《Fairy Tail's Little Fairy Book 1 (Rewriting)》37) Edo Fairy Tail



''Why did you have to say that, Dragon.'' I complained to my spirit.

''We need help to find your original friends, remember. If we can get information on where they would have them, then we can rescue them.'' Answered Dragon calmly and drink some of the tea Edo Mira served for him.

''So you really are from another world, that's amazing.'' Exclaimed Fairy.

''How did you get your name to be Fairy, if I may ask?'' Fairy look like me and act like me, so he must be my other version. The only differens here is I am a girl and he is a boy.

''This guild found me at an abounded house. Every one inside was dead, so they took me in and gave me that name because they couldn't agree to any other name.'' Answered Fairy nicely and smile.

''My story is different from yours. I was left by the doors of our guild. My big brother couldn't take care of me, so he gave me to the guild with my keys here.'' I show Fairy my 15 gate keys.

''We really is each counterpart. That's amazing.'' Fairy seems to be an adventure boy. I am to, but at the same time not.

''(Y/N)-chan, you said you and Dragon was attacked before. Do you regnise who attacked you?'' Ask Wendy from her table.

''It's Erza. I was totally shocked to meet her as my enemy. It was so scary.'' I whimpered. Erza is scary normally, but my Erza is in a friendly way. Not a murderous, can kill you with a blink of an eye, aura.

''You meet, Erza Knightwalker.'' Says Fairy.

''Apparently.'' Says Dragon.

''You are lucky to get away from her. She has been removing all different kind of guild, and she isn't done until she has remove them all. Including our.'' Says Edo Cana. This is bad.

''How many time do I have to ask you, Natsu. Where have you been.'' Shouts Edo Lucy.


''Why hasn't she get the fact that we all are from another world.'' Mumble Dragon.

''Maybe they all overheard you say that they were with us, and only see us coming from another world.'' I mumble back to. Dragon nodded. A new person appear and stop Lucy from hurting Natsu more. Lisanna. Her pressure seems odd. ''Dragon. That Lisanna. Something is weird about her.''

''I can't tell right now if you are right, but maybe you are. Something is odd.'' Dragon finish his tea. When he slam the cub to the table, run Nab into the guild and shouts the Fairy Hunter.

''The Fairy what now?'' I ask.

''Erza Knightwalker. She is here. Levy is the machine ready.'' Shouts Fairy and run over to Edo Levy. The ground start shaking and rumble start flying in the air.

''Teleportation magic.'' Says Dragon. I get scare, not just because this is all new to me, but that the guild is also panic. Dragon wrap his arms around me to secure me. The air feels different and the light get's brighter. Our body start floating to, like the gravity is gone. So this is transfer magic in Edolas. When all seems over, is the guild a mess. Chair and table on the floor, and the Edo member is also on the floor.

''That is not like teleportation with Silver. Not at all.'' I whined. Dragon sighed and put me down on the floor.

''Natsu. We need to get information now, on where the lacrima is.'' Order Dragon.

''What lacrima?'' Of course, we haven't told them yet.

''Our friends are all transformed into lacrima. We need to know where, so we can safe them.'' I yelled at that stupid dragon slayer.

*Time skip*

Finally they got it in their heads. Now Edo Fairy Tail know we are from Earthland and we may look like there comrades, but we aren't.

''Anyway, we would like you to tell us how to get to the Royal City.'' Says Natsu.


''Our friends have been sucked up by this world's king. If we don't rescue them soon, everyone will be converted into magic power... They will be gone forever.'' Says Wendy.

''Sorry to tell you, li'l me, but you will be better off stopping now.'' Says Edo Wendy. How can she say that. ''Go against Edolas's king, and you forfeit your lives. That's just how powerful the kingdom is.''

''Magic power is limited in this world. It's not infinite. To put it another way, it will be used up eventually.'' Added Edo Elfman.

''In our world is magic not an object, but something you can have in your body. Mine for example is these keys. They have a spirit with magical power and I can use them myself without summoning them.'' I informed and pointed to Dragon. ''But right now is my power to low to use it myself, so that's why I use my power to keep Dragon's gate open.''

''That guy is a spirit?'' Ask Ede Elfman. I nodded.

''Also is our magic also limited. We can't always use magic, or else we use our life force. We can actually die by using too much magic. Our world is not that different from yours.'' Says Dragon. I step up from my seat and walk towards the door.

''I wait outside Natsu, I can't keep see these face to be my real family. I wanna have my family back soon.'' I try so hard not to cry. It stab my heart to see these copies of my friends.

''Okay, we come in a minute.'' I nodded to Natsu and step outside. We have landed on the desert. Not the greatest place to hide from the royal army.

''Princess, are you alright. I still have enough power to return you back or to the spirit realm.'' Says Dragon.

''I stay here. It's painful to see those guys look like them, but my real friends are in danger and if I can't help saving them, then am I really a Fairy Tail wizard.'' I whined back. At a time like this, would grandpa say to calm down and stay low. I take a deep breath and release.

''You are a Fairy Tail wizard, even if you are giving up.'' Natsu and the others come out and ready to go. ''That mark on your hand is the proof. Also, you are not alone. Your family is always by your side, for eternity.'' Natsu dry some tears that was coming out. I nodded.

''What's the matter, Dragon-san?'' Ask Wendy. I look at Dragon and see him completely frozen.

''Dragon?'' I come in.

''There is another Earthlander here.'' Muttered Dragon.

''Someone survived.'' Says Happy.

''No. Maybe this person, wasn't in Magnolia when Anima happen, and found a way to get in here.'' Says Dragon. Why isn't he telling the truth that dragon slayer doesn't get infected by Anima.

''Who ever it is, is that person maybe in trouble.'' Says Carla.

''Me and Dragon will find that person. We meet at the Royal Castle.'' Natsu agreed. Dragon pick me up and fly away again. ''Why didn't you tell them that it's Gajeel who is here?''

''Because, there are two and Natsu will find the new pressure while we find Gajeel.'' Who could have survive Anima without being a dragon slayer.

''Lucy is here to.'' I mumble. Dragon nodded and speed up a little. Lucy's spirit is just like mine. She has Horologium who can protect her, so she won't get turned into a lacrima. Lucy will be fine with Natsu, but I hope Gajeel hasn't done anything to be outstanding.

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