《Fairy Tail's Little Fairy Book 1 (Rewriting)》70) Sabertooth


3rd POV

(Y/N) was right, this was a bad feeling she had. They are betting their lives. That is crazy. But what is more crazy is that Yukino has the remaining two golden keys of Zodiac. Pisces and Libra. Kagura is also impressive. She could jump and dodge Pisces attack, and run on their backs. But (Y/N) could figure out her trick. Gravity magic. And with one strike from her sword, was the two spirits on able to continue.

''Kagura is something else than what she looks like.'' Commended (Y/N) and look at master Makarov.

''She is.'' Mumble Makarov back. Yukino and Kagura get's another staring contest before Yukino do the next move.

''You are going to make me open... the 13th Gate.'' Pointed Yukino out and take a speciel key out that has some black in it. (Y/N)'s heart skipped a beat at what the second Celestial wizard said.

''She got the 13th key of the Zodiac. Does she even know how to use it probably?'' Ask (Y/N) more likely to herself.

''What do you mean, (Y/N)?'' Ask Mavis and look at the youngest.

''The 13th key is known to be the strongest of all Zodiac keys, but the truth is that it is only strong if it's owners magical powers is strong for it to use. And how I see it, does Yukino not have enough to beat Kagura with only that spirit out of it's gate.'' Explained (Y/N) and didn't take her gaze of the battle area. The area start turning purple-black.

''Opening the 13th Gate... That means you are out of luck.'' Says Yukino and didn't stop looking at Kagura.

''Luck, huh? I haven't relied on luck since the moment I was born. Everything has come about through choices that I have made.'' Says Kagura and charts at Yukino.

''Gate of the Serpent Bearer, I open thee.'' Chanted Yukino un-faced of Kagura.

''That's what's leading me to the future.'' Finish Kagura.

''Ophiuchus.'' Out from the black smoke, comes te biggest snake (Y/N) has ever seen. It move around the stadium, scaring the crowd. Sadly, as the Serpent went after Kagura, did it only take one swing of her unsheathed sword, and it's over. Kagura cut Ophiuchus into pieces, sending it back to the Celestial Spirit Realm. Yukino has froze in her spot and didn't react in time when Kagura hit her, ending the battle and getting 10 points for her team.


''T-T-The match is over. The winner is Kagura Mikazuchi of Mermaid Heel.'' (Y/N) took a peek at Sabertooth's booth and see all of them shocked. (Y/N) remember Rufus telling some of the rules of being a member of Sabertooth. You lose, get lost and begone from Sabertooth. (Y/N) knew that Yukino would get kicked out of the guild for have losing the battle against Kagura, and she need to do something.

*Time skip*

It's night, and (Y/N) skipped the small 'party' by saying she was really sleepy and went to bed, but she is actually visiting Sabertooth's inn. She wanna make sure if Yukino is alright and what is going to happen after she lost to Kagura. (Y/N) used Aria to get some wing and fly faster to Sabertooth. When (Y/N) arrived, did she use shadow magic to get inside and to watch. She hide up at the roof and look down. Every member of Sabertooth are gathered together in front of the master, Jiemma, standing like soldiers with their hands behind their back. The five participating up at the front.

''It is so pitiful that I can't cry, you scum. Remember why we are the top wizard guild. Don't look at the insects around you. Don't talk to them. Just crush them. Our eyes are on something far greater. Making the heavens roar. Setting the land aflame. Silencing the seas. That's Sabertooth. Sting...'' Sting walk a few steps forward, facing Jiemma. ''I will give you just one more chance. Don't you ever make such a pathetic scene again.'' Warned Jiemma. Sting bowed in respect.

''Thank you. I swear that I will measure up to your expectations.'' Sting returned back to the line and Jiemma called Yukino up to the front.

''You have no excuse. You do know that?'' Ask Jiemma harshly and take some grape fruit.

''Yes. I lost to the member of another guild. I brought shame to Sabertooth.'' Jiemme trow the grape fruit at Yukino to make her stop talking.

''That is not what I am talking about. You wagered your life and lost, and not only that, the enemy took pity on you. On Sabertooth.'' Says Jiemma.

''Yes. I will submit any punishment.'' Says Yukino back with her emotionless voice.


''Then throw away everything.'' (Y/N)'s eye widen at that command. He is making Yukino strip in front of everyone. What a sick master. ''Erase your guild emblem. Get out of my sight, trash.'' Order Jiemma and Yukino did that, leaving her cloths behind. (Y/N) followed Yukino to her room, where she start packing, still naked.

''Yukino.'' Whispered (Y/N) and came out from the shadow.

''(Y/N)-chan... What are you doing here?'' Ask Yukino and know she can't revile (Y/N) to the others.

''Let me help you.'' Says (Y/N) back, then take her silver key. She lift it over Yukino's head and down to her feet. Giving her a new set of cloths. ''Don't say anything, but please go to where my guild is staying at. We would love to help you out if you explain your situation. Just say I told you to do.''

''Why?'' Mumble Yukino.

''Because that is how we are to others. Now go.'' (Y/N) shooed her out of the room and return back to the shadow. She move a little more around the inn and thought of trying to find Rufus and Orga's room. An hour went by and this inn is like a maze for (Y/N). Even with her, powers can't she find her brother, but she did found unspeakable things for a child in her age. (Y/N) thought of giving up, but an explosion took her attention. ''What was that?'' (Y/N) float to the noise and see Natsu kicking some Sabertooth members.

''Where is... your master? Where is he.'' (Y/N) face-palm at Natsu. She kind of guessed that he would come.

''You have business with me, kid?'' Ask Jiemma un-faced of Natsu. (Y/N) wanted to interfered, but she also knew that what Sabertooth did was wrong.

''In that case if you lose to me, toy are outta this guild.'' Says Natsu and get ready to fight. Jiemma didn't fight him at first, but sendet a ninja like member. Sadly beatet Natsu him with just one hit. Then Jiemma took him seriously. Natsu took the first move and just constantly hit Jiemma with all his might. ''Firing Hammer... of the Lightning Flame Dragon.''

''He is able to do that.'' Said (Y/N) out loud, but the explosion covered her voice. The dust fall down and Jiemma is fine, but a women stands between him and Natsu. Undamaged to.

''Shall we end this evening's entertainment here?'' Ask Minerva politely.

''Minerva, I didn't ask you to step in...'' Says Jiemma.

''Of course, if this had continued, you would have won, father.'' (Y/N) stifle her gasp when she heard that. Jiemma is Minerva's father, how didn't she notice the first time she was here. ''However, the world cares about appearances. Even though this one came here and attacked you, if the master of Sabertooth annihilated a participant in the Grand Magic Games, it would cause difficulty for all of us.'' Says Minerva.

''I will tell ya one thing... if anybody's getting wiped out, it is him.'' Proclaimed Natsu.

''My father has somewhat warmed to this battle, but cannot back down in front of his subordinates. What do you think? Will you allow us to save face? If you do, will I return this kitten to you unharmed.'' Minerva use her magic and call out a bounded, crying Happy. Natsu got frustuated, but he doesn't want Happy to be part of it, so he gave in. Happy run over to him, saying sorry he got captured, but Natsu doesn't mind.

''We ain't gonna lose to the likes of you. In fact, you won't be able to keep up with us. If you call yourself a guild, take care of your comrades. That is all I wanted to say.'' Says Natsu and walk to the broken door.

''That won't scare us, but it does show that you guild has a weakness. And especially to a little fairy that is known as the strongest of them all, what a joke.'' Says Minerva and chuckle. Natsu stopped again and turned around with hate flowing out of him. His glare is fill with fire as he charge at Minerva.

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