《Fairy Tail's Little Fairy Book 1 (Rewriting)》74) Wendy vs Cheria



Laxus carried me all the way to B teams booth where the others are waiting.

''You did a good job, Laxus.'' Greeted Mirajane. Laxus place me on the railing and stay behind me. I look at him for a second, then remember something.

''Oh, Laxus. I have your coat.'' I said and call his coat out. Laxus take it and thank me.

''Well, that result was an embarrassment, but let's move on to our fourth match, the last match of the day-kabo.'' Announce the pumpkin mascot.

''From Fairy Tail A, Wendy Marvel. Versus Cheria Blendy of Lamia Scale.'' Shouts Chapati Rola into the mic.

''I feel something strange coming from that girl.'' I mumble and look at the Cheria. When both Cheria and Wendy get out to the field, trip both of them.

''Oh my.'' Says Mira with a smile.

''Go Wendy, you can do it.'' I cheered. The match start and Wendy do the first move by enchanting her speed and strength.

''Wing Slash of the Sky Dragon.'' But Cheria dodge every wind waves and jump into the air.

''North wind, become the breath of the gods and blow on the land. God of the Sky, Boreas.'' My eyes widen in shock. Don't tell me she is a slayer. ''Wind. Wind. Bore through the ground and make it dance up to the sky. Dance of the Sky God.''

''Talons of the Sky Dragon.'' Chanted Wendy quickly and counterattacked Cheria. But both of them stumble on the ground, but stand still. ''Roar...''

''Howl...'' There is no doubt.

''I don't believe it. That brat...'' Mumble Gajeel.

''She has the same magic as Wendy. Lost magic or more said, God Slayer.'' Finish I and look at Wendy and Cheria. Both send burst of wind into each other and it collided and send wind to the audiens. Laxus make sure I wouldn't fly back.

''Unbelievable. To the eye, they are as cute as can be, but both of them are impressive wizards.'' Cheria and Wendy continue fighting with all their might. ''Oh, my. Two wizards, both wielding Wind Magic, but is Cheria-tan one rank higher?'' Ask Chapati Rola with hearts in his eyes.

''Strictly speaking, it's Sky Magic.'' Informed Yajima and fix the mistake of magic.

''You can do it Wendy.'' I cheered on her. Wendy look sharp at Cheria, then start sucking the air to get more energy.

''Dragon Slayer Secret Art.'' Chant Wendy and a big magical circle appeared by her feet's. Wind gather around her and Cheria, trapping them inside. ''Light Burst: Sky Drill.'' A beam of pure wind hit Cheria right on and she fall to the ground. For a minut did I think Wendy won, but that's not true.


''Sorry. Wait a second. I am just getting started. You are impressive, Wendy.'' Her wounds healing on it's self. That is why she still can continue. A good among of time is silent. Wendy is doubting her strength in continuing, but I can see she doesn't wanna fail her guild.

''Wendy is almost out of magical power.'' I pointed out and look at Juvia.

''I hope she can continue.'' Says Juvia honestly, but also doubting since Wendy is almost out of breath.

''I don't mind fighting, but i have got no love for one-sided violence where the outcome is clear. You know, you can always surrender.'' Says Cheria to Wendy.

''I can't. The fact that I am standing here means that I am prepared to fight for my guild. I don't need your pity. Until I fall and can't move anymore, come at me with everything you've got. Please.'' Not only I, but everyone from our guild is shocked to hear Wendy speak like that.

''Well, now it's my turn to break out a big move.'' Black wind swirl around Cheria's hands. ''I will make it easy on you and end this with one strike. God Slayer Secret Art.''

''Oh, no. If Wendy get's hit by that, then it's over.'' I say worried.

''I am answering the full strength of your feelings with my full strength. That is what love is.'' Black feather fly around Cheria and a lot of magical pressure is blowing. ''Heaven's Gathering Clouds.'' Chant Cheria. The storm of black feather fly towards Wendy, but it miss her.

''It seems Cheria can heal herself with her magic, but it only works on wounds. It looks like she can't recharge herself with energy.'' Says Mira and know the answer to why it missed Wendy.

''Right.'' Mumble Juvia.

''Wendy's the opposite. She can't heal herself with her magic, but she can restore another person's strength.'' I added to the conversation.

''Then she revived her opponent's physical strength?'' Ask Laxus. I nodded and smile.

''God told me about this. There are difference between dragon and god slayer magic. Like flames, dragons are hot and gods are cold flames. Here is it dragon can heal another while god can heal themselves.'' I informed and told them what God told me.

''And adding that to it, was Cheria's magic gained too much force...'' Mumble Mira.

''Wendy made her miss by increasing Cheria's magical power.'' Finish Gajeel, and I hear a little hint of how proud he is. Cheria praised Wendy for the strategi, but Wendy doesn't say anything other than another spell.


''Crushing Fang... of the Sky Dragon.'' Cheria healed her new wounds right away.

''That's great, Wendy.'' Says Cheria. Wendy then went for a kick, but Cheria did the same, making an orb of wind around them. Both of them landed some meters away, facing each other.

''This is an incredible turn of events. Neither side is giving any ground. It's a clash of little fists. Is this tenacity for the sake of their guilds?'' Says Chapati Rola while Wendy and Cheria punching with wind surrounding there hands. First Cheria gets a hit, then Wendy. It continue that I can't follow their moves, but just cheer on both of them. There are so good and I see a big future in friendship between does two. Then, the bell ring. It's over and it's a draw. ''The match is over and it's a draw. Both teams receive five points.''

''I think they both deserve points each. It was a good battle, right?'' I said and look at B team.

''They do deserve them.'' Agreed Mira. I smile and look back at the arena. Wendy and Cheria are healing each others and stand up.

''This is the best match I have seen yet.'' Wendy and Cheria held each others hand, saying they have a great match and are friends. ''What a moving ending. For this old man, the tournament is over.'' Shouts Chapati Rola

''Hold on there. Just the third day is over.'' Says Yajima.

''Thank you, everyone.'' Why does Chapati Rola thank us? We didn't do anything other than cheering.

''Well, let's go.'' Says Laxus and get ready to leave.

''Laxus, may I sit on your shoulder, pretty please?'' I ask and give him my puppy dogs eyes.

''Fine.'' I cheered as Gajeel help me up to Laxus shoulder. ''Now don't fall and watch you head.'' Warned Laxus, grabbing my legs. I nodded and have my hands on his head.

*Time skip*

Later that night, has grandpa asked both Laxus and I to meet at a bridge near by the bar. It's way over my bed time, so I was napping on Laxus chest while we wait for grandpa to arrive.

''Jiji...'' I wake up after hearing Laxus call for grandpa. I rubbed my tired eyes and see grandpa standing to the right for us. ''What's Lumen Histoire?''

''You heard this from Ivan?'' Says grandpa and look down.

''Heard about it? All I know is he wanted it badly.'' Answered Laxus simpel.

''That brat will be the end of me...'' Mumble grandpa, still not looking up.

''He called it 'Fairy Tail's darkness'.'' Added Laxus. Grandpa didn't say anything, but Mavis did.

''It's not darkness.'' Started Mavis.

''First Master.'' Grandpa look up at the first master of Fairy Tail.

''Lumen Histoire... That's our guild's light.'' Continued Mavis.

''First Master, you mustn't.'' Warned grandpa. Why can't she tell us?

''I know. Only the master of this guild has the right to know about it. Laxus, (Y/N), do you understand?'' I nodded and Laxus just say if it doesn't concern him, then he ignore it. Grandpa then wondered where Ivan got the information of Lumen Histoire. Mavis believe it was the second master, Precht or master Hades from Grimore Heart.

''I didn't know he was our second master.'' I mumble loudly.

''I never imagined that Precth would fall to the dark side. And now, as a result of my shallow-brained selection... It is my fault. I...'' Then Mavis start crying.

''First Master.'' Cried grandpa. I jump down of Laxus arms and look at Mavis. She turn around and kneel.

''Jiji. What do we do?'' Ask Laxus nervous.

''I am not crying. Not at all. I am not... crying...'' Oh yes she is crying.

''Laxus. Go on, hold her.'' Panic grandpa.

''That hurdle's too high.'' Complained Laxus. I went to Mavis and hug her tightly, or what it feels like a tight hug.

''Don't cry. Things had happen, it's all in the past, so let's be happy now and make a better future, right?'' I says and look at Mavis.

''Really?'' Ask Mavis with teary eyes.

''Yes. Let's go to this water-land I have heard is here in the city. It should be fun.'' I cheered and smile brightly. Mavis dry her tears and nodded.

''Sounds fun.'' Grandpa and Laxus exhaled in relieve that master Mavis is not crying anymore.

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