《An unknown world》Chapter 2: Awaking from the strange dream


When he woke up from his deep slumber, weird thoughts started running through his head about the strange dream that he had.

He saw a note that was placed on his mini drawer next to his bedlight that had probably the most horrible writing that he has ever seen in his entire life, which he couldn't understand a single word which was written in it.

The words that was written on it were; "Soddy metre nortal foe kednapding u buq Ï hav 2 do thß to bing u tø c d princess cuz tis is my gask."

In order for him to understand it, he took out one of his inventions from his drawer and began to wear it to read and understand the note.

At first glance, you might think that it is just an ordinary spectacle. But once you wear it, it would blow your mind away. That is because you could read and understand almost any kinds of writings and languages.

Well, to be exact, he didn't invent it, but rather embed a portion of his psychic powers into it to make it more useful for him.

When he first saw the letters on it, he thought he could not decipher it at all because it seems to be an unknown language that doesn't seem to exist in the world. However, it appears to be decipherable after all, even if it came from another world. He had doubts in his heart when the idea came up in his head.

As he tried to search for the name of the person who has written this note to him, his eyes widened and his doubts faded like dust when he reads the name of the person who had written this note for him at the bottom right of the note, which is written there "Daemon".

At that moment, he knew that his dream was real. So, he took out another note and translated it by himself. What was written on it is; "Sorry mere mortal for kidnapping you, but I have to do this to bring you to see the princess because this is my task."

After he has finished translating it, his eyes turns to look at the classic round metallic clock in front of him. His face turns pale. It was now 5:50 a.m., which means that he is late to wake up to go to school.


He tried to teleport himself to the bathroom. But then, a part of the memory of his dream popped up in his head. He soon realized that he cannot use his powers because Daemon hasn't given him back all his powers yet. Thence, he decided to run as fast as he could towards the bathroom to take a quick shower, then dried himself in his room before changing his clothes.

After having done so, he ran down the stairs to take his mouth-watering breakfast with his parents. After that, he went upstairs again to pick up his school bag.

After that, Barry and his father got into the car, while his mother stayed at home because his father is working as a civil engineer while his mother used to be working as an accountant clerk but resigned when she gave birth to Barry. So, she is now just a housewife.

To his surprise, the road wasn't jam-packed with loads of cars on the highway to his school. So, his father put the gear on high-speed and went full throttle on the highway (while still obeying the speed limit on the highway). In a matter of minutes, they have reached their destination: middle school.

Barry felt relieved to have been able to reach school before the bell rings, despite waking up late due to the strange dream that he had last night.

He entered the school's main entrance gate and gradually hastened his pace to almost a jog towards his class.

As soon as he reached his class, he sat on his seat, which is located at the second back row and on the second row from the left side of the class.

All the students in his class (including Barry) sat down, waiting for the bell to ring. As the school bell rung, everyone from each class went to the school hall to attend the first school assembly of the year.

The assembly lasted for a duration of 45 minutes. After the assembly was over, everyone in the school hall went back to their respective classes to attend class.

As Barry and his classmates entered the class, the class teacher asked everyone to introduce each other once more. It is at this moment that Barry realize that his class has some fresh faces that he has never seen before, unlike the previous time.


Everyone inside the class has introduced themselves to the class (including Barry), but there was one last person who hasn't introduced herself. Before she introduced herself to the entire class, the class teacher informed us she was a transfer student from another school on the first day of school. It was even revealed she didn't attend the assembly because she was just accepted by the school just now.

After the class teacher finished sharing the information to us, the girl then introduces herself.

Her name is Angelica. She has long black hair that is styled as a ponytail with some of her hair being left that could cover her back and also a tint of brown in her hair, has brown eyes and tanned skin.

When Barry first laid eyes upon her, a part of his memory of the dream flashes in his mind again. It mesmerized him to see her. It is because Barry finds some similarities between her and the princess. But dismisses the idea and shrugs it off.

After everyone had introduced themselves, the class begins. During class, he paid extra attention to what the subject teachers were teaching about while taking down notes, even though his mind is a bit disturbed at the moment.

Soon, it was recess time. Some students in his class stood up and left the class to go to the canteen. As for him, however, just wanted to sit at his place inside the class in peace. While remaining in class, he could see that there are still a handful of students who were chattering and laughing.

He then continued to scan the entire class. To his amazement, he noticed that the girl also remained sitting at her own seat while gazing through the scenery outside the window next to her.

Her seat is at the frontmost seat in front of the teacher's desk and on the first row from the left side of the class.

When a strong wind blew across the classroom, only one thing caught his attention which is the way how her hair been blown by the wind.

It might only be his imagination, but he even thought that she was staring at him for a moment.

Not long after that, her friends came to see her and they left the class together.

Barry just stared at them as they left and continued to rest. After a short while, Barry got up and left the class too as soon as possible to escape from unnecessary trouble. This is because the group of boys behind Barry seemed to make a fuss in the class.

After walking a few meters from the class, Barry can see a teacher approaching his class to control the situation there, and the class was soon silent.

At first, Barry thought of going back to his class but then changed his mind to explore the school so that he won't need to ask for help from anyone for directions.

While he tried to navigate his way around the school, he still couldn't take his mind off of the girl and the dream that he had last night.

So, in order for him to forget about it, he hummed a song that he heard in his father's car this morning.

After 15 minutes of strolling around his new school compound with ease thanks to all the signboards and a map of the school compound with the directions to the places without getting himself lost in this huge new school compound and went back into class to study the last few subjects of the day.

After that was all over, it was now time to go back home. He saw some of them including the girl went back home by bus while some of them walk back home, some of them used bicycle or ride their parent's motorcycle or even like him went back home by car.

Then, he continued his day as usual as he soon forget about what had happened today in school and the other world.

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