《Fairy Tail's Little Fairy Book 1 (Rewriting)》43) Second trial


3rd POV

Levi, Gajeel, Lily and (Y/N) took the safe rode and are waiting for the others to come. Elfman and Evergreen has come across Mirajane. Juvia and Lisanna took the rode where Erza was waiting. Natsu and Happy meet Gildart and are fighting like it's the end of the world, kind of. Lucy and Cana won over Freed and Bickslow. And of course for the last two team has Gray and Loke won over Mest and Wendy with ease. Wendy seriously lost just because Gray and Loke eat picked plums.

''Now then, I will announce the details for the second test of the S Class Wizard Advancement Exam. The second test is searching for the grave of Mavis, our founding Guild Master.'' Explain master Makarov.

''Huh? That sounds easy.'' Says Natsu. If only he knew.

''Finding a grave in this big place is harder than it sounds, Natsu.'' Says (Y/N) and held Lily in her arms. She has changed cloths to a safari look set. (Y/N)'s hair is sat in a high ponytail that split right away into three braids.

''You have only 6 hours. Hear that? I said 6 hours. I will be waiting at Mavis's grave.'' Says master and teleport somewhere. Natsu go right ahead. Then the rest go to, so that leave (Y/N) and Lily behind.

''There is something about those 6 hours he is talking about.'' Mumble (Y/N).

''Yeah, he did replay and make sure we heard it.'' Added Lily.

''Let's go around, and think about this. I have a feeling that this test is a brain test.'' (Y/N) start walking, while thinking about where the grave could be.

''Can't one of your spirits help?'' Ask Lily. (Y/N) nodded but sighed.

''I wanna see if I can figure this out myself. I can't always deepen on them.'' Complained the young girl. Lily think she is brave to try this on her own, but also a stubborn at the same time. ''Maybe the word 'grave' have something to do with it. The end of your physical body, but the beginning of your soul.''


*Time skip*


Man, this is a hard test. I haven't got any idea on where the grave is. Where is the hint to this test... Grandpa is so cruel.

''(Y/N), look at that.'' Lily pointed at a red flare in the air. I remember Erza talked about this before bording the ship.

''An enemy is closing in or are already on the island. The exam is on a break.'' I explain and let go of Lily. He land gracefully on the ground and look at me. I am in a full shock. What I am supposed to do?

''(Y/N), get yourself together.'' Yelled Lily. I come back to the real world and look down at Lily. Take a deep breath (Y/N). I nodded to Lily.

''Let me find out who is the enemy. Nature, please be my eyes.'' My eyes turn fully green as my sight turn into different sight from different plants. Lastly I look over the beach and see a giant ship with a guild symbol. ''The enemy is Grimoire heart. And a lot of soldier are already on the island.'' My feet start on their own and run down the forest path.

''Who is Grimoire Heart?'' Ask Lily and fly beside me.

''One of the dark guild alliance. I don't remember the name, but they are a part of it. Along with Oracion Seis and Taratarous.'' More explosion fill the air. My family is in danger. Lily fly higher and spot someone.

''(Y/N), someone is coming this way, and it's not a friend.'' Warned Lily and the ground start shaking. I feel a strong among of magic. His skin is dark and his style is green. He looks strong.

''A little girl? In a place like this? Why can't I meet some strong opponent?'' Muttered the man.


''I can hear you, you son of a glitch.'' I retarded and get my keys ready.

''I am not intended to fight a girl. Bye.'' He turn around and walk away from me. If Natsu was here then he would just attack him.

''Don't take me so light headed. Lily go and find Erza. I can take him and keep him busy.'' Lily hesitate a little, but did it anyway. The guy stopped and look at me again. ''Let my voice reach your ears. Hyper voice.'' Wave of pure sound is heading towards the guy. He close his ears and try to withstand it. ''Power up punch.'' Without warning, do I hit him right in the stomach. But it didn't do much damage.

''The girl has some guts.'' He says. I jump away to keep distance, like Erza told me.

''This girl is (Y/N), Fairy Tail's little fairy and your enemy right now.'' I take out Metal's key. ''I open there the weapon and armor gate, Metal.''

''Finally some action.'' Says Metal.

''Gate magic, but you could also use magic without the keys.'' Muttered the man. His shocked face turn into a grin. ''A worthy opponent. My name is Azuma one of the sin of purgatory. Strongest member from Grimoire Heart. Take it as an honor to die by my hands.'' His smirk get wider and wider.

''Not gonna happen. Ice beam.'' I sent pure eyes at his feet to keep him.

''Bazooka.'' Shouts Metal. It hit right on. Again, some damage on the outside, but the inside is it burning hot.

''This won't work on me. Blaze.'' Small explosion turn into a big one. Metal manage to get me behind his shield.

''If that's the case, then I open there the living earth gate, Nature.''

''Princess, his magic is a lost magic. A mix with tree and explosion.'' Informed Nature and make the ground into quicksand.

''I noticed that too, but that it was lost magic was new.'' I scratch my neck and look at the enemy. Maybe fighting him isn't the greatest idea.

''Let's just take this guy down. Requip, fire sword.'' Metal's swrd looks like Erza's. Nature help me jump high in the sky.

''Luckily can I also lost magic. Time arc.'' I make his move Blaze return, but this time does it hit him right on. Azuma is way stronger. Erza should be able to take this guy, but I will help her by doing this. ''First magic arc, blocker.''

''What is happening?'' Mumble Azuma.

''Blocker is a spell that block your strongest magic or the most damaged spell you can do. No other than me can release it again. Nice fighting you, but you are not a worthy opponent to me.'' I snap my fingers and I teleport to the camp. Metal and Nature return to their realm again.

''(Y/N), where have you been?'' Ask Lisanna and run over to me. I some small scratche, nothing big.

''I couldn't fight him. I know Erza will meet him, so I help her a little. Let's hope it's enough.''

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