《Fairy Tail's Little Fairy Book 1 (Rewriting)》5) Eisenwald


Erza POV

How could I forget (Y/N) on that train with Natsu, and because of that, is she now captured by Eisenwald. Natsu has explained what happened on the train. (Y/N) must be scared right now, and she even got her precious keys taken away, so her spirit can't come out of their gates and help her. I really hope we can get to the next train station before it is too late.

''Erza, aren't you driving to fast?'' Ask Lucy worried inside the car.

''We can't stop now. (Y/N) is in danger and Erigor will use Lullaby on the city, so I won't stop.'' I argue back. (Y/N) is in my charge and if she gets hurt, wouldn't I never forgive myself. So please, be safe (Y/N).


I don't like my first unofficial request, so far. Eisenwald is waiting for my family to come to the train station, so they can trap them there. Their plan is to use the Lullaby Flute to the guild master conference. I need to get out of these shadow bindings and warn them, but Kage took my keys.

''When are those fairy's coming?'' Ask one of the Eisenwald members.

''Soon.'' Says Erigor and looks down at me. ''They will come to get their little girl and try to stop us, so they are definitely on their way.'' Kage gave Erigor my keys, so right now is he swinging them on his finger in front of me. ''To bad you can't use magic without your keys.'' I pouted a bit, when I suddenly realized something, which makes me grin a bit.

''I can use them, all I have to do is call for them.'' I remember Silver told me this. I can call them, even if my keys are gone, they just has to be at sight. And I know who to call for. ''I open there the shadow gate, Darkness.'' One of the keys on Erigor's hand glowed and showed the Darkness symbol.

All the shadows around me and around the station starts moving on their own and form together into a black puddle. The puddle move in front of me and a girl emerges from the shadow, giving all the members of Eisenwald a death glare. This is my dear spirit, Darkness.


''I don't like that my princess is in chains. Even if it is make out of shadows.'' Darkness voice is so deep and cold, that it is quite hard to hear that she is a girl, but she is also someone you don't wanna mess with. Her personality matches perfectly to her magic. Darkness makes the shadow from the puddle raise up like tentacles and pushes everyone back, making more room. I quickly took the chance and ran towards Erigor, then kick him hard at where the sun doesn't shine. Erigor grinch in pain and I take the chance and take back my keys.

''Let's go, Darkness.'' I call back to my spirit. She nodded and lifts me up in her arms, moving the black shadow puddle closer towards us and let both of us sink into it. It is dark in the shadow, but Darkness is glowing a bit and moving around like she is floating in water. She even knows where to go in the shadows, so I trust her. I just hope my family will come soon to stop Eisenwald.

3rd POV

''Tell me, what is the situation inside?'' Order Erza to an officer, outside of the main train station, where the officers have blocked the entrance because of Eisenwald.

''Huh? Who are yo-?'' Before he could finish asking, headbutt Erza him and go for the next one. But they didn't answer her either before she headbutt them too.

''I guess she has no use for people, who can't answer immediately.'' Point out Lucy, carrying a sick Natsu and sweatdropped at Erza's behavior.

''Finally starting to understand what she is like?'' Ask Grey beside Lucy, half naked.

''Why aren't you wearing clothes?'' Ask Lucy.

''Eisenwald is inside. Let's go.'' Inform Erza, after headbutting all the officers.

''You mean I gotta take care of this?'' Ask Lucy and mentioning towards the sick Natsu. Erza just ignored her and lead the way inside the empty halls of the train station.

''Apparently a small army unit broke in earlier, but has yet to return.'' Explain Erza as they run down the hallway, to get to the main part of the train station. ''They are probably locked in combat with Eisenwald.'' They near a staircase and they see a bunch of fallen soldiers.


''They have been wiped out.'' Gasp Lucy shocked.

''We are up against an entire guild.'' Conclude Erza of the situation. ''They are all wizards, in other words, a small army unit never stood a chance.'' The group enter the main train station and meet the entire guild of Eisenwald, waiting for them.

''So you did come, you Fairy Tail flies.'' Mock Erigor from the top of the train, smirking at the sight of the small group.

''You. Are you Erigor?'' Demand Erza to know.

''Damn flies.'' Grumble Kage, glaring at Natsu, being sick on the floor. ''Because of you, Erigor got mad at me...''

''What is your aim? What are you planning to do with the Lullaby?'' Demand Erza further, to hear their plan for the deathly tool.

''You mean you don't know?'' Mock Erigor and flew up into the air. ''What do train stations have?''

''You plan to broadcast it?'' Ask Erza right as Erigor squat on a speaker pole. Erigor laughed at the question.

''Thousands of nosy onlookers have gathered around this station. If I raise the volume, the melody of death might just echo throughout the entire city.'' Inform Erigor with a smirk.

''You are going to make innocent people hear the Lullaby being played?'' Yell Erza angry of the plan.

''This is a cleansing.'' Says Erigor without emotion. ''A cleansing of fools who preserve their livelihoods by flaunting their rights, ignorant of those who have had their rights stolen away. It is a sin to live oblivious to this unfair world. Therefore... the reaper has come to dish out punishment.''

''That won't give you your rights back.'' Try Lucy to be brave, but her words weren't the right ones. ''Beside, you were kicked out of the wizard league, because you kept doing bad things.''

''At this point, we don't want rights. We want power.'' Conclude Erigor, not giving shit about rights. ''With power, we can wash away the entire past and control the future.''

''You are insane.'' Commend Lucy, not liking it at all.

''So sorry, flies.'' Mock Kage and kneel down to the ground, ready to fight. ''You are going to the afterlife without getting to witness the age of darkness.''

*Somewhere else*


''We need to wait for Erza and the others to come. We need to tell them what Erigor is planning to use the Lullaby.'' I say right as I see some light in front of me and Darkness.

''Fine, but we need to find a room to hide. You haven't learn this trick, so you can't stay in here forever.'' Suggest Darkness and jump out of the shadow void from a wall. The room is small, but a perfect hiding place for now.

''Now we need to...'' I would have said, wait, but a scream is heard outside the room and someone is using magic, based on a sudden rumble. They are here already? I just got free from their grasp. ''Darkness, what is going on out there?''

''It seems Natsu and Grey are going after Erigor and two of the Eisenwald members are going after them.'' Inform Darkness and touches the shadow we exited. With her power, can she see through all shadows in the area. ''They can find out the truth on their own, but you need to get to the masters before Erigor does.'' Point out Darkness.

''You are... right. They would probably force the answer out of a member.'' I kind of agree. The team can find the truth, mainly Erza, and right now am I the only one that knows the truth and the time is short. If I don't go now, it might be too late to save the guild masters.

''Okay, then let me out of this station and I will call for Silver.'' I order my spirit. Darkness nodded and takes my hand, but I suddenly feel the vibration and sound of an explosion. We paused for a moment, wanna see if the building is about to collapse or anything, but luckily it doesn't. Darkness briefly touch the shadow to take a look, but it made her face turn into an angry frown.

''Those idiots are going to destroy this station.'' Grumble Darkness and lift me up again. I just giggled.

''Sounds like my crazy family.'' I laughed, while Darkness rolls her eyes in annoyance.

''It sure is.'' Mumble Darkness and jump into the shadow.

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