《Fairy Tail's Little Fairy Book 1 (Rewriting)》36) Another version



The light blind my eyes for a minute. When I open my eyes again, do I meet a magnificent sight. Floating islands and weird plants.

''Natsu, look. The ground is floating.'' I exclaim and point at different island.

''I can see it.'' Says Natsu. Dragon has been silent, and is not like him at all. It is, but not this quite.

''Dragon, is something wrong?'' I ask my friend.

''Well, the magical pressure is sure shabby here. Maybe I should warn the others that there magic is getting blocked.'' Muttered Dragon.

''That's to late.'' I pointed at the four screaming comrades. Dragon sighed and continue flying. They fall through some weird puffy things. ''Natsu. Me and Dragon will stay up here and keep an eye.'' I shouted to my big brother figure.

''How can Dragon still be here?'' Shouts Natsu back.

''My body is made of pure magic. As long as there is magic in the air, then I can use my magic as I wish.'' Answered Dragon for me.

''Okay, but stay near by.'' Added Natsu. The four down there start walking in the forest while me and Dragon is up here.

''Dragon, Silver said that it's another version. Does it mean there is another version of us?'' I ask.

''Yes there is. This place is sure upside down. Magic in this world is in weapon or is an object. It's not freely like our is, that's why our world has in counted a lot of Anima activities. We have more etherious than here.'' I remember grandpa tell me about etherious. It is the magical pressure in the air that fill our power when we are drained. ''The change of there is another you is high, but she won't be the same as you. She will be the complete opposite in some point.''


''I feel like I shouldn't meet myself.'' I giggle. Dragon chuckle a little to. ''Wait a second, where is the other. They are completely gone.''

''Not at all princess. Your friend Natsu just came up with a stupid idea.'' Dragon pointed at something moving near that floating river. Plants moving on it's own.

''That's Natsu for ya.'' I sweatdrop. At this rate would we be to late. ''Dragon, let's try to find someone who can help us.'' Dragon nodded and fly in some direction. These trees are so thick that I can't see through them.

''Princess, watch out.'' Dragon make a sharp turn and dodge a sword.

''Who throw that?'' I start panic a little. I can't use magic by myself. That's why Dragon is here.

''Hold, for the name of Edolas.'' That voice sound familiar. A flying beast with a person sitting on it's head. Scarlet color hair, it is her.

''Erza, you are fine.'' I cheered.

''Princess, remember what I just told you.'' Dragon's grip tighten. That's right. This my look like her, but it isn't

''I don't know how you know my name, but you are underarrest. Not sharing info of a new kind of power to the king is a crime itself.'' This is bad. I will guess that this person is as strong as Erza herself. I can't let Dragon fight her and use to much magic.

''Dragon, get me out of here.'' I order. Dragon smirked and shot right up in the sky. The wind is stronger due to the boost. Dragon stop for a second and let us fall straight down. Before we hit the ground, manage Dragon to change the curse and send us fly right over the ground in a fast speed. I can hear Edolas Erza scream of rage. When we are far enough, land Dragon on the ground and try to get his breath back.


''Flying that fast... Is something I need to work at.'' Says Dragon. I nodded and look around. I hear running, coming this way. I try to find who is running.

''(Y/N).'' That's Happy.

''Natsu, Hapy, Wendy, Carla. Me and Dragon got just attacked.'' Says I and hug Natsu.

''You are not hurt, both of you?'' Ask Wendy. I shake my head.

''(Y/N), we found a store house, and borrowed some cloths. Here is something for you and Dragon.'' Natsu takes out a bag and inside is there a belly dancing cloths and something similar to what Natsu has on. Dragon takes the item and with his magic transform our cloths to the other. My hair is sat on a high ponytail, that has a lot of braided hair strains. My hair ribbon is a sakura flower. The top is (F/C) and the bottom is a matching baggy pants. I also have some matching cloves to cover my guild mark.

''I kind of like it.'' I cheered and twirl around. Dragon's cloths is just a darker shape than Natsu's.

''Now come on, the guild is just this way.'' Says Natsu and start running again. They have found the guild, yay. Oh, wait. The guild is turn into a lacrima. Maybe I should tell them.

''Let's not tell them now.'' Says Dragon and take my hand. He just know what I am thinking. The guild is a big tree with a our mark on it. When we step inside does it look different and some of the people can't we regnise.

''Everyone is safe.'' Cheered Natsu.

''We found everyone pretty easily.'' Added Wendy.

''The guild seems really different, though.'' Says Happy.

''Don't worry about the details, man.'' Complained Natsu. He is so happy to see his comrade safe, or what looks like them.

''Wait... This isn't right...'' Says Carla. We get pulled down under a table and look closer to the guild.

''That's Juvia, but her hair is long again.'' I pointed at the blue haired copy. She is more confident with her cloth style. When Juvia walk away, then a man in a lot of cloths ask to come with her. That is Gray. That is totally the opposite of the stripping comrade we know. Jet and Droy look more badass than before, and Elfman seems like he is weak and all.

''Do you understand now, princess?'' Ask Dragon behind me. I nodded. Nap run by and shout job. This version take jobs. I look over to a nice dress lady, who says she don't drink. That's Cana. The next is Alzark and Bisca. They are totally in love with each other. Sheesh, I know Erza want them to be together, but I hope they won't turn out like that. Before I could look more around a person appeared and that is Lucy. She looks scary. Edo Lucy take a good look at Natsu and change him to their version of him. Poor Edo Natsu for being tutored by her. Natsu is gonna have some marks later.

''Lucy-nee don't hurt poor Natsu-nii.'' Call a boy's voice. At first I thought it was Romeo, but when I step out under the table, do I meet (E/C) eyes and (H/C) hair.

''Okay, Fairy.'' Says Lucy and let Natsu go.

''Sorry if she scared you. My name is Fairy, what's you.'' That boy look just like me.

''This is princess (Y/N) and her comrades, from Earth.'' Answer Dragon. The hole guild is silent. Everyone is in poor shock.

''Nice to meet you.'' I cheaply said.

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