《Fairy Tail's Little Fairy Book 1 (Rewriting)》49) First chat



''So I just missed all of you being invisible?'' Why did I have to go on a job, when something hilarious happen. I just got told that yesterday was Lucy invisible and when she return back to normal, was all the other sprayed with her ointment and become invisible too.

''I hope that never happen again.'' Says Levi.

''Anyway, how did you job go. You where in a guild to make something, right?'' Ask Mira. I nodded and take a sip of my juice.

''I got a pretty good among of money, and they didn't know I was a Fairy Tail wizard. What they asked me to make was there flag. The old one was to old, as they said, so I make a hole new one.'' I started.

*Flash back*

''That guild was also kind of scary, but luckily was my digesis perfect, that they didn't regnise me.'' I step inside the guild, wearing a corset and a skirt. I look older and have short (S/F/C) hair. No one should regnise me, with this look.

''What are you doing here?'' I look to my right and meet a black haired woman in a blue and black dress.

''I am looking for the master. I am from Blue Pegasus, the designer. I am here to make you a new flag.'' I have visit Blue Pegasus and ask if it was alright to be a 'member' just to get some money. They are so sweet, that they said yes.

''Alright. This way, just don't try anything stupid.'' I nodded to the lady. The guild master is sitting on a throne. White long hair and a weird beard. He is wearing a red, with purple end, kimono.

''What are you doing here?'' Wow, he has a deep and scary voice.


''I am Suzzian from Blue Pegasus. I heard you were looking for a new design for your flag, and I have many design to perfect you reputation.'' I take out a blok of paper and show the master. He look through the different kind of paper and held one up.

''This one seems right. Minerva, show her our storage room.'' Oh, so that is her name. Minerva bowed and take my arm, holding it tight. I just ignore it and look around. This place is huge, and the guild stopped what they did to watch.

''There is materials in here. Don't come out without finish the flag.'' Order Minerva. She slam the door and leave me in a alright big room, with different kind of supplier.

''Let's make it quick. Side kick.'' The materials I need to use, fly around and sewing on it's own. ''To think that Sabertooth is like this. Master sounds harsh, along with that woman. Maybe this hole guild is about being strong.'' I mumble to myself. I hear commotion outside, and I stop. I open the door, so I can peak what is going on.

''I really sorry that I failed the mission.'' Some random guy is begging in front of the master.

''Sabertooth don't tolerate weaklings.'' The master stand up and use his power to push the poor guy to a wall. Ouch, that will hurt for weeks. ''Remove your crest and begone trash.'' This guild kick the member out, just for being weak. I close the door again and make the flag. When it's done, do I step outside, clear of fear like I didn't watch what happen. The flag is rolled and flying beside me.

''My masterpiece for your guild's new flag.'' The flag unfold and show the design. ''Purple represent magic, and since there is a lot of it, is your magical power the strongest. Yellow or more said gold, for your victorious path. A flag that show clearly that this guild is not to mess with.'' I explain kindly and bowed at last. Mira said once that if I know my costumer and how they are, then use it to sell more.


''It's exceptional.''

*Flashback end*

I didn't tell them what guild I was in or what happen, just that the master liked the flag and gave 20.000 jewel for it. It's a fair price.

''Well, we got money and the deal with Twilllight Ogre is done.'' Says grandpa. I smile and finish my drink.

''I gonna go home. I am kind of tired.'' I jump out of the chair.

''See you.'' Says the guild. When I arrive at home, I jump on my bed and remove my sleeve. A butterfly bracelet is in my left arm. A amethyst jewel butterfly, the chain has small color stone. Bottom is red and each side become orange, then all the way to end with purple jewel. Where did I get it, well let's just say that I meet someone at that guild.


The master ordered me to set up the flag, before going home. It was easy with the side kick spell. So I get ready to leave. I was almost through the stairs when I turn myself back to normal. What a releave that no one noticed my costume.

''What a small child doing here?'' Oh, shit. I turn around and see that guy from the magazine. He walk towards me. Quick, (Y/N), think of an excuse.

''I got lost. Trying to get home, but took the wrong road.'' That won't work. The male chuckle and put his hand on my shoulder.

''I will help you.'' I move to the side, unsure.

''Have you ever heard of stranger danger.'' Just to be sure, have I my hand on my keys.

''I won't hurt children, trust me.'' Just go with it, (Y/N), just go with it. We walk down the street and into an alleyway. ''I happy to see you are alive.''

''What, but I don't know you.'' I said and take a step back.

''Don't you remember. I promised to keep the style, so you could find me.'' I look closer at him. He is like a musketeer.

''Oni-chan?'' I slowly asked. He nodded. ''Oni-chan.'' I jump into his arms.

''We don't have much time, but now you know who I am. And sorry for not being there for you all this time.'' Says oni-chan.

''I forgive you. But what is your name?'' I ask and stop hugging him.

''My name is Rufus Lore, and you are a Lore to. But you can keep the Legend still. Right now is it bad if people find out we are sibling.'' I nodded to Rufus. ''And for not giving you a present all these years, do I hope this one will do it.'' He pick out a bracelet out of his pocket.

''It's beautiful. I am happy to know who you are and meet you personal, but I have to go. Need to return home before dark.'' I look up to the sky and see the sun is soon setting.

''I understand. Just know that I love you.'' I nodded and give him one last hug. We may not been together all my life, but meeting him is the best thing in the world.

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