《Fairy Tail's Little Fairy Book 1 (Rewriting)》42) S-Class



Today is the S-Class trial, so yesterday has people just running around and go on job after job. There is no ending. But right now are we getting ready to hear who will have the change to become one. I am coming anyway to support them when they are injured or what ever. All the guild member are standing in front of the stage and are waiting.

''I wonder what is going to happen.'' Says Wendy beside me. Before I could answer, move the carpet of the stage and revile grandpa, Erza, Mirajane and Gildarts.

''Fairy Tail. As we have done since days long past, I will now announce the participants in this year's S-Class Wizard Advancement Exam.'' The guild start cheering. Erza and Gildarts stop them, so grandpa can continue. ''This years exam will take place on Tenroujima. It is holy ground for our guild. Each of your powers, hearts and souls... I have judged them all this past year... There will be nine participants. Normally eight, but this extra person deserved it too... Natsu Dragneel. Gray Fullbuster. Juvia Lockser. Elfman. Cana Alberona. Freed Justine. Levy McGarden. Mest Gryder. And last but not least... (Y/N).'' Wait what.

''What, grandpa how can I be an S-Class, why did you chose me?'' I panic a little, because that took me by surprise.

''This time, only one of you will pass. The exam will take place in a week, so each of you, prepare yourselves.'' Grandpa ignored my question. Damn him. ''As this is the first time for some of you, let me explain the rules.''

''Each of the nine selected participants, please select a partner within the week of preparation.'' Starts Mira.

''There are two rules for the partners you can choose. One: They must be a member of Fairy Tail. Two: You cannot partner with S-Class wizards.'' Finish Erza.


''The contest of the exam itself will be announced once you arrive at Tenroujima. But this time, Erza will be blocking your progress.'' Added grandpa. Mira and Gildarts too will block the progress. This is going to be hard.

*Time skip*

Who should I partner up with? Natsu is defiantly choosing Happy, Gray make a promised last year to Loke and of course will Freed chose Bickslow.

''Do you have problem in choosing your partner?'' Ask grandpa and walk over to me, who is sitting alone.

''It was a surprised to hear that I will partipate this year, but I thought I was going to be the little nurse.'' I mumble at last. Grandpa chuckle and sit next to me.

''We chose you because we wanna see how far you can get. You could protect the guild and the city with just one spell. Your spirit has provent very strong and are loyal to you. We wanna test how strong it is.'' So that's why they chose me, but it doesn't help me chose a partner. I look over to Gajeel who make Levy chose him as her partner, Lily is just standing behind and watch. I jump down the chair and run over to Lily.

''Lily, would you like to be my partner. I promised Coco to watch over you and be good friends, so what is better than do this together?'' Lily smirked and give me a thumps up.

''It would be an honor to help you.'' Yay, I got a partner. I hug Lily and carry him around. I couldn't stop smiling. ''Anyway, what kind of magic do you have?''

''These keys have spirits inside, witch have each an elemental power. Putting all of it together, do I have all kind of magic at the same time.'' I explain and show him the key-ring in a bag. Lucy had an extra bag to her keys, so she gave it to me.


''So you can do every magic that exist?'' I nodded and giggle a little. Every time someone new hear about this, do they get so surprised that their mouth is all the way to the ground.

''See you next week, partner.'' I place Lily down and wave. Better get ready now than the last minute.

*Time skip*

''Why most I close my eyes?'' I whined as I have my eyes closed and Fire holding a hand over them.

''Because, Gray has just gone to far with his striping hobby.'' Says Fire. Like he is the one to talk, but he at least have pants on and not Gray.

''I have been in the guild my hole life, seeing Gray naked isn't a shocker.'' I complained. Why I have Fire out is because the heat is to much and with Fire out isn't it that bad anymore.

''Well, let's change to subject. We are here.'' Says Lily. I move Fire's hand away and see the island.

''It has said long ago that there were fairies on that island.'' Starts grandpa in some weird summer cloths. ''Also, in reference to the very first Fairy Tail master, where Mavis Vermilion's sleeping ground is. Now, I will announce your first trial. You see the smoke rising over the shore? First, head over there. You find 9 passages, but only one team can enter each passage. And at the end of each passage, this will happen.'' A map appeared. Three says pitched battle, two says calm and the rest says battle.

''Wow, so each passage has a titlen. If you get the pitched battle, then you battle S-Class wizard.'' I said and admire the map.

''Correct (Y/N). Only the teams that get though this pass the first trial. In the battle route, two teams among the nine go head to head, and only the team that wins can go on. Pitched battle is the most difficult route, as you must defeat a current S-Class wizard to proceed. Calm is the route that can be used to get to the end without fighting. In the first trial you are being tested on armed might and luck. Let the trial begin.'' Finish grandpa. Luckily am I at the railing, so I jumped out and Lily quickly grab my the back of my (F/C) t-shirt and shorts.

'' What the. Freed and (Y/N) is already out.'' Natsu is blocked by runes. Freed is sneaky as ever. Lily fly fast to the shore, and as said there is 9 passage.

''Witch one should we chose?'' Ask Lily.

''Hm... Let's take route G.'' Lily nodded and start walking in the tunnel. It's so quiet, like there os nobody else in here. ''I think we just picked a calm route.''

''Seems like it.'' Says Lily. We see the end of the tunnel. We have walked all the way to a forest, and Levy and Gajeel are here too. ''You guys also picked a calm route.'' Gajeel doesn't seem happy about it.

''And it suck, I thought we could at least fight someone.'' Whined Gajeel angry.

''You gonna fight soon, Gajeel.'' I insure and sit next to him on the big stone. First trial is over, wonder what's the next.

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