《Fairy Tail's Little Fairy Book 1 (Rewriting)》35) Rainy day



The weather today isn't the greatest. Rain and more rain. I asked Erza to keep the big brother thing a secret. Erza meant that we should at least tell master about it, but it still upsets me a little and I don't wanna have him be worried. I promised her to tell him when I am ready, but not now.

''Hey, (Y/N). Natsu is fast asleep. Do you wanna paint his face?'' Ask Gray. I take a peek over to Natsu learning at a pillar, asleep like a rock.

''If you make him look like a panda on his face, then you can draw.'' I joked and give him one of my marker. I was already drawing, but I don't need to use the black marker, so Gray can use it as he like it.

''Gray, please stop these kinds of childish pranks.'' Says Lucy as she watch Gray painting Natsu's head.

''Who are you calling a child, eh?'' Gray paint the black spots around his eyes and make him look like a panda.

''Now you are even worse than a kid.'' Exclaimed Lucy and sweatdropped. Natsu wake up and shout if there is a fight. Well that's Natsu for you. ''What are you muttering about?''

''A man. You people need to be more assertive. And you call yourself a man?'' Ask Elfman at Jet and Droy. Lucy ignore Elfman and take a mirror to Natsu.

''Who drew this on me?'' Without a second do he start arguing Gray. ''Was it you, Gray?''

''You wanna go, bud? I punished you for your loud-ass snoring, is what.'' Argued Gray back.

''You bastard.'' Even if it's raining, is it still a normal day here in Fairy Tail.

''My dear princess. Something is wrong with this rain. Water wanted to come here to, but Silver asked me to come here and protect you.'' Says God who came out of her key. That's unusual.


''What's so wrong with the weather?'' I ask and continue painting. God are way to dramatic.

''The magical pressure is something different. I have feel it once, but it has been so long since then.'' Mumble God. She look actually worried. 

''When was the last time you fell this pressure?'' I ask, giving God my full attention.

''Over hundreds of years. I actually don't really remember what the spell is, but I do remember that it has something to do with another realm.'' Wait, what.

''Another realm. That is impossible.'' I whispered back to God to make sure the other guild member doesn't hear this conversation. Thunder starts to fill the air.

''Oh no, I can't make it in time. Princess, please forgive me.'' God hugged me tightly and I feel my body turn into air. When I look at my surrounding, are we at space, with a path and houses along the road.

''Where are we, and what did you mean about you an't make it in time?'' I ask. The panic in my voice.

''We are in the realm of guardian keys. Your 15 keys. All of us spirits is living here until you call for us.'' God guide me through the path towards a circle formation with a water-spring, but instead of water is it small stars in a purple-golden water.

''That maybe explain why I meet Metal like he was in the bath.'' I remember calling Metal for combat training, since Erza couldn't do it, and when he came was he naked. Wet and body covered in soap bubbles. He totally panic and returned back to the spirit realm and come back with cloths and all.

''I remember he told me that.'' Chuckle God. ''But to answer you other question, is it because that was Anima.''


''It takes all magical power and turn it into lacrima in the other world. Edolas. A world were there exist the same faces but with different personality. God had the power to make you come in here, by changing your cloths to our spirit.'' Continued Demon.

I look down at my kimono, but see... I don't know how to explain this dress, but it's cute. My hair is also in a high ponytail.

''Wait, so Anima takes all magical power and turn it into lacrima. Then it has transformed my friends into a lacrima. I need to safe them.'' I start panic again. 

''You will, but Dragon will personal get you to Edolas. A dragon slayer can survive Anima, so with Dragon can't you get in trouble. The only problem is that you can't use any other magic there, other than Dragon.'' Informed Silver.

''But I can't use dragon slayer magic yet.'' I added to that information.

''I know but Dragon will stay by your side all the time. He will use his own magic to protect you. You have nothing to worry about.'' Insure God and hug me. God take a look at the.. Sky, I don't know. ''It's over. Dragon return to princess and be with her.''

''I know, I know.'' Dragon take my hand and the same feeling return again. From star full sky to pure white nothingness. The hole city has been taken. 

''(Y/N)-chan.'' I hear Wendy shouts, Natsu is running beside her. Wendy is a dragon slayer, so she isn't turned into lacrima. Gajeel must be around here too. Happy and Carla seems to also be uninfected by Anima.

''Wendy. I know everything, you don't have to tell me.'' I quickly said and hug the scared big sister figure. She is much closer to my age, so she is like a real big sister to me. Every time I hug her, is my head on her chest. That's how small I am.

''Then it would be easy. We are going to Edolas by flying. Coming with?'' Says Natsu as Happy grab him from behind. Carla do the same to Wendy.

''Yes we will come.'' Answered Dragon and activate a spell on his back. Wings sprouted out of his back and he grab me up in his arms.

''Wow, you have wings.'' Exclaimed Happy.

''God and Demon has, so why not me.'' Joked Dragon and lead the way up to the sky. We fly faster and faster until our body starts glowing. I need to focus at all time, but it is also exiting to see another world. I can't wait.

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