibiki ''What was with that MPF score today? Try harder.'' Then Ren. ''And you already have Sherry.'' Then Eve. ''Don't play around when you are so seriously wounded.'' Then lastly Ichiya. ''Let's go, Lucy.''

''Please tell me off too.'' Pleaded Ichiya and have a grip on Erza bikini.

''Hey. Don't pull on it. This is a legendary swimsuit.'' Argued Erza and kick Ichiya away.

''Legendary?'' Ask Lucy.

''I always carry it with me, just in case. It looks great, has glossy finish, and stays that way even if I happen to get into a fight. A great piece of work from (Y/N).'' Explain Erza.

''Really? (Y/N) made it?'' Wondered Lucy, then see a lose treat on the bikini.

''Legendary...'' Ichiya is back.

''Legendary...'' And Trimen.

''Parfum.'' Erza gets angry.


''Parfum.'' She lift her leg behind, getting ready to kick them.

''Legendary Parfum: Sparkling Bright.'' Finish Ichiya, but Erza has her own mening.

''Buzz off.'' Yelled Erza at the flying four. After some time, they come to another pool, where Mavis is underwater.

''Yay. The pool is so much fun, good idea (Y/N).'' Cheered Mavis at the six year old beside her. (Y/N) is wearing a (F/C) bathing suit with Fairy Tail's emblem on the left side.

''What are you doing?'' Ask Lucy to master Makarov.

''What, you say?'' Ask Makarov back.

''Just what it looks like.'' Complained Laxus, unamused.

''We are keeping them company.'' Added Makarov.

''Oh, no. I forgot something important. We need to warm up before swimming. Come on, everyone. Let's do it together.'' Says Mavis and start doing downward dog pose.

''I am fine, Mavis.'' Says (Y/N) and swim around.

''Why me?'' Complained Laxus again.

''Shut up and do it, Laxus. It's the First's order.'' Says Makarov and already doing it with her. Then Freed and Bickslow arrived and joined the training. (Y/N) just stay at the pool and think it's funny to watch. Then she hear ruckus and then something flying towards the slides.

''What is that?'' Wondered (Y/N) to herself.

''Wh-What are you doing?'' (Y/N) heard Erza yelled and the same flying object is flying up yet again, closer to the slides.

''Outta way.'' Then (Y/N) heard Natsu yelled all the way by the slides. Then the heart of one of the slice break and more ruckus is happening. Mavis jump in the pool and swim beside (Y/N). The heart swing around the slide and apparently picked four things with it. Lily and Carla is sliding together and Levi is screaming in Gajeel's arms.

''Hey, don't stick to me.'' Says Gajeel. Then another two got picked up by the heart.

''Wh-What is this.'' Ask Mystogan, or more likely Jellal while blushing.

''The attraction is out of control. So you caused this?'' Erza treated Natsu for doing this.

''It's not my fault.'' Whined Natsu with his motion sickness in action. More ruckus is coming around the slides.

''Grandpa, should we be worried about all the chaos from the slides?'' Ask (Y/N) polite.

''Well, as long nothing get's destroyed, is it fine.'' Says Makarov, not even looking at the already broken heart.

''Freeze.'' Says Lyon at Gray.

''You freeze.'' Argued Gray.

''You wanna go?'' Ask Lyon.

''Oh, you bet.'' Says Gray back. Both of them started their ice magic.

''It's getting cold for some reason.'' Whined Mavis. For (Y/N) is the water fine, she has ice magic in her possession.

''You have been in the water too long. Come on out. Even ghosts feel cold-What's that?'' Laxus spotted a white light coming from the slide. (Y/N) quickly got off the water. Together did Gray and Lyon make ice growing all around the water park. Capturing all guesses in the water park except for Natsu.

''Gray. What the hell are you doing?'' Natsu fell on the ice and getting pissed. ''Y-You idiot. Don't freeze the damn pool.''

''Natsu. Don't do that.'' Try Lucy, but Natsu hit the ground with a fire fist and everything exploded. The ice fought, but exploded.

''See that? I won.'' Cheered Natsu, but all around him is everyone down. Later on came the security and start counting how much it would cost for Fairy Tail to pay for all this damage.

''First... Jiji... I madeit so they can't run away.'' Says Laxus with Natsu and Gray in his arms, knocked out.

''I am sorry.'' Mumble Natsu and Gray together.

''Fairy Tail will take care of the repairs, got it?'' Says the security at the crying masters.

''Security-san. May I repair all of this so my guild can slip for paying?'' Ask (Y/N) and get the security's attention.

''How would you do that?'' Ask the man. (Y/N) smile and raise her hand up and shout.

''Time ark.'' For a minut is the hole Ryuuzetsu Land fixed and working again.

''Thank you (Y/N).'' Says master Mavis and master Makarov together. (Y/N) giggle and smile.

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