《Fairy Tail's Little Fairy Book 1 (Rewriting)》60) Memories


3rd POV

A blue light shine down on a blond crying girl. She is all alone, and crying, without anyone to be there for her.

''Why are you crying?'' Ask a gentle kind voice.

''B-Because everyone is going to go away... Mama, Papa, and my precious little sister, too...'' A person in a pink gown appeared behind the crying child.

''You remembered.'' The girl nodded and look behind her to see a doll floating in the air.

''I-I am sorry. I...'' The girl tried to apology, but got interrupted by the doll.

''Don't apologize. I am just happy that you remembered...'' The crying child turn older, turned into Lucy.

''Michelle...'' Lucy finally remember the doll and who it used to be. The doll then turned to into the human Michelle, who smiled at Lucy. Then the scene change. Instead of blue, is it orange. Lucy can feel her body float, but away from the window where Happy and Coco are calling from. (Y/N) is also inside, by Lucy's side. She touch her forehead and then start the progress she planed with Galexia.

''Lucy...'' Says a deep voice. Lucy eye widen as she look behind her. A new window open, but it's a memory.

''Do you like it, Lucy?'' Ask her mother, Layla. It's when Lucy was a girl and where her mother and father gave her Michelle.

''Yeah. it's the best birthday present ever. I gonna make this girl my little sister.'' Says little Lucy.

''Good. Be friends with her.'' Says Layla to her daughter.

''What should I call her? I know. Maybe Gonzales?'' Try little Lucy.

''Oh, I think you should use a cuter name...'' Layla's voice fate away as Lucy past by the window. Then human Michelle appeared. The orange atmosphere change to a starry night. Lucy and Michelle are back to back each other.

''I had so much fun. In that big mansion... It was like a castle. Nee-san, you made all kind of clothes for me out of paper and flowers. We went everywhere together. And we smiled wherever we went... But...'' Says Michelle. Then the scene change yet again, but into a sad one. A chest with little Lucy and father standing on both side of it.


''I... was always in front of mama's grave, crying. I took it out on everyone and everything. I think I made everyone really worry about me...'' Mumble Lucy and watch her little self crying at the grave.

''All I could do was watch... It was hard not being able to do anything...'' Admitted Michelle to Lucy. The scene change to a rainy day, where little Lucy look at Michelle doll on a chair, but are ignoring her.

''Whenever I looked at you, I was reminded of mama, and that became painful...'' Michelle sighed and agreed.

''That's right. You stopped talking to me altogether.'' (Y/N) stand not to far away, listening to everything and make sure it continue. This way would Lucy still be awake and won't fall into 100 year sleep.

''Eventually, I... I see... I left you behind. But you waited all that time for me to come back, didn't you?'' Ask Lucy. Michelle didn't answer, but the next scene did. Lucy's father cover a picture and then place Michelle doll on a chest beside it.

''I am sorry. She didn't mean to abandon you. It's just that she is so sad now after losing her mother, she can't bear to see you or anything, really... I don't know how to talk to my daughter these days. Someday... When she gets over her mother's death... Will you become her little sister again?'' Says Lucy's father. Lucy look over to (Y/N), remember what happen to her and her family. She is still waiting to meet his brother one day, after years of waiting.

''(Y/N), the time is short.'' (Y/N) look behind her and see Galexia standing beside her, stopping their share spell. (Y/N)'s green dress turned back to her white one.

''Okay.'' Luckily, is Lucy and Michelle done talking to each other, sharing their memories. (Y/N) walk over to Lucy. ''Listen, Lucy. Your friends are calling for you.''

''I can hear them. I can see them.'' Mumble Lucy as she fall down the endless starry pit. Lucy slowly wake up and make the starry atmosphere turn back to the orange scene. She move forward towards the window where Coco and Happy are banging and calling for her. ''Apologize to Michelle. Give Natsu back.'' Lucy's right eye has turned into the same symbol as the chrysalis.


''You did it Lucy.'' Cheered (Y/N).

''I did what? What did I do? How do I get out?'' Ask Lucy to the calm fairy.

''You won't fall into 100 year sleep, and you took over the Infinity Clock.'' Answered (Y/N) with a smile.

''Give back Lucy.'' Both (Y/N) and Lucy heard that shout. Natsu.

''Huh. What? What do they mean I am gone? Hey, wait. Don't tell me this is... I've got a bad feeling about this.'' Whined Lucy. Small window that show each of fairy tail member popped up and Lucy and (Y/N) are floating in the middle of those.

''Has Lucy-san...'' Started Wendy.

''... totally merged with the Infinity Castle?'' Continued Carla.

''Then this huge fish castle...'' Added Happy.

''Is Lucy's body?'' Finish Natsu.

''Told you.'' Shouts (Y/N). Everyone heard her too.

''No.'' Shouts Lucy in panic. ''This is too cruel... I have become food for Happy...''

''I won't eat you.'' (Y/N) giggle.

''Stay calm, Lucy. By using Rel Nightmare to help Natsu, you only speed up the merging process.'' Explain Warren.

''What, it's my fault?'' Complained Natsu.

''Most of the time it is.'' Joked (Y/N) and continue giggling.

''Hey.'' Shouts Natsu, which only make (Y/N) start laughing.

''Anyway, I finally got through. Everyone, listen. A little while ago, I got a call from the guild. Jean-Luc and the others found another way to save Lucy.'' Warren change the telepathy so that we all can hear Jean-Luc.

''If the engraved seals aren't erased in time and merging occurs, then Lucy-sama must focus on remaining conscious and controlling Real Nightmare, actually.'' Start Jean-Luc, then Levi interfered.

''We found out the one thing that can stop the Infinity Clock in this world is the magic siphoned from the Celestial Spirit wizard bio-links.'' (Y/N) agreed on the information they found.

''I already knew that. That's why I went inside with Lucy so she will still be awake and not becoming Sleeping Beauty.'' Added (Y/N) into the conversation.

''You already knew, why didn't you say something?'' Complained Natsu.

''I thought you would be smart enough to remember what kind of magic I have.'' Retarded (Y/N) back. She then turn to Lucy. ''I help you, focus your energy in one point, the release it in the sky.''

''I will try... That way, a lot of people will be able to wake up from 100 year sleeps, right? I may fly off somewhere... That is the only risk? I am a Fairy Tail wizard. I am the daughter of Jude and Layla. I am Michelle's big sister. I will do it. Let's do it, (Y/N).'' (Y/N) nodded and mirror Lucy's move. Her right hand lifted up and (Y/N)'s left arm lifted up.

''You focus, I release.'' Lucy nodded and together, do they send the energy into the open air. Turning the dangerous red sky into a view full with shooting stars. The impact unfortunately, separated (Y/N) and Lucy to each side. (Y/N)'s energy is so low, that she can barely keep her eyes open. A familiar aura was nearby, but she doesn't have the energy to remember it.

''(Y/N)'' Then the world turned black.


Ooh, who is calling for her?

Thank you guys for being patient, please continue til winter break, cause I am gonna use my break on writing as much chapter as possible.


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