《Fairy Tail's Little Fairy Book 1 (Rewriting)》65) Hidden



''And now, the Grand Magic Games opening game. Let's begin 'Hidden'.'' Says Chapati Rola. I don't understand why the first competition is called 'Hidden'. Does it mean playing hide and seek where everyone is both hider and seeker. ''The first person to step up is Quatro Cerberus's Yeager. From Mermaid Heel, Beth Vanderwood. From Raven Tail, Nalpudding. Eve has been called out. From Blue Pegasus, Eve Tilm.'' The lacrima screen show up the competitor for the game 'Hidden'.

''Who will participate for us.'' I wondered out loud. Then Sabertooth come out and I see oni-chan coming up.

''All eyes are on Sabertooth, and they go with the minstrel who sings to the red moon. Rufus is here.'' Man, I really wanna cheer for my older brother, but I can't break our promise and he is an enemy in this competition. ''From Lamia Scale, Lyon Vastia. From Fairy Tail A Team, Gray Fullbuster. From Fairy Tail B Team, Juvia Lockser.''

''Oh, no. Juvia's love for Gray may be a problem here.'' I mumble out loud.

''Yeah, but let's hope she can fokus.'' Says grandpa back.

''All of the participating players from the eight teams are set. And now for the rules of the opening game, 'Hidden'.'' Says Chapati Rola. Then the pumpkin thing walk into the middle of the arena.

''Participants for 'Hidden', come forward.'' I am excided to see this and see what oni-chan would do in this competition.

''Go Gray. Go Juvia.'' I cheered. The others start cheering with me. I notice oni-chan glance at me, but quickly turn his gaze back to the pumpkin mascot.

''The other competitor from the other teams looks strong. We shouldn't underestimate them.'' Says master Mavis.

''Especially Sabertooth and Raven Tail.'' Says grandpa.

''Field open.'' Wait, what. The hole area starts turning into a big city.

''A city is appearing in the middle of the arena. '' Exclaim Happy.

''Now I have seen everything... Well, not everything.'' Says grandpa and look at me. I giggle and look back at the arena. The participates are all teleport to different locations in the city. After some time thinking, was my teori true.


''I thought so. Everyone is both the hider and seeker, but how the competition really work is unknown.'' I admitted. A bunch of Lacrima Vision came and show us the participants.

''The eight participants don't know what the others are doing. The rules of 'Hidden' are simple. Each person is both the hider and seeker. Find each other in this town. You can use any kind of magic. Then deliver one blow. It doesn't matter if you do any damage. The person who attacks gets one point.'' Explain Chapati Rola. Then a bunch of clones that looks exactly like the participants appeared.

''Any guess to this, (Y/N)?'' Ask Romeo to me.

''Hit a clone and you lose a point. They have to locate the real competitor and not hit any clones.'' I said and look at Gray who is confused of all the clones. Then Chapati Rola said the same thing as me.

''You are way smarter than you look.'' Mumble Romeo. I giggle again and smile proudly.

''Let 'Hidden' begin.'' Finally has the game begun. I look over to the Lacrima Vision with Juvia. She has heart in her eyes as she look at all the Gray-clones.

''There are so many Gray-samas. Qith all of these around, no one will care if Juvia takes just one. Gray-sama...'' Juvia 'attacked' a Gray-clone and got herself to lose a point and got teleport to another place.

''Oh, my. Juvia attacked a copy and lost one point.'' Please don't point that out. The game goes on with the participants are getting the rules and start attacking each other. Eve use his snow power to detect the others by their breath that turn white.

''Hey, what is that boy from Sabertooth doing?'' Ask Nab and pointed at oni-chan's Lacrima Vision. He is standing on the top of a tower, doing nothing.

''What is he doing up there? It's like he wanna be found.'' Says Max. Even after training with oni-chan for three months, can't I still read him what he is doing.


''I remember... I remember it. Memory Make...'' Here we go, his magic. A magic that not even my spirits knew, and we don't know why he has some magic that my spirits doesn't know of. The atmosphere turn dark and the other participants glowed, giving their position. ''Night of falling stars...'' Seven spheres shot out from the sky and hit six of the competitors. Nalpudding manage to dodge it, and try to counterattack oni-chan, but he vanish and reappeared at the same spot. Oni-chan hit Nalpudding with the same spell right before the clock ring. Sabertooth won with seven points. All the girls in the hole arena cheered on oni-chan.

''E-Everyone else is wiped out. In an instant, he rocketed to first place. That is Rufus. That is Sabertooth.'' The hole arena screamed of excitement. The score boards says that both our teams are in last place. The people start laughing at our guild for being in last place. Poor Gray and Juvia, they did there best. ''And now we continue to the battle part. A member from each team will fight in a single match. This isn't a tournament.''

''And the sponsors decide the pairings, right?'' Ask Jenny.

''I just hope the match-ups are interesting.'' Says Yajima.

''I have just received the list of matches. The first match of day one. From Fairy Tail A. Lucy Heartfilia. Versus Flare Corona from Raven Tail.'' Announce Chapati Rola. That is a serious match between father and son guilds.

''You can do it Lucy.'' I cheered. The battle startet and Lucy make the first move by calling Taurus, then Scorpio. That Flare girl has some weird magic, her hair can move own it's own and came up in flames, blocking Scorpio's sandbuster. Then Taurus used the remaining sand into his axe and make sand tornadoes.

''So she is able to open two Celestial Spirits.'' Says Warren.

''I can also do that, almost three now.'' I informed. Lucy has improved a lot with her magical powers, I can feel it. I might think she will make to the next level, summoning three spirits and Star Dress. Flare try to counterattack with changing her hair into a wolf, but Lucy called Cancer who chopped it all off.

''Nice Cancer.'' Praised Lucy to her spirit. I can see Flare getting really angry and she sent some of her hair into the ground and wrap it self on Lucy's legs. Flipping her to the ground.

''My red hair does exactly what I want it to...'' Says Flare.

''Now that you mention it, my d'Etoile Fleuve also... does what I want it to.'' Says Lucy and whip her celestial whip at Flare's left arm. Both of them fly to the sky, spinning around like crazy. When they detach, can I see Lucy's booths are burned. I worked hard on does. Flare can see that her hair didn't do any damage, so she flip her hair into the ground again, but it doesn't come back up. What is going on? Lucy look over to us and look choked. Flare attack Lucy while she is scared. That is not like Lucy, what is going on?

''Come on Lucy, fight back.'' I shouted. Flare keep beating her with fire hair, and to make it worse, has Flare decided to burn Raven Tail emblem on her Fairy Tail emblem. ''Lucy.''

''Asuka-chan, huh?'' Natsu?

''What are you doing here Natsu?'' Ask grandpa but he ignore him.

''Lucy, now.'' Shouts Natsu. Lucy found her strength and call Gemini.

''Anyway, transform into me.'' Order Lucy. Gemini shift into Lucy, in a bath towel.

''Ten wo hakari ten wo hiraki. Amaneku subete no hoshiboshi. Sono kagayaki wo motte . Ware ni sugata wo shimese. '' That spell, don't tell me she has mastered it. ''Tetorabiburosu yo. Ware wa hoshiboshi no shihaisha. Asupekuto wa kanzen nari. Araburu mon wo kaihōseyo. Zenten hachijūhassei. Hikaru! Urano Metoria!''

''She can do the spell.''

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