《Fairy Tail's Little Fairy Book 1 (Rewriting)》40) Mystogan



''I can't believe you... But it explain so much.'' I mumble.

''It's your choice to believe me or not, but I thought Fairy Tail's sweet little fairy would believe in anything.'' Mocked Mystogan. That is true, but being in this kind of situation has make me act like an adult. Erza, Mira and grandpa would be proud to hear that I can be serious.

''Let's just hurry return. The king is planing to crash lacrima island into Extalia to get eternal magic.''Mystogan nodded and use his own magic to transport us to Edolas. The same sight and feeling from the first time I travel to Edolas. ''How do you even stop the dragon chain?''

''I can get extra help from one of our version of dragons.'' Says Mystagon. I see the exit of this transport and our sight meet an island flying towards another island, but something is flying towards the red color island.

''The exceed are trying to stop it.'' I cheered. If they push it back, then there should be enough force to break it and then I can transport it back to Earthland. ''I gonna help them. Aera.'' Just like exceed magic, can I call for wings myself.

''(Y/N), you are here too.'' Shouts Wendy.

''Of course. I give you that last power to stop this thing.'' I use my left hand to take two keys. One for extra power, and the other to do a spell for me. ''I open there the angel gate, God. Let me use the power of the sky gate, Wind.''

''You called, dear.'' Says God beside me.

''I want you to be ready and transform this lacrima to the people of Magnolia.'' I ordered, while my wings glow brighter color pink.


''Understood, my princess.'' God fly way up in the sky and get ready to do the reverse spell. I take a deep breath and move my wings one more time to add the boost. The island move away from us.

''Do it now.'' I shouted. God send the spell and the lacrima start shining bright, moving around like it's a liquid. We manage to see the island desert for lacrima, before itself disappeared.

''Did we do it?'' Ask Wendy to Carla.

''I don't know.'' Let me explain. God reversed the lacrima back to it usual form, witch is the guild and the innocent humans of Magnolia. Mystogan added some transportation magic into it, so it could get through Anima and back to Earthland. That is easy to understand, right?

''It has been returned to Earthland.'' Mystogan has come and revile himself. He is standing on a white Wylvet looking dragon. ''I searched for the remaining tear from the giant Anima to return everything to the way it was. I apologize for my lateness. Without everyone's help, I wouldn't have made it. I give my thanks.''

''That's why.'' Says Happy. Mystogan nodded and continue.

''The lacrima has passed once again through the Anima and returned to how it was in Earthland. Everything is over.'' The exceed of Extalia start cheering with the wizard from Earthland. I take a peek around and find the center of the dragon chain. Something is moving fast towards us. Before I could warn anyone, has Lily been hit through the stomach.

''This isn't over.'' Shouts a familiar voice. Erza, but not mine Erza. It's Edolas Erza Knightwalker. She try one more time, but I get in the way with God. We quickly make a shield of pure light, blocking the blast.


''Guys. I leave these to you. I go and help Lily.'' God return back to the spirit realm, while I fly towards where I saw Lily land. Inside somewhere in this forest.

''Miss, he is here.'' I take a look over to the voice and see a pink cat waving to me with Lily beside her.

''Let me see, Lily.'' His stomach has a huge hole, that you can see trough. Must have hurt like hell. ''I can fix this. I have healing magic, so don't worry. But I would highly request that you stay out of the fight for now.'' A mint green color, witch represent healing magic, is covering Lily's injure.

''How can you have so many kind of magic, in such a young age?'' Ask Lily, feeling a little better.

''I was born with this kind of power. It just took sometime to open. And with this kind of power, have I sworn to use it for the right thing. To make my parents, my brother, proud of having a daughter like me.'' I smile nicely and finish.

''That's some motivation. If I really come with you guys, then I would like to learn from you.'' Says Lily and pat my head.

''Then first lesson. Help those you held dear, find something you can do in your condition. My guild live for the others and help them in needed. That is what it is to be a Fairy Tail mage. And right now, do I have one more mission. See ya.'' I didn't give Lily a change to say something. My friends need help with the royal guards, and I know the right people to ask for help.

*Time skip*

I see it. The building I have been in from the start of this journey. Edo Fairy Tail.

''I propose that we wait until the battle between the exceed and the kingdom is over. They will both be tired out, and when we show up, could we take them both out. How about that?'' I think it was Edo Droy who said that.

''How about, you do it now.'' The guild look up to me.

''It's you.'' Says Edo Elfman.

''Exceed isn't that strong as you have believed. They are actually weak who only wish to live in peace. And right now are they being turn into lacrima. If we don't do anything, then they will die.'' I said with a leaders tone. The guild turn quite and think about what I said. I look at Edo Lucy and she nodded to me. She is with me, thank god. ''You are a Fairy Tail member right, but if you don't help the innocent, then you can't call yourself a member of this guild. My Fairy Tail is a one big family. We stand for each other, we cry for each other and we fight with each other. That is what it means to be Fairy Tail wizard from Earthland, so show us that Edolas Fairy Tail is the same.''

''Earthland Fairy is right. Let's fight with them to the bitter end.'' Shouts Edo Lucy. The guild cheered and start their teleportation thing. Wait a little longer, my comrades, friends. When the teleportation is over, do I open the doors with Edolas Fairy Tail behind me.

''(Y/N).'' Cheered Lucy and Gray.

''Let's fight for our new comrades.'' I shouted and start charging at those big beasts. ''Fairy Tail always stand for each other.''

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