《Fairy Tail's Little Fairy Book 1 (Rewriting)》50) Three



It seems that Lucy got a visitor while I was gone. Michelle. She appeared out of no where, but she is kind. Apparently she come with a gift from Lucy's father, witch is a metal rod thing. I tried to call one of my spirits, but they won't come out for some weird reason. Maybe they think I am mad on them.

''Where is Laxus?'' I ask the Raijinshuu. Before they could answer, come a lightning bolt in the air. ''Never mind.''

''Didn't you make Laxus shirt to be electricity proof?'' Ask Evergreen and place the bowl of salat on the table. We are all having a little picnic together, since Laxus is still not a member of the guild.

''Yes I did, and now we get to find out if it worked.'' I smiled and take some bread.

''let's just check to be sure.'' Freed make a rune wall so no body will touch our food, and start running towards the lightning. Not long do we find him along with Natsu, Happy and Gajeel.

''Stop carrying on like little kids.'' Says Laxus to the three.

''Laxus, you are living around here?'' Ask Natsu.

''The place I moved to just happens to be near here.'' Informed Laxus.

''I found it for you.'' I added and take his hand. We got our bond back together, so we again like brother and sister as we were, before the hole battle of Fairy Tail.

''Then you gotta come back to the guld.'' Says Gajeel.

''Mind your own business.'' Says Laxus.

''I don't give a crap if you come back or not. But since you are here, let's settle once and for all who's stronger.'' Says Natsu and seems ready to fight.

''With me too.'' Added Gajeel.


''I know your game. You wanna piss me off so I will battle you, but I am not gonna bite. I also got a sister I don't wanna lose again, so get lost.'' Laxus turn around, but stop when Natsu say he is running away from a fight.

''Oh, I gotta go and let you deal with this. I also need to try to get my spirits out, for some reason are they not coming when I am calling.'' I walk slowly away and back to where our food is waiting. I don't wanna be in the middle of that conversation.

*Time skip*

The conversation turn into this. They are going to fight in the south park gate, and a lot of people have showned up to watch the fight. Don't these people have something important to do than watch some idiots fight? Some of out guild member have turn this duel into a festival to lift things up. And today is the big duel, but it end faster than Laxus lightning. Natsu got beatet in one hit and Gajeel disappeared.

''Why does our guild always do something like this all the time.'' I mumble at the guild. The sun is going down and no one has fine Gajeel yet, and I still haven't got any spirit out. The three exceed tun outside and see who is coming. I jump odd my chair and follow them. Three new person appears and look really familiar.

''Who are you?'' Command Lily. The lady with a white strike in her hair smirk. Lily look over to the small one. ''What, you are Coco?''

''She really looks like her.'' I add.

''What are you doing in this world?'' Ask Carla.

''Um... Coco, you are that girl from Edolas, right? I see. You must have come to Earthland while we were gone.'' Ask Happy.


''Guys... They are not from Edolas, they are the Earthland version.'' I inform them. Their aura is full of magic, and they even look a little different from Edo.

''What?'' Shouts the exceed. Then the rest of the guild returns.

''I am starving.'' Whined Natsu.

''I winder where Gajeel-san went off to...?'' Says Wendy.

''A man doesn't flee from his enemy.'' Complained Elfman.

''Guys, we have a problem.'' I called out. Those of us who have been in Edolas remember them, but the others have no idea of who they are. The three even claim that they are not the people we know. ''They are Erathlander, not Edolas.''

''Now that you mention it, he face is similar...'' Start Lucy, but Natsu finish off with a dump question.

''And you were a man. Why are you dressed like a woman for?'' I sweatdropped on that one.

''I hate this guy already...'' I hear Mary mumble. The conflict turn into a fight for Lucy. For some reason they want her, and this guild won't let them take her. Sugar Boy send off some weird goo, and Coco is fast with her legs, then Mary should be able to do the same as Hughe.

''Even if I can't call my spirits, can I still fight. Vine whip.'' A magic circle come out and a vine shoot after Sugar Boy's staff, I think. Anyway, he dodge in time.

''Huh, a sugar instead of spicy.'' What is he talking about. He try to attack me, but Lily crap me in time. It seems all of the others can't continue battling. Natsu stands up, but he doesn't have any magical power so Romeo try to give some of his, but gave the yellow stinky one.

''Natsu, here you go. Flame thrower.'' I chanted as the flame hit Natsu.

''Thanks for the meal, anyway... Run Lucy.'' Shouts Natsu and sent flame to the three persons., but he the flames turn to hit Max and then Lucy, Levi and Michelle. Kinana hit Mary with a stone. She doesn't have any magic, but will still help. They ask one more time for Lucy, but Michelle stand up and proclaim to be Lucy.

''So you are the one..?'' Ask Sugar Boy, they are really falling for that.

''Walk over here quietly.'' Order Mary.

''I am the one you are looking for. What is it that you want with me?'' Ask 'Lucy'. Man she is brave to do this.

''I see. Despite being a guild wizard, she is definitely the daughter of the former owner of the Heartfilia Konzern.'' Says Sugar Boy.

''She sure has class.'' Commended Coco.

''I figured she be rougher around the edges... Lucy Heartfilia. The daughter of the former owner of the Heartfilia Konzern and Fairy tail's resident Celestial Spirit wizard... If I am not mistaken?'' Ask Mary. They are so much mistaking.

''Hold on there, I am Lucy.'' Says the real Lucy. That gave me an idea.

''No no, I am the real Lucy Heartfilia.'' I pointed at myself, that give the others the same idea and call all the girls Lucy.

''I don't know witch is the real one.'' Complained Coco. Mary seems like she is about to explode. Natsu make the first move, so that Lucy could get away. Lily drop me and I start running after them.

''Good idea, Lucy.'' Joked Lucy to me.

''Living in this guild could give you some weird ideas.'' I said back. What ever is going on, won't I let it happen.

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