《Fairy Tail's Little Fairy Book 1 (Rewriting)》33) Road race



Today is the day for Fairy Tail's 24 hour run. The rules are actually simple for this event. You have to run from A to B, grab something from B and then run back to A with in 24 hours. Simple right. But one problem is that the last person to cross the finish line will have to get punish, and grandpa chose the punishment.

''Are you sure you wanna do this?'' Ask Erza to me. Oh yeah that's right, I am joining in this time. Many member think I am too young, but I wanna try at least.

''I am gonna make it to the finish line. I am a Fairy Tail wizard, so I can take the task.'' I said bravely. My hair today is in a high ponytail and my (F/C) kimono is now a tank top and some shorts. Good running shoes to.

''Quit, everyone. All member of Fairy Tail. A wizard is one with both strength of mind and body. I wish for you to utilize those powers to the utmost in today's competition. The rules are simple. You will run as fast as you can from the start line, then here along the appointed course, heading for Mt. Ivor. This year, I have left Wyvern scales at the top of Mt. Ivor. You will take one of the scales, and return here within 24 hours. I won't accept any dropouts. If you are a fairy tail wizard, then you will run the distance, all the way to your next job tomorrow. Furthermore, I am imposing a new regulation this year at the urging of many... Flying magic is forbidden.'' Informed grandpa at the stage. Poor Happy and Evergreen. ''Other than that, any type of magic is allowed. And of course, the person who comes in last will face a punishment of which there is nothing scarier on the planet.''


''I hope you win Erza, somebody should take Jet's title from him.'' I said and move over to the side, near Jason, and hide behind the start line.

''Now... It's finally time for the start. Everyone, to the start line.'' Says Jason. I still hide, but have already take out one of my keys.

''Ready. Go.'' When grandpa said that, start Jet his magic and let all the others eat his dust.

''Pulling away right at the start is Jet again this year.'' We could see that, Jason. Natsu come after Jet by using his flames as a booster. Quickly follow all the others after them.

''Aren't you gonna run? You are also in this race.'' Ask Mirajane. I giggle and show her my key.

''I have trained a little more with Silver and finally got the teleportation in order.'' I answered wave my key.

''Be a little far by running some of the distance, okay.'' I nodded to Mira and swing my key around. My body flicker and the next sight is a mountain. Mt. Ivor. A little scary, but that won't effect me. Lucky for me have I telepotred near a scale.

''Mira is right. maybe run some of the distance would be a little fair.'' I start run down the hill in a nice speed for not loosing to much energy. I can just teleport at the last minute, if I am going to be the last one. A shadow fly over me, so I look up and see the camera thing flying up there. I wave my scale and continue running. ''Jet would be any minute now, so maybe I leave behind a little present.'' I stop for a second and stomp my feet to the ground and make the ground muddy and all. This is going t be so funny. When I thought it could get any better, comes Jet all fell face down on the mud.


''(Y/N)? How did you get here that fast?'' Ask Jet with his front body part all murdy.

''Have you maybe forgot that I have spirits for every magic in the world?'' Jet sulked at that, he totally forgot. ''Well see ya.'' I start running again. This is going to take way to long.

''Princess.'' What the.

''Energy what are you doing here?'' I swear they are like Lucy's spirits.

''I just thought you maybe wanted a little help. I am you magic so it's okay to use me.'' Answered Energy nicely.

''But Mira said to a little fair by running some of the distance. I only have run 500 meter.'' Energy just laugh.

''When I am lightning, do I still run, just very fast. You will run like Jet.'' Oh that's a great idea.

''Then let's do it. I actually don't wanna have first place, but the idea that I could do this.'' Energy nodded and take me hand in his. He started running fast with me coming after him slowly. It's takes a lot of energy to do it alone, but luckily is Energy here, so he takes half of it. We pass Erza, Gajeel, Gray and all the others and they all seems to be impressed of how far I have got to.

''Here is Magnolia, you wanna run the last distance by yourself?'' Ask Energy. I nodded and we slow down. ''Win this race, princess.'' While Energy return back, do I run again on my own. I see that the start line hasn't become the finish line yet. Mirajane, Jason and grandpa are starting to go to the guild.

''Mirajane.'' I called. Mira turn to look at me and smile.

''You made it, and there is still plenty of time left.'' Says grandpa. I run to him and hug him, so I have some support for my tired body.

''Using magic and run at the same time is hard.'' I breath out.

''(Y/N), you know you have won the race, right?'' Informed Mira. I get a little exited and try my best to smile.

''Yay, but I let some of the others have the prize. I keep the title just for fun.'' Mira giggle and lift me up in her arms.

*Time skip*

I stand next to Mira and grandpa and watch Natsu, Gray, Erza, Gajeel and Jet fight for first place. Even if I already have won it. Before I could blik, trip Natsu on a rock and hit the other four and make them fall down. I couldn't hold my laugh in. I love this guild, because they always find a way to make me laugh and have fun. Witch make this more funnier, is that Happy cross the finish line.

''Congratulations, Happy.'' Says Mira.

''Yes. You ran well.'' Added grandpa.

''I was actually the first one to cross the line, but you will have the prize.'' Says I and hug Happy.

''Aye sir.'' Happy agreed. Then Wendy and Carla get 2 and 3 place. The rest of the guild came right after and the last to gross the line is Natsu, Jet, Gajeel and Gray. Poor them for doing a photo spread with embarrassing cloths on. Also Happy found out that the winning prize is just the cheering from the crowd.

''So you was the real winner, (Y/N)?'' Ask Lucy.

''Yes, and it was fun. I am now the winner of this year 24 hour race.''

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