《Fairy Tail's Little Fairy Book 1 (Rewriting)》41) Returning home


3rd POV

Happy and Carla are standing in a distance and watch the fight.

''(Y/N) has called for help from this Fairy Tail.'' Says Carla. Happy nodded and smile a proud one.

''She is a true fairy, who guides others heart to the right thing.'' (Y/N)'s fighting is like she is dancing. She doesn't call for her spirits, but fight with her own hands. (Y/N) fight the beasts, so that the others can fight the royal army.

''Flame Thrower.'' Chanted (Y/N) and a blast of fire shot out of her hand. Most of the beasts has fallen for that move.

''You are really strong. I wanna be just as strong as you.'' Says Fairy when (Y/N) land beside him.

''Then work hard, and protect who is dear to you. Forest Curse.'' Dark purple roots, shoot up from the ground and wrap around the las remain of those beasts. Now they are out of the way. Explosions everywhere, and mostly to a arena some miles away. Yellow light fly from the ground up to the sky. All the floating islands is falling.

''Magic is vanish from this world.'' Muttered Edo Levy.

''Magic doesn't exist here on this world. Your people made it come here, and now that the magic will return to where it belongs, then the land will return to what it once was.'' Says (Y/N) calmly and smile. She activate her wings once again and fly up to the sky.

''What are you doing?'' Ask Fairy and watching his Earthland version of him fly up.

''I will make who has real magic inside, return to the world they belong.'' (Y/N) fly towards the kingdom where people are panic. The magic is disappearing from this world, so it's obvious.

''(Y/N), over here.'' Natsu, Gajeel and Wendy are safe, but beatet.


''What happen to you guys?'' (Y/N) look close to their injury and heal some of it.

''Nothing much, but let's fool these people to believe we are taking the magic with us.'' Says Gajeel. (Y/N) nodded and use takeover and look like a little demon with tails and all. Natsu start it all with laughing and getting their attention.

''I am the one... Who beat your king. Maybe I let him live just as a special favor.'' Starts Natsu.

''We want the magic you have here.'' Says (Y/N) after.

''Redfox. Marvel. Destroy the city, my loyal servants.'' Gajeel use his metal arm and destroy some of the buildings and Wendy try to scare a boy, but Gajeel help her. (Y/N) do something too, witch is the ground shake. Mystogan who is watching from the castle, try to beg Natsu to stop, but we don't stop for that. Mystogan need to fight and show the kingdom that even without magic, can they survive.

''If you wanna stop our demon king, then defeat him in battle, human boy.'' Mocked (Y/N) and watch as the fight engage. 'Now is the time.' Thought (Y/N) and raise her right hand. ''All the magic inside one, return to your real home.'' Natsu's body start glowing. Wendy and Gajeel to. All of Earthland are glowing, even the exceed because their body is made out of magic.

''It's time to go home.'' Says Gajeel. One by one start the glowing people to fly.

''Hey, you.'' Shouts Edo Lucy.

''Don't look so glum. You can't have a guild without magic, you say?'' Gray place a knuckle on his chest. ''As long as you have your friends, that's your guild right there.''

''Edolas has a bright future. A future to explore what things you can make on your own. I have seen that there a much thing in Earthland that isn't here, so smile instead.'' Says (Y/N) and change back to her usual self. Fairy look at her with amazed eyes. ''The only magic you have over seen, is the magic of living. Nothing can take that away from you.''


''If we find a way to come back here, then we will visit you guys. See ya.'' Insure Natsu and start waving.

''It was nice to meet you, Edo Lucy'' Says Lucy with a big smile. (Y/N) see Coco beside Mystogan, crying by seeing Lily come with to Earthland. (Y/N) manage to fly down and take her hand.

''I will take care of Lily for you. He can be my new big brother.'' Coco nodded and dry her tears. (Y/N) then hug Mystogan. ''I will tell grandpa everything. Make this country beautiful, okay.''

''Of course. Farevel, Fairy Tail's little fairy, (Y/N).'' (Y/N) let go and fly back up again, fly beside Lily.

''Ready to see how crazy my guild is?'' Ask (Y/N) and hug Lily.

''Yes.'' The light shine the sight of Edolas and turn into a forest. It's raining hard.

*Time skip*


The exceed's story is sad and understandful. Evacuate the children, so they could be safe. Even I would do that. Well the exceed are starting new and fly to find a new home. And as for Lily, has he shrunken, but he can still be his huge form. Also, Lisanna is back. Who we thought was Edolas Lisanna, was just our Lisanna. I still don't understand how she survived, but I am happy she is. At the guild, has we explained our story and what happen. A weird adventure for sure.

''Mira, can I have the stamp. I wanna stamp Lily and Lisanna to the guild.'' I begged and pull her dress a little.

''Here it is.'' Mira give me the stamp and I quickly run over to Lily and Lisanna.

''What color and where?'' Lisanna want white on her left tight and Lily want light gray on his back. ''With this mark are you a full member of the guild. Welcome to Fairy tail.'' Everything is back to normal and of course, hen ever there come a new member do we party until we can't anymore.

''(Y/N), soon is it that time. Are you sure you wanna come?'' Ask grandpa from the bar. I know what he is talking about.

''After this adventure in Edolas, have I been acting like an adult and fight, even if I was tired. I still wanna go with you. My power may be useful when it's needed.'' I said back and drink my juice.

''Well, then you can be our medic. You would look so cute in a nurse outfit.'' Grandpa is dreaming again.

''Princess.'' I turn around and see Darkness behind me.

''What is it?'' Darkness take my hand and walk upstairs were there aren't many people.

''I feel a very dark pressure has been released.'' Informed Darkness serious.

''What pressure?'' I ask and tilt my head.

''The pressure of dead. I don't know where, but please be more careful for who you meet.'' I nodded. My spirit is just protecting me because it is their order from Galexia. But who has dead magic... Zeref. Maybe he is somewhere where there aren't anyone near. I hope.


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