《Fairy Tail's Little Fairy Book 1 (Rewriting)》63) Elimination round



''The city is huge.'' I said and look outside the train.There is a castle almost in the middle of the city. There is also a big mountain with an arena at the top, probably the place the Grand Magic Games is held. I can't wait.

''Be sure to stay close, (Y/N). We don't want you to get lost.'' Says Laxus from behind. I am walking with Laxus and Raijinshuu. I am to young to walk alone sadly, so grandpa asked Laxus if he would look after me.

''I know, but I have never seen a city this big. I can't wait to see the Grand Magic Games.'' I jump around like a kid that just got her favorite candy. Bickslow chuckle and pick me, only to place me on his shoulder. I held on to his helmet to not fall down.

''Now you have a better view and we can better look after you.'' I laugh. Bickslow is right. I can see the city and they can take care of me without worrying I would wander off their sight.

''Let's take a look at the castle, then go to our inn to rest up for tomorrow.'' Says Freed and smile up at me.

''I wanna see the castle.'' I cheered and almost lost my balance, but Bickslow's dolls push me back up. ''Thanks.''

''No problem, no problem.'' They say.

''Let's go then.'' Mumble Laxus. Before we knew it, was it dark and the citys light has turned on. Evergreen made a flower crown to me out of all the flowers in this city. It is called the blooming capital anyway.

''Our inns name is Honeymoon. It should be around here.'' Says Freed and look at the map. I got tired on the way to the inn, so Laxus is caring me while I am taking a nap.

''There you are, Laxus.'' Says Mirajane and run over to us. She is wearing her black dress I have made to her and the teams. I even make the others team cloths.


''What is it, Mira?'' Ask Laxus.

''Mystogan can't make it before midnight. Someone has to take his place.'' Oh no. That is bad news. I am now fully awake.

''Please pick me. I wanna participate. I promise to listen to your commands.'' I said and give them all my puppy dog eyes. Working every time in my guild.

''I don't know. It's dangerous.'' Mumble Mira.

''You don't believe I can take it? You don't think I am strong enough?'' Mira's eyes showed a hint of sadness. I knew from there that I won. No one in the guild can say no to my puppy dog eyes.

''Just let her, Mira. We know she wanna do it anyway.'' Says Laxus to Mira. Mirajane sighed and finally agreed for me to be the replacement member. Yay. The Raijinshuu walk away towards the inn they are staying at, while me, Laxus and Mira is going to our shared room. We just enter before the clock hit midnight.

''We made it.'' I cheered. Laxus placed me down and open the veranda doors. A lacrima hologram of a weird pumpkin comes out.

''Everyone in the guild who have gathered together for the Grand Magic Games... Good Morning.'' Seriously? ''Beginning now, we are going to take the 113 participating teams and have an elimination round to pare them down to eight. Every year, the number of participating guilds increases and it was pointed out that the events were getting stale. This year, there will be only eight teams competing in the official games. The elimination rules are simple.'' Then the building start shaking and goes up.

''What is going on?'' Ask Gajeel, slowly feeling a little sick.

''(Y/N)-chan, hang on to the railing.'' Says Juvia concerned.

''I am fine.'' I insured and wave at her.

''All of you are going to race each other. The goal is the Games arena, Domus Flau. The first eight teams to arrive there will go on. You are free to use your magic. There are no restrictions. But remember, only the first eight teams to get to the goal will survive this round. However, all five members must arrive together or it doesn't count. And one more thing. We take no responsibility for any lives lost in the labyrinth. The Grand Magic Games elimination round. Sky Labyrinth. Begin.'' The paths that appeared before us, is all leading towards the big planet like labyrinth.


''If it is a race, then we need to go now.'' Says Laxus and step first on the step. Mira helped me get up to and hold my hands so I won't fall.

''Let's go, team Fairy Tail B team.'' Says Gajeel and take the lead. We all follow after him towards the big labyrinth. I look at all the other paths and see different mages from different guilds running towards the same labyrinth. Then I spot my brother and his team running up theirs. This is gonna be interesting and fun. When we arrive inside can I quickly say this is going to be harder than I thought. Three-dimensional maze.

''Juvia think we should stop and think for a plan first. We can just run aimless.'' Suggested Juvia and look up.

''The arena is east from here.'' Pointed Mira out.

''But this mase is dimensional so going east isn't that easy as you make it sounds like.'' I pointed out and disagreed with Mira's idea.

''Then what do we do then?'' Ask Gajeel to me. I think for a second.

''I got it. I open there the wisdom gate, Silver.''

''You called, princess.'' I smile at Silver. He take a look around the area. ''A three-dimensional maze. It's good make. No way of going the direction you wanna go, without thinking of doing the opposite at some direction.''

''I knew you would know how to go through this.'' I cheered and swing his keys around my finger. Before Silver could say anything, he then make a magic circle under us. Then there comes a siren sound and the path we stand on start moving.

''What the?'' Shouts Gajeel and look at the labyrinth moving.

''It's moving in a z-axis.'' Says Mira. I look at Silver confused.

''How did you know this would happen?'' Silver smirked and look at me.

''I am the guardian of technologi and all that kind of stuff.'' Answer Silver and let us down when it all stopped. ''Now, let me show you the way.'' We keep running for a while until we see someone fall down and out of the labyrinth.

''It seems the others have found another way to be sure they are participating. Eliminating the other before they come to the finish line.'' I said out loud and watch all the mages fall out of the labyrinth, and becoming disqualified. We continued and make it to a point where we need a bridge to cross over. ''Leave this to me. Ice making, Floor.'' It's just like Gray's magic.

''Good job (Y/N).'' Praised Laxus. Then the alarm goes again and Silver was already ready to cast the same spell. Even more mages fall of the labyrinths.

''Go through this door and continue running to the very end, and you are there.'' Tells Silver as he let us down again.

''Thanks, Silver. Greet the others for me.'' I wave bye and watch him go back to the spirit realm. Gajeel open the door and see a very long road over an ocean going almost no where.

''Let's listen to the nerd spirit and get going.'' Cheered Gajeel and start running.

''He isn't a nerd.'' I shout at him. We have maybe been running for 10 minuttes, and we can finally see the end, but someone is ahead of us and it's not Sabertooth.

''They are coming first if we don't do something.'' Says Juvia.

''When I say jump, then jump.'' The others nodded as I get ready to teleport us through a mirror. ''Jump.'' We jump through the glass mirror and land in front of the door saying GOAL.

''Congratulation on coming on second place. You are going to the arena tomorrow and compete. See you there.'' Says the weird pumpkin man.

''Yay.'' I cheered. We are going to the participate the games.

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