《Fairy Tail's Little Fairy Book 1 (Rewriting)》55) Confused


3rd POV

Each Fairy Tail team, has come up with challenge from the Oracion Seis. Erza, Evergreen and Max come up with a fight against Cobra. Gejeel and Juvia meet some from Zentopia, then Natsu, Elfman, Lucy and Michelle meet the Machine member from the Oracion Seis. And as for (Y/N), is she sleeping an ever ending dream. The Oracion Seis member watching her, is Midnight, in their hideout. Midnight have the tomb of the author who created Star of Heaven.

''Befitting of well-known Celestial Spirit wizard. Will Neville...'' Midnight try to open the tomb, but it doesn't open. ''Even in death, is he protected by powerful magic. But that effect is about to run out.''

''Stop right there.'' Midnight look over his left shoulder and see Alzack. ''I don't care what your goal is, we are not going to let you accomplish it.''

''You sniffed me out already? Amusing.'' Bisca run up some pillars and get ready to shoot Midnight.

''Brain II of the new Oracion Seis, I presume? Here I come.'' Says Alzack and start shooting after Midnight, but it doesn't hit him at all. ''How about this. Omnidirectional Expansion.'' Guns is surrounding Midnight, but Midnight switch place with Alzack. the guns shot at

''No one can stop me.'' Alzack smirked at Midnight, which is a cue to Bisca.

''One shot, one down.'' Bisca bullet didn't hit Midnight at all, but deflected towards the pillar Bisca is standing on. Sending her of flying.

''She's a good shooter. But she lacks the resolve to shoot someone. In order to achieve something, you have to pay a high cost. You two are lacking. Lacking in readiness to lose something. Time to say goodbye.'' Midnight get ready to kill Alzack, but a sphere block the attack on both Alzack and Bisca.

''This felling, this present.'' Mumble Bisca.

''(Y/N).'' Says Alzack. Midnight is a little surprised, but it doesn't show on his face.


''A protection spell from getting killed. Clever.'' Says Midnight and walk away. He stop by the tomb and watch the eyes from the horse statues lit on. ''The Celestial Spirit wizards Anti-Link is complete.'' The tomb get's destroyed and the skull of Will Neville float up. ''Great Neville, the amplitude limiters have all been unleashed. The nightmare that you saw is how going to... Will it blanket the world.'' The weather outside turn dark and a fish formed ship appeared in the air. Inside the heart of the ship is (Y/N) sleeping inside the lacrima. Her power is giving the ship energy.

''What is that? What kind of a joke is that?'' Ask Max and watch the ship moving slowly.

''The sound of bells...'' Mumble Erza.

''Unleashing the Infinity Clock...?'' Mumble Wendy from the other side of the land. Bellow the ship.

''That's the clock? It's too damn big.'' Says Bickslow.

''The Infinity Clock was hidden right over Zentopia Cathedral.'' Says Reaper.

''What do you mean?'' Ask Bickslow. Over to Juvia and Gajeel is the green monster answering their confused look.

''That's the starting point of the doctrine that was sealed away from Zentopia history. The intersection between the beginning and end of goodwill and malice. Everything has gone as Cardinal Rapowant as well as the archbishop have commanded. I don't care what their real intentions are and it isn't necessary to know. For the sake of the doctrine, for the sake of Zentopia... We won.'' Up in the sky is the exceed flying around the ship.

''Look at that. It's a fish. Though it doesn't look good to eat...'' Says Happy.

''So we were too late? While I was wavering, this happened?'' Says Samuel.

''What is going to happen next?'' Ask Wendy. Samuel start flying somewhere else.

''Where are you going, Sammy?'' Ask Lily.

''Zentopia Cathedral. I am going to confirm the truth with my own eyes.'' Answered Samuel.


''Wait. We haven't heard yet what kind of order you and Byro got.'' Complained Happy. The ship start shooting some angers to the ground, and stop moving.

''What is that?'' Ask Natsu and watch the chain attracted itself to the ground around Fiore.

''The Infinity Clock has begun to work.'' Answered Byro.

''What? We have to do something to stop it.'' Says Lucy.

''But I have my own mission to carry out. That is to bring back with me, Lucy Heartfilia.'' Byro look at Lucy with a serious look.

''Why? After all this, what do you want with me?'' Ask Lucy.

''I don't understand it either. However, it's my duty to obey.'' Natsu get's a little angry.

''You are not getting Lucy.'' Complained Natsu and Lucy getting angry to.

''We don't have time for this right now. Can't you see what's over us? What are you talking about, mission? Even you must know what you should really be doing right now.'' Byro hesitate for a moment, but a new voice get's their attention. The dead machine start moving.

''Byro, what are you hesitating for? Don't think. All you need is the doctrine and loyalty... All you have to do is what you were ordered.'' A familiar stick pops out of the machine suit.

''When we were fighting Nirvana...'' Says Natsu

''My name is Klodoa. I was then and am now the seventh member of Oracion Seis, the brains behind the group.'' Answered the talking voodoo stick.

''The seventh member?'' Muttered Lucy, remembering the first time the say the new Oracion Seis. ''Then, um... Aren't you one member short?''

''It's no longer necessary to hide it anymore. Come, the time is ripe. Throw away your temporary form and reveal your true name right here and now.'' Klodoa look at Michelle, and she has a sour look.

''Michelle...'' Lucy look at her friend who has been quite this entire time.''What are you talking about? You are just trying to confuse us again, aren't you? This girl is Michelle Lobster. She's like a little sister to me. She is family.'' Protested Lucy, trying to protect Michelle. ''She embarked on a journet to search for me so she could deliver my father's memento. Don't worry. I am not gonna be taken in by that jerk's baloney... Michelle... Come on... Tell me he's lying... Come on.'' Michelle push Lucy kindly away and look sadly at her. Tears fall down her face.

''Lucy-nee-san... I am sorry.'' Michelle starts glowing and her body change.

''Mi... Chelle...'' Mumble Lucy lowly.

''No. I am a member of the new Oracion Seis. Imitatia, mistress of mimicry and deception. To gather the scattered pieces of the Infinity Clock, we needed all of you. That's why I came to you, Nee-san, as 'Michelle Lobster'.'' Explain Imitatia. Lucy couldn't believe what she is hearing, she doesn't want to believe it. ''We attacked those churches to destroy the biological links that were spread all over and to release the sealed-up Infinity Clock. Also, to make the energy source for the ship to move, by using a powerful wizard's magical force, also known as (Y/N) Legend. With that accomplished now, we only need you, Lucy-nee-san.''

''What happen? I-I see. You are being manipulated by magic.'' Lucy try to held Imitatia hand, but Natsu stopped her. He is angry that she lied to them and get ready to fight. Imitatia lift her left hand and a shield appeared. She hit Natsu and knock him out. Then call a sword and hit Lucy in the stomach by the handle of the sword. Elfman manage to get away and talk to Warren about what has happen. Everything seems dark know.

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