《Fairy Tail's Little Fairy Book 1 (Rewriting)》71) Helping hand


3rd POV

''That won't scare us, but it does show that you guild has a weakness. And especially to a little fairy that is known as the strongest of them all, what a joke.'' Says Minerva and chuckle. Natsu stopped again and turned around with hate flowing out of him. His glare is fill with fire as he charge at Minerva.

''Why yo-...'' Natsu crashed into the thin air, or more likely a rune barrier. ''What the? Freed?'' Mumble Natsu and stand up probably.

''No, Freed's rune are purple, these are golden which means...'' Starts Happy.

''That I putted them there, that is correct, Happy.'' Finish (Y/N) and show herself from the shadow behind Natsu.

''(Y/N), what are you doing here?'' Complained Natsu.

''I could ask the same to you. I knew as soon as you meet Yukino, that you would come here after hearing what happen. And how do I know that, is it because I helped her, and now am I going to help you get out of here before you do any reckless damage that we can afford right now.'' Shouts (Y/N) back.

''Then make me.'' Challenge Natsu and turn to Sabertooth to fight again.

''You asked for it.'' (Y/N) smirked and teleport in front of Natsu and punch him in the stomach, sending him out through the broken door and all the way down the mountain.

''NATSU.'' Scream Happy. (Y/N) laugh a little and smile at the scared cat.

''You know as well as me that That won't stop him.'' Says (Y/N) calmly and turn to the shocked Sabertooth member. She then bowed and look into the eyes of master Jiemma. ''I am so sorry for my idiot of a family member of the guild, Fairy Tail. I really hope we can forget about it and don't tell anyone about all of this, so we won't face difficult time with the Grand Magic Games.'' Minerva huffed and step forward.

''And what could you do to repaid all this damage. We can't come up with a lie to cover all of this.'' Complained Minerva and mention to the ruined lobby. Rufus stepped up and tried to help his little sister without getting caught or punished.

''My Lady. She is Fairy Tail's little fairy, known for possessing all kind of magic. She could fix all of this with a snap of her finger tips.'' Informed Rufus carefully.

''Is that so... Well then you been fooled by some romurs. She can't even do a strong spell with that magical powers.'' Commended Minerva and smirked. (Y/N) got a little angry, cause she is underrestment her just because she is so young.


''I would underrestment me, if I were you.'' (Y/N) take out her keys and show them. ''My powers are bestowed by Galexia, the first ever magical mage. The one who started all magic and created all kind of magic that you all are using right now. So, with all said, can I use all kind of magic as I want to and I can also take them away from who I don't believe should have magic or kill a person in a blink of an eye or a snap from my fingers. I am way more dangerous than I look like, so please don't make me angry, Minerva.'' Warn (Y/N) with a poisonous tone. Some of her magical pressure showed and it was so much, that it actually scared some member.

''(Y/N), calm down. Master would be sad if you lose control. You know what happen when you get mad.'' Says Happy and try to calm (Y/N). (Y/N) take a deep breath and the pressure disappeared.

''You are right, Happy. I wouldn't want to blow this place up.'' Cheered (Y/N) and became her normal self. Happy sighed in relieve and then heard noise outside. (Y/N) look to and didn't get surprised to see who it was.

''Natsu, you are alright.'' Cheered Happy.

''Not for long. Happy, make sure Natsu get back to his inn, okay.'' Ask (Y/N) polite and call out a weapon. A big hammer.

''Oh, no.'' Mumbler Happy, but agreed to what (Y/N) asked him to do.

''Natsu, go back to the inn, you idiot.'' Shout (Y/N) while swinging the hammer and hit Natsu again in the stomach, but sendet him through the roof this time. Happy flew after him and leaving (Y/N) behind. (Y/N) take another deep breath and turn to Sabertooth. ''Sorry for that, let me fix the damage... Time ark.'' Everything flew back as to how it was. No broken walls or doors, like the fight never happen. ''Now then, see ya. And just so you know, will Fairy Tail win this game.'' (Y/N) teleport before anyone could say anything. ''I am back.'' Cheered (Y/N) and returned to her inn room, that she shares with team B.

''Where have you been?'' Ask Gajeel annoyed that she arrived late at night.

''You know it is over your bed time, right?'' Informed Mira and lift (Y/N) up and went to the bathroom. Mira help changing (Y/N)'s cloths to a (F/C) nightgown. Then Mira help release (Y/N)'s hair, so she better can sleep. ''Have you ever thought of cutting you hair?''


''I don't know yet. I like it long, but trying something new may also be good.'' Mumble (Y/N) tired and rub her eyes. The two got out of the bathroom and (Y/N) went straight to bed.

''Oi, you didn't answered my question?'' Complained Gajeel. (Y/N) open her mouth to answer, but a loud shout may answered for her.

''Would you cut it out.'' That was Erza, probably screaming at her team mate, or as (Y/N) know, at Natsu.

''Yes, ma'am.'' (Y/N) hear the faint whine of Natsu and Gray.

''Does that answer your question?'' Ask (Y/N) a little amused that Erza actually yelled. Gajeel nodded with a sweatdrop.

*Time skip*


We are now at the stadium for the third day of the Grand Magic Games. I thought of telling grandpa about what happen last night, but he would just lose his hair and be fully ball then. I wouldn't want that to happen.

''We are at the halfway point in the Grand Magic Games. The beginning of the third day.'' Start the announcer, Chapati Rola.

''I wonder what kind of passionate dramas we will see today?'' Commended Yajima.

''I wonder what the competition today would be.'' Wondered Romeo beside me. This time am I sitting on the right side of grandpa, with some papers and pencil for drawing new design. The other two days has there been some waiting before the battle start and all, so to take over some time, did I ask Reedus for some paper and pencil for drawing new cloths design. Maybe do I wanna make new battle cloths for our teams and maybe the others, just to be kind.

''Maybe something funny.'' I commended.

''I am going to announce the competition for this, the third day of Grand Magic Games. The name of the event... is Pandemonium.'' Panda-what? I tilt my head at confusion.

''What does 'pandemonium' mean?'' Ask Romeo.

''It's an abode of demons.'' Answered Carla right away. ''Like a building where lots of demons lurk...''

''I wonder if they are doing a haunted house...'' I look at grandpa along with the others. ''They are walking down a dark path and suddenly... Something like this jump out.'' Says grandpa, all demonic like and do a scary face. Me, Romeo, Happy and Carla all screamed of fear.

''I don't think I like 'pandemonium'...'' Whined Happy. Then first master Mavis start crying saying she is scared, even she is a ghost herself.

''All the of the participants have been selected. From Sabertooth, Orga. From Lamia Scale, Jura. From Blue Pegasus, Hibiki. From Raven Tail, Obra. From Mermaid Heel, Millianna. From Quatro Puppy, Novali. From Fairy Tail A, Erza. From Fairy Tail B, Cana. These are our eight competitors.'' So Orga is gonna do this one for Sabertooth. He is really strong with his black lightning magic. Then a big black magic circle appeared at the sky, and a upside down castle merge from it. It looks scary.

''Pandemonium, a temple haunted by evil monsters.'' Says the mascot, pumpkin thing. ''There are 100 monsters inside this temple. That being said, they are actually magical manifestations that we created, so everyone can relax. There are no danger of you being attacked. The monsters are D, C, B, A, S. Those are the five levels of battle power the monsters are divided into. This is how it breaks down. Incidentally... if you are curious about just how strong the D-class monsters are...'' A lacrima vision turned on and a scary white monster is shown. It break a pillar inside the castle. ''One like this and ones even stronger, 100 of them wandering around the temple... That's Pandemonium-kabo.'' This is really serious. I hope Erza and Cana do great. Maybe I couldn't do this myself. ''Please note that as the class of the monsters goes up, their fighting strengt increases exponentially. The S-class monster is so strong that there is no guarantee even one of the 10 Great Wizard Saint can defeat it-kabo.''

''Not even the 10 Great Wizard Saints may not be able to defeat it.'' I mumble. Then the pumpkin mascot explain that everyone go in one by one and it will be decided by lots. Erza took the first stick, and she got number one, meaning she goes in first.

''All 100 will be my opponents. I exercise my right to challenge... 100.'' All the crowd is shocked to hear Erza Scarlet challenge all 100 monsters, but I just laugh.

''That is Erza for you.'' I cheered and see Erza quickly look at me with a small smile. I wave her good luck, even though I know she will do it.

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