《Fairy Tail's Little Fairy Book 1 (Rewriting)》52) Clock head


3rd POV

(Y/N) return back to the normal world, but not by the guild. She stands on a mountain and she can hear a waterfall near by.

''Why would I end up here?'' Mumble (Y/N) and walk up the path towards the water fall. The sky is dark, and thunder is booming the air. At the top of the path, can (Y/N) see the water fall and... Team Shadow Gear, Lily and Gajeel.

''Huh, (Y/N). How did you get here?'' Ask Levy and notice me.

''Don't ask, but what are you doing here? We need to get the clock part.'' It's seems Gajeel and Lily are fighting while we talk.

''Gajeel is 'training', but we need his help.'' Says Levy. (Y/N) nodded and lift her left hand. She manipulate the thunder to hit both the fighting idiots.

''Stop fooling around and get going.'' Commanded (Y/N) and start walking towards the location that she got from her spirits.

''Hai.'' Mumble Gajeel and Lily on the ground. Shadow Gear just sweat dropped and walk after the six year old girl.


''Seriously. I know that I have lived in this guild my hole life, and should know that this would happen. But that those two idiots are fighting while something dangerous is getting in the wrong people's hands... What a bunch of brats... Great I sound like grandpa.'' I thought and stop at the top of the mountain

''Is this the place where we find the clock part?'' Ask Jet and loot around to find an entrance or something.

''Yes, so start digging'' I said and jump right into the ground. Similer to Virgo. At first I hear the guys upstairs digging, but suddenly stopped. I move right back up to see what is going on. ''We don't have time to stop, so what is going on?''

''Look up.'' I do as Lily said and see another exceed flying in the air.

''Gajeel, Lily's right. Let's hurry and dig up that part.'' Says Levy.


''Yeah, alright... but you better not lose.'' Says Gajeel to Lily.

''You guys don't have to dig anymore. Just jump down my tunnel.'' I said and dig right down again. I break some barrier and make a much bigger hole than expected. I flip over so I landed on my feet's.

''What is this?'' Ask Jet and look around. There are some weird blue squid statues in this cave.

''Ruins with weird faces... I don't see anything that could be part of a clock.'' Says Droy. Gajeel take a look at a statue and see some weird signs on it.

''Hey, something is written on here.'' Levi walked over to him and take a look at the signs.

''Um... It says, 'I am hungry'.'' Read Levi.

''Hey. Isn't this like the face of a clock?'' Ask Jet and pointed at the thing in the middle. I fly a little up and see the same thing.

''You are right Jet. It is a clock.'' I said.

''Then... It's indicating snack time?'' Think Droy out loud.

''That's it. We have to move it so it become lunch time.'' Levi look at Gajeel and pointed towards one of the clock hand.

''So we just gotta move this, right?'' Ask Gajeel. Levi nodded and Gajeel punch the clock hand hard, that it move a little.

''Let me give you a hand.'' I said and lift up my right hand. ''Power up punch.'' My hand glow as I punch the hand farter. Gajeel hit it one more time, and the hand stop in front of a stature. The clock thing goes down and the clock part we are looking for is coming out.

''We finally found it.'' Says Levi happily. Gajeel look at the clock face, and then... Lick it.

''What are you doing?'' Ask Droy.

''This thing is made of iron.'' Answered Gajeel.

''Isn't there any other way you could have figured that out?'' Says Jet.


''Exactly. You could just smell it, Gajeel.'' I giggle. Metal said that to me.

''Something is written on it. Let's see if I can decipher it.'' Says Levy. Gajeel get's a little pissed off.

''We don't got that kinda time.'' Gajeel start pulling the clock face off while Levi panic and try to stop him. When Gajeel pull out the clock face, starts the ground to rumble and the small hill we are standing on, rise and became a bigger blue squid stature. That could move.

''What is that thing?'' I ask.

''It's says. Warning. The stone guardian won't abide by anyone trying to steal this.'' Read Levi from the runes. The statue attack at us, but we dodge in time. ''This is why I told you to wait. Careless blunderer.'' I giggle a little at Levi's scolding.

''You are saying this is my fault?'' Retordet Gajeel back.

''You pull it out.'' I pointed out and dodge another swing.

''This is no time to argue.'' Says Jet and Droy at the same time. I sighed and cast a stone edge spell. It didn't slow it down the slides. At the top of its head is there something red glowing.

''It looks like that red thing on it's head is what controls the rock.'' Pointed Levi out.

''Then it must be it's weak spot.'' Says Jet and get ready to fight. The same with Droy.

''Alright. Time for Shadow Gear to show off some teamwork.'' Says Droy.

''First, we have to get it to stand still.'' Levi run up to them and get ready too. ''Solid script. Oil.'' The ground get's so slippery that the statue try to stay up. Droy make some plants that bind the statue down, as Jet try to run at one of the tentacle, but slip by the oil. Gajeel then try with clock face in his hands, but dodge an attack and get back to the ground.

''Gotta find a way to reach that head... Crap. My strength fails me when I got an empty stomach. That's right. If I eat this...'' Gajeel look at the clock face and try to eat it. But Levi scream at him.

''What are you talking about? Of course you can't eat that.'' Shout Levi.

''Don't be so serious. I was kidding.'' I am now starting to think that Mira is right. Those two will be a good couple one day.

''That doesn't sound like a joke, not when you are involved.'' I see the statue are gonna strike again and was going to say something, but was to late. ''Run. That thing is trying to take the clock face back.''

''If that's the case... You take it.'' Gajeel trow the clock face and it land in front of Levi's feet's

''What are you gonna do?'' Scream Levi. I fly down beside her and take the clock face.

''Don't ask just run.'' I said. The statue look over to us, giving Gajeel the change to run up to it's head.

''Secret Dragon Slayer Art. Karma Demon Iron God Sword.'' Gajeel's hands turn into a giant iron sword, and Gajeel hit it on the head right on and split it in half. ''I took care of this one. Now hurry up and finish him.'' Lily only defeated that other exceed by swing him down to the ground.

''He is weaker than he looked like.'' I commended and lift the clock face over my head. ''But we got the clock piece.'' The exceed wake up and start talking about calculation and all, that Lily kicked him out of the ruin. While the others talk about how they get back to the guild, do I get this weird feeling that we are doing something wrong. And I also got the feeling that the girl from the book is looking at me.

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