《Fairy Tail's Little Fairy Book 1 (Rewriting)》56) The mentor


3rd POV

Thinks have turn in a bad way. Natsu is captured and held in jail along with the jingle butts. Lucy is placed in front of a lacrima that is slowly pulling her inside. As for (Y/N) is the situation the same. Sleeping while the stones and lacrima are sucking her energy power, and use it to power up the airship. The rest of Fairy Tail are now giving data to each other and come up with a plan to help safe their comrades.

''Then it's true that Michelle is the sixth member of Oracion Seis?'' Says Erza, but it sounded more likely as a question.

''Yeah. She fooled us.'' Agreed Elfman who just finish explaining what happen and why Lucy, Natsu and Michelle isn't with him.

''I can't believe it...'' Says Happy.

''Natsu, Lucy, and the others have been captured. Dammit. It was all I could do just to get away myself.'' Elfman is completely blaming himself for his comrades capturing.

''You can't blame yourself.'' Says Mirajane.

''It's not all your fault.'' Says Cana more likely to herself. Erza look over to her.

''Cana. What do you want to say?'' Ask Erza.

''My cards didn't foretell that Brain ll would show up at Kardia Cathedral. And they didn't give me accurate pairings either for splitting into teams. Everyone was out of step with each other, right?'' Explain Cana the situation.

''Now that you mention it...'' Starts Gray.

''We didn't mesh with each other.'' Finish Elfman.

''You mean someone or something was using your divinations?'' Erza goes right to the conclusion. Cana nodded and place her cards away.

''Jeez. This whole thing is frustrating.'' Complained Gray

''Everyone, now isn't the time to review our mistakes. It's more important to save Natsu-san and Lucy-san, then do something about this situation.'' Yelled Wendy

''Yeah, Wendy's right.'' Agreed Happy. The conversation got interrupted by some Archaeological Society. But they aren't the only one to have a pleasant conversation. Up in the airship, at the power energier, is (Y/N) having a conversation with who you could call, her mentor.


''Where am I?'' Mumble (Y/N) and rub her sleepy eyes.

''That is hard to answer my dear.'' (Y/N)'s eyes widen and look to her right and see a familiar face.

''Galexia.'' Cheered (Y/N) and run over to her. Galexia wear a royal like gown with the colors of the night sky. Glitter to make stars and her tiara has a six pointed star with a smile moon underneath. The strings around her head is like vines fold like a flower crown. Her hair is blond and long like mine.

''Yes my dear. You have come into a bad situation, right?'' (Y/N) nodded at her mentor.

''I totally hate it. I can't do anything to help my family stop this. I am STUCK.'' (Y/N) screamed the last word and wave her arms.

''Well, now you do have time to at least ask me about your power.'' Says Galexia and stop (Y/N)'s arms.

''You are right. Then who is my brother? Do you know my parents? How can I be the only one to use all these powers? Why me? Do I do it like you wanted me to?'' (Y/N) went on and on with question and Galexia is just smiling at the adorable little girl, who has been giving her powers. ''Oh wait, I have the best question. How did you died and gave me these powers?''

*Inside the airship*

''Congratulations on the restoration of the Infinity Castle, Brain ll.'' Praised Klodoa to Midnight.

''It's been tough on you, huh, Klodoa?'' Ask Midnight the talking and annoying staff.

''No, no. All I did was follow master Zero's orders, yeah. That being said, we have progressed this far because of master Zero's favorite thing, your skill. I am impressed as always. And on top of that, this smart alec brat. It's also impressive how Imitatia-sama used her.'' Klodoa chuckle while Lucy is hanging cross like on the big lacrima.

''Michelle... Tell me... Why?'' Try Lucy one more time, to get the girl she know, out of the brainwashing. ''Say something.''

''My name is Imitatia, not Michelle. Stop making me tell you that.'' Says Imitatia back and not even looking at Lucy.


''We have a Celestial Spirit wizard. The endless nightmare will begin...'' Says Midnight.

''What are you talking about, and what is this thing?'' Ask Lucy, demanding some answers.

''The lacrima behind you is called 'Chrysalis'. It works by biological link. The biological link takes powerful magic to work, so if it's severed by the Anti-Link, The advance of time on the body and mind becomes extremely slow as a reaction. Then the person sleeps for 100 years. It's a sort of sacrifice so that we will be able to control the Infinity Clock.'' Explain Midnight.

''That's just like treating people as tools.'' Says Lucy.

''So what?'' Midnight smirks at Lucy.

''You have already slept once for seven years.'' Pointed Imitatia out.

''That's nothing compared to 100 years. And would it also be the same to (Y/N)?'' Ask Lucy. She clearly remember that (Y/N) is also inside the ship. ''...But even just seven years, I will never forget how confusing and painful it was coming home. Even thought time had passed for everyone else, we didn't spend any of it with them. Can you understand that feeling? It made me think how cruel it is to lose time and (Y/N) defiantly felt it. She hasn't still met her older brother and maybe he isn't here anymore. You can't put a girl into this kind of mess. But still, we had friends who accepted us. Did those Celestial Spirit wizards have that same kind of support?''

''They don't, which is exactly why it can be called a 'curse'.'' Answered Midnight. ''You will be cursed the same way.''

*Back to (Y/N)*

''How did you died and gave me these powers?'' Galexia sighed and sit down along with (Y/N).

''That is a good question, little one... I would like to start with who I was. It started thousand of years back, where dragon existed and lived peacefully with humans. Me and my twin brother played a lot together. But I started wondering about magic and the things around me, that is were magic started. I trained and study all kind of story with magic, and one day did it finally worked. I first started with water, then earth, wind and last fire. I showed it to my brother and he was over happy. From there on did I work out what combination would turn on like.''

''Do you come to the point where your immortality was gone and I got these power.'' Says an impassion child, know as (Y/N).

''I am telling my life story, so shush.'' (Y/N) giggle a little, but went quite once again. ''A war started between the human and dragons. I haven't mastered magic yet, but I had thought people about it. Then the dragon slayer magic came. I was the first to ever learn it, by study the dragons, but my brother learned it to and went to war. I never saw him again. I don't even remember his name anymore. For some reason, was my body immortal when I turned 18. Every time I should have died, did I only have a wound. My heart didn't beat at all. Years passed and was lonely. That is where I found a lovely man, and decided to live a normal life once more. But I couldn't leave magic, so I created the keys with each magical power as guardian of magic. What I didn't know is that I would become a mortal and my life time would be short, so I needed to decide a new host for the keys and become the new guardian of magic. That is where you came in. I saw your furture and it make me so happy to finally found someone with a heart like mine.'' Galexia finish explaining her story.

''When will I become immortal?'' Ask (Y/N).

''I don't know dear. I don't know.''


Sorry for super late update. School is killing me right now with big homework and my mind and body is tired each day. I am happy you all are pation and keep voting my stories. I try to update some more.


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