《Changing Monster》3.Jungle


I woke up to find that my vision had still not returned. After a little while, My sight started to return, and later I rose in the new environment. It was bright here. I moved my body to check it as I did the first time I rose. I held the sword tightly as I looked at my surroundings. There are brown pillars covered above by green. The ground was covered by some green bits.

I looked up, but it was too bright to see anything. Next, I wanted to touch the pillars. However, as I was moving towards one, I discerned a creature. That was looking right at me. It looked like an upright critter almost as tall as me with a long tail. It also held a spear in its hand. As I was trying to observe more about it, It must have realized that I was looking at it as it started moving around suddenly while moving its mouth a lot. It seemed like it was trying to communicate, so I tried repeating what it was doing. In response, it stopped moving its body and opened its mouth wide. It felt that I should hear something, but I did not. I tried to get my hearing to return.

The being started moving quickly. it jumped and started charging with the spear pointing at me. I tried to move away, but it was faster than I. The spear passed right through me without doing anything. I understood that it was trying to break me. Accordingly, I struck it with my sword Just below its head. It started leaking red-fluid; like in the memory. As I was trying to understand what it was. The Beast began moving my body with the spear. I moved my free hand to hold the spear and struck the Beast again with my sword. It retaliated by pushing me away and removing the spear from me. Then it raised its spear to strike at me. I raised my arm to block it. The spear hit my arm, and I felt it break. I moved back before it could do that again. I could not move my broken arm properly.


The Beast was looking at me. I tried circling around it. It moved its head to look at me. I attempted to throw it off by moving back and forth rapidly. When I felt that it had given me it’s side. I plunged at it, Struck it with my sword, and moved back. As I was walking back, I tripped and fell. The Beast threw Its spear. I watched as it flew in the air and hit the ground. I returned my sight to the Beast as it was running away from me.

I stood up and started chasing the Beast. The red-fluid dripping from the Beast made it easy for me to follow it. As I was catching It, The Beast fell and turned around to face me. Its body was covered in red, and It had a strange look on its face that I did not understand. I moved close enough that I was still in safety and started hacking away at the Beast with my sword. After a couple of swings, I felt the same sensation spread through me, as when I had broken my kin. I liked the feeling.

The Beast moved its body a little bit and then stopped moving entirely. I knew that I had broken It and that it was not going to move anymore. It was dark here than from where I came. So, I tried to move back. When I reached a bright clearing, I moved into it and started checking my body. My arm is so broken that I could not even hold my sword from it, and my hearing has still not returned.

If I had run away from the Beast, would my arm still be fine? It might have given chase and broken me as I did to it, and I did not have an opportunity to run away. Are there more creatures like this here? Was this the price to be in this light? I looked at my surroundings and saw nothing. So I picked a pillar and stood right in front of it with my sword ready.


The creature did not attack me right away. It moved its body and might have made sounds. If I had my hearing, I might have avoided this. I tried to return my hearing by concentrating On the parts of my head from where I hear. It had no success. I tried replicating the sensation when I heard sounds, I felt something happen, but still no success. Maybe there was no sound for me to hear. It was possible; Nonetheless, I felt that my hearing did not return. So, I continued trying. It might be similar to how my vision returned. I tried the sensation with the expansion I felt when my vision returned. This time I felt something there, so I pushed it. Immediately my hearing returned. I could hear a whole lot of sounds that I had never heard before, and this place was loud.

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