《Fairy Tail's Little Fairy Book 1 (Rewriting)》57) Plan in action


3rd POV

Fairy Tail has called for help from one of the other guilds. Blue Pegasus step up right away, and came with the new version of Christina. To make an entrance, did Ichiya jump off Christina and land on his head on the ground.

''This is the reinforcements?'' Ask Gray unsure.

''The Infinity Clock is in the sky. So we have to get airborne, too.'' Answered Cana a little harsh.

''Not one of my favorite people, though...'' Admitted Gray as he scratch his head. Then master Makarow punch him with full annoying.

''Would you quit your grumbling and get on board.'' Yelled Makarow.

''I am stuck here minding the fort again?'' Ask Macao to Cana.

''My divination is on target this time. We leave the attack to the handpicked team and do what we can do on the ground.'' The member who shall go to The Infinity Clock, went on board with Ichiya.

''Everyone. Let's get fired up and begin making our attack.'' Says Ichiya and start moving Christina to it's destination. They didn't went long before the ship got attack on the back.

''Hey, control this thing.'' Complained Elfman.

''Ichiya, is something wrong?'' Ask Erza, calm and serious as ever.

''The stern has taken damage.'' Informed Ichiya. Then Mirajane run towards the main hanger's door, with a serious look.

''I will take a look. Everyone, stay here.'' Elfman follow her. Outside at the bay, can't Mirajane see anything. The smoke is coming out at where the stern is.

''It's broken.'' Mumble Elfman. Mirajane disagree and look behind her at the hole on the floor.

''More precisely, somebody broke it.'' What Elfman and Mirajane didn't notice is the enemy, Racer, right behind them. ''An intruder...'' Racer make his move and speed kick Mirajane in the face.

''Nee-chan.'' Elfman look behind him and see the member of Oracion Seis. ''Bastard... Somehow, you sneaked on board. An impressive Man.'' Says Elfman at the enemy.

''I am going to... Throw you overboard.'' Mumble Racer and get ready to fight. He disappeared and break some more holes on Christina. Elfman try to fight him with his beast arm, but Racer came first and attack multiply time at Elfman with a speed so high, that you can't even pinpoint where he would be. ''You are slow.''


''I will get you for that.'' Says Mirajane and step up.

''Are you... Fast?'' Racer smirked, thinking he maybe has an real opponent.

''Here I come.'' Mirajane change to her first satan soul. She tackle Racer overboard. Elfman call for her. ''Leave him to me. Go back to everyone. I will be fine.'' Wendy, Gray and Gajeel spot Mirajane and Racer fall outside. The fight at the ground between Mirajane and Racer is intense. Mirajane didn't have any choice, but to use her halphas form. Inside The Infinity Clock, is Lucy almost half way inside the chysalis. Imitatia is watching her while Midnight visit the lacrima where (Y/N) is currently is inside.

''Unbelievable that this child, could posses so much magical power. Why haven't we notice that last time?'' Ask Klodia to... Itself?

''The niece of the Apocalypse. The remaining family line member of the first. To think that you existed with a lots of secrets hidden from you about your family, (Y/N).'' Midnight smirked at the sleeping child. Her skin has got some bloodline marks. Her arms and legs has the marks on and are slowly growing towards her face and chest.

''What do we do if when the magic is sucked out of her?'' Ask the talking stick.

''I just simply put you in there. You are a magical tool, so you can give some extra power, but it won't happen. She produce etherion faster than a normal wizard.'' Answered Midnight and left the room. Outside is the ship, Christina, arrive under the Infinity Clock.

''Men. I, Ichiya, and this handpicked team of Fairy Tail members will most definitely save (Y/N)-chan, Lucy-san and Natsu-kun.'' Braked Ichiya to no one other than the Fairy Tail members.

''That's a man.'' Elfman pumped and are ready to fight. ''For the sake of my sister, too, who pitted herself against Racer so we could charge ahead.''

''We are on our way, (Y/N), Lucy and Natsu.'' Says Erza calmly.

''I hope those three are okay...'' Muttered Wendy to herself.

''I am sure they are fine.'' Says Happy and heard what Wendy said.


''How can you be so certain?'' Ask Lily.

''I have faith. Natsu promise it will be okay.'' Happy is of course happy and calm. He know that Natsu is probable already out and destroying something.

''Then what about Lucy and (Y/N)?'' Ask Carla.

''If Natsu's okay, the I am positive Lucy and (Y/N) is okay, too.'' Cheered Happy.

''Yeah. I have the same feeling.'' Added Gray.

''Mira is gonna be okay, too'' Says Waren.

''It's a Man to have faith like that.'' Says Elfman.

''The whole bunch wears rose-colored glasses...'' Mumble Gajeel to himself, and no one heard him.

''Redesigned Christina, magic bomber of my guild, Blue Pegasus, the pride of continent... We are nearing Zentopis Cathedral. Men.'' Informed Ichiya. They all watch the army trying to break the chains, but it back fired at them. ''The army is in disorder, too, men...''

''This is also an effect of Real Nightmare?'' Mumble Erza.

''Don't give me that. This ain't... Nothing...'' Says an now old Gajeel.

''Is this any time for clowning around.'' Says Waren who is now strong, looking stronger than Elfman. Gray has turned smaller.

''Look who's talking.'' Says Gray from behind Waren.

''And you call yourself a Man?'' Muttered Elfman while he is like a paper standby.

''W-What is happening?'' Ask Wendy who is now ilder.

''Wendy. You have become an adult.'' Says Carla.

''And you have turned into a raccoon, Carla.'' Says Happy.

''While you are now a dog, Happy...'' Says Lily in his new rabbit form.

''This is no good. Everyone is falling under the influence of Real Nightmare... Wait. then why am I fine?.. I see. Could it be...'' Erza call out the hammer she currently got. ''I will use this ancient weapon that is said to keep evil at bay to cut through the Real Nightmare vibrations.'' Erza hit every single of her comrades to disable the spell.

''Meany, you hit us.'' Complained kid Gray, but quickly returned back to normal.

''We are back to normal.'' Say everyone at the same time.

*Somewhere else*

The dark sky has taken many peoples attention, and the reports of the new Oracion Seis has spread faster than the sound. Even the fact that (Y/N) was the first to be taken and what is happening to her is unknown, but knowing that she is possessing so much power, only mean one thing. They are using her powers for their own good. In a certain city, is people afraid of what is going to happen, even along with the city's guild.

''Real Nightmare. Never heard a curse like that.'' Mumble a navy haired, buffed man, as he watch the sky through the window.

''When will the council see that Fairy Tail is none other than trouble maker.'' Says a black haired woman in a black and blue dress.

''It's power is only affecting Magnolia, but it soon reaches other city, including this one.'' Says a long blond haired male in a red outfit. His eye beneath his mask is showing scared and concern. When he first read the news paper about this, was he scared that his sister was the first to be captured and used for evil. But he can't go away from the guild and help, he just need to hope that Fairy Tail can safe her.

''A weak guild like Fairy Tail is always causing trouble, but they have always founded a way to fix things.'' Says another blond boy.

''Aren't you scared that maybe they will kill Natsu, before you can meet him, Sting?'' Ask the navy haired man.

''Shut up, Orga.'' The black haired humph and walk away from the boys.

''Natsu and Gajeel can certainly survive.'' Says another black haired male.

''That is true, Rogue. And the rest of Fairy Tail would survive to.'' Says the long blond male.

''You are only saying that to yourself, so you won't feel nervous about (Y/N), Rufus.'' Mocked Sting. Rufus look at his comrade and smirked his signature smirk.


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