《Fairy Tail's Little Fairy Book 1 (Rewriting)》51) Starry Heavens



I couldn't protect Lucy. I some how got separated from her, and that Mary girl got the metal thing that Lucy carried around. It seems they are from an organisation called Zentopia, one of Fiore's strongest origination. The guild talked together and come with the same plan. Some go with Lucy and find some clues.

''I kind of remember seeing this before...'' Says Natsu and look at the big mansion.

''Lucy, you lived like a princess. I am jealous.'' I said with a big smile.

''It's the Heartfilia mansion.'' Says Erzza.

''Was it put up for sale?'' Ask Gray.

''It's in good shape, considering seven years have passed.'' Says Happy. For some reason are we looking at a golden stature, or the others are, I am looking around.

''Then it must be kept up periodically until a buyer is found, huh?'' Pointed Carla out.

''The administrator of the estate says they haven't been able to find a buyer...'' Informed Lucy with a small smile, a little happy that her home isn't owned yet.

''Lucy, you could spare money and buy it.'' I pull her hand to make her look at me. She shake her head, sadly.

''Sorry, but I am happy where I am.'' I nodded to Lucy.

''This bring back memories. I used to think of this as a castle back then... And it hasn't changed...'' Says Michelle. Then Lucy ruined the mood by asking she has been here before. I just sighed and start walking to the entrance. We won't find anything if we stay here.

''Go home.'' Shouts Lucy. I turn around to look and see Natsu and Gray get kicked up in the sky.

''What happen?'' I ask Wendy when she come closer.


''It seems Lucy could make cloths out of paper and flowers.'' I get it now. Sometime I wonder if I end up like the most of the idiots in our guild.

''Erza, I will start looking.'' I called and run down a hall. Many rooms, so I just need to start somewhere.

''Princess, let's start in here.'' I turn around and screamed a little when I see Fire and Water out of there gates.

''Why are you here? Why won't you come out when I call? Why...'' Water put her hand on my mouth to make me shut up.

''Well, we are just a little scared. Silver saw into the time line and saw someone break Oracion Seis out of prison. That persons aura is familiar, and we spirits have a huge discussion. Sorry princess, if we couldn't come out in needed time.'' Sobbed Water and hug me tight. I hug her back and try my best to comfort her.

''It's okay, just tell me next time. I know you are trying to protect me, but sometime do I wanna now things before it happen.'' I said calmly and let go of the hug. ''Just go back, I can do this on my own.''

*Time skip*

''Starry Heavens... Something is wrong with that book.'' I mumble to my self and listen. But everyone's voice get in distance and all color turn black and white. ''What is happening?'' The girl on the front cover move and turn around to look at me.

''No, don't do it.'' In a snap turn everything back to normal and my knees feel weak.

''(Y/N), are you alright?'' Ask Gray beside me. I held my head and try to get the echo of that voice out.


''I need to go.'' I mumble out loud.

''Huh, where will you go?'' Ask Lucy.

''To visit my spirits, they now what to do.'' Small tears fall down, since it hurt so much.

''Okay, we take it from here.'' Says Erza. I nodded and held my keys in my hand, soon I get the feeling of falling down. I land gracefully on the path towards the little village for my spirits. I look at my cloths and see it has changed.

''Princess, what are you doing here?'' Metal walk up to me.

''Do you know anything about Key of Starry Heavens?'' I ask. Metal seems shocked and hesitate to tell me.

''Yeah we now that. Come.'' He take my hand and lead me to the village. ''We have a problem.'' Metal shouted. Each spirits step out of their houses and look at us.

''Princess.'' Says Nature.

''Hey. I wanna ask what is Key of Starry Heavens means. Lately we have been attacked by Zentopia and some church have been destroyed these past months. Do you know anything that could help?'' I ask politely. Silver walked closer and use his magic to give a picture of what he is about to tell.

''It's a story about a little girl, who is told she will become happy if she can gather six special keys, so she goes off to look for them. But in the end, the people around her become unhappy. It also says that the first key is on a journey, the same with the other keys.'' Explain Silver.

''A key on a journey... Michelle. She got here and give Lucy a memento from her father that is actually a clock hand.'' I informed and remember Lucy showing me what it looks like.

''What.'' Muttered my spirits.

''Princess, you need to return back and help finding the keys. In the wrong hands could it be a great danger to everyone.'' Says Fire. I nodded and start running back to where I came from. I hope I am not to late.

3rd POV

''Are you sure it's wise to lies to her?'' Ask Light. God nodded and return back to her house with the rest.

''There isn't much we can do for now. But she is in danger if whoever is doing this, know what they are doing.'' Says Demon.


Sorry for short and slow update, exam is coming near. Please be patient and like and share this book.


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