《Fairy Tail's Little Fairy Book 1 (Rewriting)》69) Mirajane vs Jenny


3rd POV

The battle wasn't that interesting. Toby lost to Blacksnake, cried because he lost his sock and Blacksnake found it for Toby and shred it apart. What a great person. NOT. The next battle is between Bacchus and Elfman. (Y/N) doesn't know what to do with the informations she got from her spirit, Light. While she thought about the informations she got, did she decided to watch the battle. It started out harsh with Elfman getting beatet up and not able to hit a single scratch on Bacchus.

''You can do it Elfman.'' Cheered (Y/N) along with all the other members. At that call, took Elfman it serious. Instead of try beating Bacchus, does he change into a lizard and let Bacchus beat him until one stand. (Y/N) first thought it was Bacchus, but then the drunk wizard fall and make Elfman win the battle. Elfman roar of victory. A medical team took Elfman out of the battle field and to the medic bay.

''It's the third match of the second day of the Grand Magic Games. Mirajane Strauss from Fairy Tail B versus Blue Pegasus reserve member Jenny Rearlight.'' Annonce Chapati Rola. (Y/N) sits beside Mavis, watching Mira standing in the middle of the arena with jenny in front of her.

''Two former models... Why do I have a bad feeling about this?'' Mumble (Y/N) to herself. She take a peek at Sabertooth, at Rufus, but then change her gaze to her bracelet. The guild know she got the bracelet from her brother when she returned from the job where she sew their flag, but what they still don't know is that her brother is from their enemy.

''Carla.'' (Y/N) beside her and see Happy is happy to see Carla fresh and well.

''Wendy is okay now, too. I was told that everyone but the participants have to stay in these seats.'' Says Carla. Happy jump at her, but she dodge him by leaning to the side. ''Never mind that. The match has already started, right?''

''Yes it has. You arrived just in time.'' Says (Y/N) and look at the field, but the view took her breath.

''Mirajane. Do your best. Uh...'' Says Carla and stop herself. Master has hearts in his eyes.


''Master, calm down.'' Commended Romeo. Mirajane is in a orange bikini. Jenny in a blue and white triangle pattern bikini. All men in the hole crowd starts cheering at the two beauties.

''I knew it.'' Says (Y/N) and slam her hands at her face.

''I guess... since they are both former pinup models...'' Starts Happy.

''... an irregular rule turned it into a cheesecake showdown.'' Finish Lily.

''This is despicable.'' Added Carla. Then Mira is in a hot turquoise bikini and Jenny in a magenta and black color tiger pattern.

''They do this kind of thing in the battle part too?'' Ask Wendy to Lucy.

''I imagine this involves a special rule... Or at least, I hope so...'' Answered Lucy back unsure.

''As expected, pretty impressive.'' Praised Jenny to Mira.

''It's been a while since I have sone this kind of thing.'' Says Mira honest.

''I didn't think you would agree to do a pinup idol showdown.'' (Y/N) realise it was Jenny's idea to do this kind of thing.

''Yeah, well, I am not too fond of slugfests. If we can resolve this peacefully, all the better, right?'' Says Mira and smile kindly.

''Two former pinup idols. And both of them using Tranformation Magic making this a dream battle come true. I am Chapati Rola, a judge along with Yajima-san, and reporter Jason of the Weekly Sorcerer.'' Says Chapati Rola with two signs with M and J on them.

''It's a big responsibility.'' Says Yajima with the same signs in hands.

''Both of them are cool beauties.'' Added Jason.

''What's the next swimsuit going to be...'' Starts Chapati Rola, but got interrupted.

''Hold it. It won't do to let these little girls get all the attention. When it comes to strength as well as beauty... Mermaid Heel is number one.'' Says Risley along with two other member.

''Oh no.'' Mumble (Y/N), already knowing what is gonna happen.

''Stop right there. You people don't have enough love. If you think you can please the crowd just by posing in swimsuits, you are gravely mistaken. It's all about love. Without love...'' Says Sherry.


''... you can't beat us.'' Finish Cheria.

''And now Sherry and Cheria from Lamia Scale have jioned the party.'' Commended Chapati Rola. Then Mavis stand up and look at the girls from Fairy Tail.

''This is no time to just sit back and be impressed.'' (Y/N) look scared at her.

''Don't tell me she want us down there.'' Thought (Y/N) and move a little away from the ghost.

''Don't tell me...'' Starts Levy scared.

''... you want us to get out there, too?'' Finish Lisanna for Levy and pointed at all the girls.

''But I didn't bring a swimsuit...'' Complained Cana.

''Don't worry. I anticipated that so I came prepared with enough swimsuits for everybody.'' (Y/N) jump down the railing and trying to come far away, but Mavis stopped her. ''And what better if Fairy Tail's little fairy is also doing this, and with this cute swimsuit.''

''But I don't wanna.'' Whined (Y/N) and look at the bathing suit. It's orchid color with a lime color arrow under the chest, like a corset.

''Come on, it would be fun.'' Says Cana and pull (Y/N) with her. She whined all the way. Soon is almost every girl from each guild down and participate in the showdown, and (Y/N) is not that happy.

''This is ridiculous.'' Complained (Y/N), but posed anyway. Knees together, albows close to her body and hands spread out with a cute smile.

''But you look fabulous.'' Says Mira beside me.

''It's chaos here. And yet, the crowd is eating it up, so we will go with it.'' Says Chapati Rola, not even thinking about stopping this. At Sabertooth is everyone looking at the chaos, but Rufus think it is funny to watch (Y/N) posing against her will.

''Unbelievable it turn out this way.'' Says Sting.

''But you must admit, it kind of funny.'' Commended Rufus and will remember this moment.

''Still and all this match is just between Mirajane and Jenny, but we might add the cute (Y/N) Legend into this.'' (Y/N) look at the commentary booth.

''Don't include me into this.'' Shouts (Y/N) and wave her arms like a cute little girl.

''The next theme is school swimsuit.'' (Y/N) is now wearing a navy blue bathing suit and posing beside Mira. ''Next up bikinis and thigh-high socks.'' (Y/N) look down at her mint bikini and thigh-high socks.

''Why is this a thing?'' Ask (Y/N) more likely to herself.

''Moving on to girls in glasses. Cat ears.'' Now wearing a black cat bikini, tails and ears with white tips. ''Bondage.'' And now (Y/N) is wearing a strapless top and boy shorts with fishnet tight and a nightstick in her hand. (Y/N) knew she had to put up a show, so...

''Bad boys need punishment.'' Says (Y/N) deadly sweet and swing her nightstick. All boys head a literally exploding.

''The next theme is 'wedding dress'. Prepare a partner, then get into bridal gear.'' Pronounce Chapati Rola. This time is (Y/N) dressed a ball dress with queen anne straps. A pearl tiara on her head and white rose in her hand.

''Looks like I am you knight in your shining armor.'' Says Wood who came out of his own.

Fire and Water is also here, but as a bridal pair.

''This is out of hand.'' Says (Y/N) and look at the weeding chaos. ''Can this please end now.'' As call came the end, but an end (Y/N) or anyone needed to see. The last theme is now battle suit, and Jenny comes out with a bet that the loser has to be nude on the next Weekly Sorcerer. Jenny's battle suit isn't what (Y/N) have imagen, but she knew that Mira has this under control and with her new satan soul, Sitri form, took it only one hit.

''Alright, the second day of the Grand Magic Games reaches its final match at last. From Mermaid Heel, Kagura Mikazuchi versus Sabertooth's Yukino Agria.'' (Y/N) feel the strong power from the Mermaid, and she is also wondering what Yukino's magic is. (Y/N) got a bad feeling about this battle.


Super sorry for late update. School is getting pretty hard this last year. I promise to update more, but please be patient you guys.


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