《Fairy Tail's Little Fairy Book 1 (Rewriting)》31) Fake dragon



Poor Natsu. He got tricked to believe that a person have seen a dragon and is now trapped inside a big lacrima, that is used to control the big fake dragon machine. I also found out that the weird person who attacked me and Light, was a alligator that mimic it's opponents power.

''Grandpa, what should we do. Natsu is losing power if he stay inside the lacrima. And that dragon is coming towards the city.'' I stand next to grandpa and trying to figure witch key I should use.

''I don't know, but Fairy Tail will protect the city.'' Insure master and walk inside again. I stay and watch the dragon moving towards us.

''I don't think it's a good idea to use all the spirits again. I was just lucky making the barrier to protect the city. It seems I don't fit to this fight.'' I mumble sadly.

''Don't think like that, princess.'' I turn around and meet Wood.

''You guys are just like Loke and Virgo when it comes to get out of your gates on your own.'' I start laughing.

''I know, but the guild need you. You know Natsu, then you can help. I stay by your side and fight beside you.'' I smile and nodded.

''Then, use you power and make wood soldier. They can attack those beast that mimic our power.'' I order and pointed at Wood.

''As you wish.'' Wood raise his hand up and then hardly down to the ground. A light brown aura blast from the ground like a wave. At the entrance of Fairy Tail and towards the dragon, raise wooden soldier with swords and shield, ready to fight. Wood pointed at the dragon and the soldier cache at the beast, keeping them busy.


''Aera.'' I jump over the railing and fly towards my comrades.

''H-He forgot? A promise as important as that?'' Lucy seems shocked to hear some news.

''What did he forget?'' I ask and fly beside Gray.

''Honestly. I'd expect that of him, but still.'' Muttered Erza.

''What did I miss?'' I ask again, getting a little annoyed.

''Natsu forgot a promise to the city without sound that he would free them from their curse.'' Informed Happy to me. Now I see what they are talking about.

''Thank goodness. Juvia believed in you, Gray-sama.'' I hear Juvia from behind.

''(Y/N), isn't that Wood's work?'' Ask Erza and pointed at the wood soldier.

''Yes it is. They keep those mimic beast busy.'' Erza nodded and smile to me. When I say that comes more than what there are a soldier. ''Aw, come on.'' I whined and use Wood's key to get him here. ''Make more Wood, it worked just fine before more come.'' Wood did the same thing again.

''This is what I can make. You guys still need to fight some of them.'' Informed Wood and concentrate.

''I got an idea how to get Natsu back, so please hold on a little.'' I fly away and towards Natsu. The guild member have no idea what I am going to do. Erza comes with in her Heaven Wheel armor and try to find it's weakness. ''Archive magic. Slow update.''

''Wh-What is going on. The downloading got slower.'' I hear a weird voice coming from the dragon.

''Slow update makes every data downloading slower, to give us more time.'' I explain and land at a building near by. Then water and ice fall down from the sky and hit all the Lizardmen. This magical pressure is Unison Raid. I watch in amazed.


''I am getting so pissed right now. Then why don't you crush this city, huh? I said I can't, okay?'' That is Natsu, and it's sounds like he is arguing with himself. We need to get him out now, or else he turn into a weirdo, more weirdo than he already is.

''Can you hear me, Natsu?'' Gray stands beside me and shout towards the dragon. ''You are completely helpless? You should be ashamed. You are nothing but talk, squinty eyes. How long are you gonna stayed fused in that thing, doing your one-man stand up?''

''What did you say?'' Gray also know my idea.

''You forgot about the promise you made. And you still call yourself a Fairy Tail wizard? Hurry up and destroy that dragon-thing.'' Order Gray. It seems Natsu doesn't know what to say.

''Gray is right, and here I thought I got my self a new role model for being stronger with my power. You are a disappointment, Natsu.'' I shouted too.

''Oh, what?'' Natsu shouts back.

''I am disappointed in you, Natsu.'' I hear Happy shout.

''What.'' Natsu turn to look at Happy.

''Isn't it so? Haven't you gotten through every challenge before by destroying stuff? I don't wanna hear you say stuff like ", Bust me up with it "!'' What words are coming out of your mouth, Happy?

''That's right. Everyone... Everyone in Fairy Tail needs you. That's why we are trying so hard. A Natsu that doesn't respond to the feelings of his friends isn't the Natsu I know.'' Added Lucy. Natsu is getting more thick off.

''Lucy... Why, you...'' Yes he is pissed. If he where a bomb, then he would explode soon.

''Everyone's right. You are sitting there, trapped. You have completely given up.'' Says Erza.

''When did I give up, exactly? Seriously though, give up. No way, damn it.'' Retarded Natsu.

''You said ", bust me up $ if I recall. That's the same as giving up. It's nothing more than weakness.'' Why are they all saying those word. I am innocent to hear those words. ''So, just as you wish, I shall rid the world of this giant thing.

''Just try it.'' Shouts Natsu and make the dragon shoot fire.

''Princess, I found the person who can free Natsu.'' Wood's voice get inside of my head. ''Gajeel can do it. With his Metal power, can he destroy that lacrima and free Natsu.''

''Then let him do it.'' If Natsu get's free, then he need to defeat that weird woman. Natsu's flames burst through the dragons skin, and when Gajeel hit the lacrima, stopped the dragon moving. It's power source is gone now.

''Lucy. Call that horse guy. Send all the fire yo got on an arrow in here.'' Shout Gajeel. That's my cue.

''I open there the burning gate, Fire.''

''Let's do this.'' Fire takes my hand and together are we coming up with a large flame between our hands. Each Fairy tail member that can use fire, all send a spell towards Natsu.

''Blind fire rage.'' Me and Fire send our potion of fire and all of it fused into one single arrow and hit right at Natsu.

''That guy sure is a handful.'' Mumble Fire as we both watch the dragon burn and Natsu running towards the control center.

''Anger is his greatest power, and with the support of his friends, then nothing can stop him from finish a fight. That's our Natsu, my role model in family power.''

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