《Fairy Tail's Little Fairy Book 1 (Rewriting)》67) Jura vs (Y/N)


3rd POV

The crowd are all shocked to hear that a little girl from Fairy Tail with fight without getting any points, and even fight Jura that is fifth rank in Ten Wizard Saint.

''What is with her?'' Exclaimed Lector surprisingly.

''Gotta give you for having a brave sister, Rufus.'' Says Orga carefully to not speaking to loud.

''Even I am shocked that she wanna fight Jura.'' Admitted Rufus. At the arena, is (Y/N) and Jura getting ready to fight.

''Thanks for accepting my challenge, Jura. I always wanted to fight you after Nirvana mission.'' Says (Y/N) kindly as an innocent child.

''Likewise.'' Jura agreed and hear the gong ring, saying the battle has begun. (Y/N) start first right away and called a spirit.

''I open there the living earth gate. Nature.''

''Oh my.'' Says Jura and smirked. He claps his hands to the ground, making an earthquake, but Nature did the same and stop it. ''What the...'' Jura is surprise that Nature block his spell.

''Nature is both plants and earth, dummy.'' (Y/N) giggle and jump high into the air. She raise her arms in the air and whip them down with a massive light wave following. ''Aerial Ace.'' Jura block it quickly, but not as strong as before with Mystogan.

''Wind magic.'' Mumble Jura. Out from the dust, run (Y/N) towards Jura with a fist in flames. Jura manage to block with his arm and send a block stone on (Y/N)'s stomach, sending her some feet's away.

''Oh, this battle is really getting turned on.'' The crowd cheered at the battle. (Y/N) take a deep breath and try again.

''Thunder bolt.'' Electricity sparks out of her body and directly at Jura, but it didn't effect him since he has earth magic, but that is not (Y/N)'s idea. (Y/N) quickly with another fire based attack. ''Fire Blast.''

''Right on.'' Shouts Chapati Rola to the mic. The dust fall down and Jura is standing, but his cloth is fill with holes and scratched.


''Not bad, kid.'' Praised Jura and stomp the ground, but nothing happen.

''Not on my watch.'' Jura look at Nature who is still standing the same spot.

''I see.'' (Y/N) can see that Jura has figured out her plan by calling Nature out. She has blocked or weaker Jura's magic.

''Nature, return back and call on plan omega.'' Called (Y/N). Nature follow her order and vanish before Jura could attack her.

''Plan omega?'' Mumble Jura. (Y/N) swing her arms and send a shadow and water wave at Jura's direction. Jura make a wall and block the attack, then punch the wall and split it into piece sending it towards (Y/N). She dodge them with backflip and jumping.

''From two to one, nothing has been gone. Together to receive and together relieve, our body and sind will sire to win. Soul Possesion.'' (Y/N) held the key for God.

(Y/N)'s cloths got more Greek like with golden accessories. Golden flowers on her let down hair and a Greek crown.

''Oh my. What a sight. It's like transformation magic, but not something I have ever seen.'' Exclaim the spectator into the mic. (Y/N) smirked and send balls of different magic towards Jura, but missed. They all exploded on different places in the air. Jura send a big rock formed as a fist at (Y/N), but one punch and it split into pieces.

''Impressive, (Y/N). You are much stronger than you look. Impressive.'' (Y/N) smiled and bend down to be funny.

''Thank you for your complement.'' Jura chuckle and send another hand at (Y/N), but she jump over it this time. ''But I think I win this match.'' Says (Y/N) and snap her fingers, which make all the magical balls appear again on the places they exploded.

''What.'' Says Jura with wide eyes.

''I got the inspiration from Sabertooth's member, Rufus Lore. His Memory Make gave me the idea of remember where my magic is and make them reappeared to do this.'' All the magical balls starts blasting them self at Jura without him getting a change to block it. A big explosion fill the hole arena and make everyone cover there eyes. As the dust fall down, and everyone can see again, is the only thing they see is Jura on his right knee, exhausted and injured. ''And as for plan omega, is just the name of one of my spirits that I would do my new created magic, Soul Possesion. It's like Take-Over magic, but with real souls. Two sind, one body as people say.'' Explain (Y/N) and stand in front of Jura, happily. Then the gong ringed and make the battle stop.


''It is a tie, but it was a splendid match. Everyone in the arena is trilled.'' (Y/N) raise her hand to Jura. He didn't hesitate to take it and get up.

''Nice match. Let's have another one another day, right?'' Says (Y/N) and smile brightly.

''Yes. I would gladly fight you again sometime.'' Says Jura. (Y/N) smile and start healing Jura's injuries.

''Maybe Fairy Tail aren't that bad. That tiny girl could make some damage to Jura himself.'' Says a person from the crowd.

''A girl in her age and with so much power.'' The crowd is so amazed that little (Y/N) could make so much damage and still be intact.

''And now can we say that the first day of Grand Magic Games is over. Please come back tomorrow for more exciting battles and competitions.'' Says Chapati Rola. People start walking out of the arena, and Jura decided to walk (Y/N) back to her guild. Walking down the road to their inn, is Sabertooth talking about the last battle.

''She is better than we thought.'' Says Sting.

''Not as good as she you, Sting-kun.'' Says Lector and walk beside his dragon slayer.

''I don't remember hearing anything about her Soul Possesion magic she created, but she is good to observation and use what she learn to her luck.'' Says Rufus.

''You know this (Y/N)-chan, Rufus-sama?'' Ask Yukino.

''You can say that, Yukino.'' Says Rufus back and tip his hat a little.

''Master is gonna question about (Y/N). Everyone know the so call story where she safe Magnolia twice, but nobody other than Fairy tail saw it, so it became romurs. Until now.'' Says Orga. The group enter the inn and went to their shared rooms. Sting and Rogue together, Yukino share with another female member and Rufus and Orga share a room. ''Aren't you afraid that master will found out the truth that you two are siblings, and that you see each other in secret?''

''What he doesn't know, won't hurt. And talking about the sunshine.'' Rufus see a paper bird land on the veranda. He take it and fold it out to see the message (Y/N) send him.

''Let me guess, little butterfly?'' Rufus nodded to Orga and read the letter.

''I hope you like the result of our three months training together. Your magic was a big help to make the final blow and make the hole crowd think of Fairy Tail as something else as loser, or they are beginning to think we are stronger again, but it gonna take some time and Fairy Tail is ready. Hope we see each other again soon and I know I can't say it, so I write it. Good luck. - (Y/N).'' Rufus chuckle at the message and fold it, then hid it under his jacket in an inner pocket.

''She can surprise us on so many levels.'' Mumble Rufus loud and smirk. Orga smirked too. He likes the little girl, even though she is from another guild.

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