《Izuku's Game》Ch 6 - Attraction and Analysis


Izuku spent the next two hours working at the Cafe. At eight the cafe closed, and the nest fifteen minutes were clean-up. I told the woman that I would love to work directly after school and on weekends. Middle school was almost over and High school for Izuku would be online, he decided. He'll work at the Cafe full time while working on classes in the mornings before eight and at night after eight-fifteen. It may seem a little self-destructive, but Izuku asked for the long hours himself. Jenn was a little against it at first, but quickly realized that I wouldn't back down and agreed.

Izuku woke up at five thirty the next day and got dressed, went into the dungeon, killed three one-level slimes and a two-level slime and came back, all before seven. School was normal; Bakugo was tiring, teachers were annoying, and classes were boring. Nothing new. It was only that night at seven thirty that something different happened.

Izuku was Baking in the back when the door opened in the front. "I'll be with you in a minute!" Izuku washed and dried his hands and went behind the counter only to see a handsome boy around his age... He had purple hair and a resting bitch face, but he was crouched down and playing with Karma. "Hello! What can I get for you?"

The boy looked at Izuku for a moment before he looked up at the menu board. "Black eye Please" Izuku withheld a squeal at the boy's voice. If dark chocolate has a voice, it would be this boy's... Having said that, Izuku nodded and got started with the drink.

"You can do whatever, the drink won't be long." Izuku could feel the boy's eyes on him as he worked, and Izuku smiled. Black eye wasn't that difficult, but it was strong in both caffeine and expresso shots. With this boy's designer eye bags, I understand the need for the Black eye...


It wasn't long before Izuku finished the boys drink and set it on the table. "Black eye's done!" he chirped as the purple haired boy looked up. The boy took the cat that lied on his lap, pumpkin, and walked over. He walked with long strides and when he took the cup, Izuku couldn't help but stare at the boy's hands. Muscles shifted under the surface, long fingers curled around the cup and Izuku was gone. When Izuku looked back up, the purple haired boy had a smirk on his face. It looked perfect there.

"Names Shinso Hitoshi." Izuku almost purred at the boy's, Shinso's, Voice. "And you are?"

"I-I'm Midoriya Izuku..." He could feel his cheeks flushing as Shinso looked his up and down before a more genuine smile graced his lips. Shinso leaned toward Izuku, tilting his head. "Th-Thank you for coming... I hope you enjoy the coffee!"

"I think I've found something I enjoy more." At the boy's obvious flirting, Izuku shivered. "Which means I'll have to come back again, huh? See you Midoriya." With a wink, the boy was gone and Izuku leaned against the back wall and squealed. He's never been flirted with before... With that thought the boy sobered. If he knew that Izuku was quirkless... But he wasn't anymore! He has a gaming quirk!

Not that anyone would believe him.

Izuku went back to baking, but his good mood was gone. He won't be able to register his quirk, no-one would believe him. Sure, he could use his inventory in front of them, but would that be enough? No... Izuku was frustrated.

Karma jumped up onto the counter when Izuku came back to the front after baking. He asked for scritches and who was Izuku to say no? He eventually calmed enough to open his laptop that he decided to bring with him today and logged into his account for an underground posting service. Izuku had found the service a while back, It was hard to track down what with there being basically nothing about underground hero's almost anywhere. Izuku even had to make his own merch!


With a sigh, he scrolled through a couple conversations and posts, before he blinked. There was a request for an in-depth analysis about a villain that Izuku had been researching for a while. It was vague and asked to talk with the person who posted it about the pay, but it was from an account Izuku had always assumed to be an underground hero by the name of RedSky - The Illusionist Hero. He was an ok hero as far as that goes, but Izuku wasn't certain that was really him, it could be the villain... but Izuku could ask for proof of identity before giving the Analysis...

Before he could talk himself out of it, the boy sent a message to "RedSky" and waited. It wasn't until tomorrow afternoon that Izuku got a reply. It said, basically, that Izuku could contact his agency for proof of identity and to contact him again once he could take the assignment... Assignment... Izuku felt almost giddy when he heard that. He could help the hero's! So Izuku did contact the agency and they got back almost immediately saying that The person in the posting service, was indeed RedSky and to continue correspondence.

After a moment of serving a coffee, Izuku was back to the computer, He had the man give the villains name and supposed quirk before starting up the analysis. The man had given Izuku half the pay right off the bat, RedSky said he'd give the rest after the analysis was done, the time limit being five days. Izuku got it done that day. Of course, he spent the next day adding more details and tidying up his work, but it was done, and sent it in. He was nervous as hell the entire night at the Cafe, but the next morning, he got the rest of the money and a message. Apparently, the man was satisfied with Izuku's work and said that he hoped to continue working together on future cases.

Izuku felt ecstatic.

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