《Slade the Shade》Chapter 4: Inheritance and rejection.


"f*ccckkkk!" Slade screamed as he watched the cliffside fade out of view as darkness welcomed me.'Jeez how long am I going to fall, am I going to hell. Would not surprise me.' he thought as he has been falling for about a minute.' If I have to fall down hell you bet I'm going to impale a demon when I land' was the thought on Slade's mind as he pulled out his trusty rusty sword pointed it down and angle his body like someone who is going to dive down in a diving contest.

'Hope there is someone down there to greet me or else I'm going to look like an idiot' as he reached terminal velocity all hope of getting out of this alive was squashed as he would soon. As the wind was hitting harder on his face he managed to see the light at the end of the tunnel man did he get the fright of his life. He saw a torch fire illuminated hall with a muscle-filled dog with three heads guarding a set of double doors, but keep in mind that is relative to what he is seeing from the height he is falling which means as he gets closer everything just gets bigger. when he finally gets to see the three-in-one pitbull it was about 4 meters tall and three meters wide. fortunately or unfortunately for it, it was currently sleeping unsuspecting of the falling human adjusting the angle as he aimed for it.

" YELPPP!" in three different alliterations destroyed the silence in the room, as Slade impaled through the hound's tail before falling on its back.

Slade first started limping towards the doors before straight on sprinting despite feeling so much pain he started crying when he saw the beast recover and then gaze at him with three identical stares that I woke up with when the alarm goes off. By the time I reach the doors I see the mythical creature break my precious sword in two with just its tail while its wounds regenerate in mere seconds, and when I just get the doors open three balls of fire barely miss me as I tumble to the other side, but not before closing and bolting the doors. He huffed and wheezed as he rested his battered boy. Slade opened up the system logs to see what nearly took his life





[You have leveled up your skill meteor strike to level 2.]

[You have unlocked the skill Sprint]

"Only now!" Sade cursed the goddess again.


[ Name: Slade

Species: Human being

Gender: Male

Level: 2 [50%]

Title: N/A

Class: N/A



Fifteen painful moments passed by until Slade felt the energy to move around. He started to check the place out and maybe find some treasure. He found himself in a massive hallway with the same torches lighting up the place further up ahead is another set of doors and much to his surprise, a gold treasure chest was to the side almost making him drool.

'I really hope this is not a trap, or I might just cry' Slade thought inwardly as he walked up to the chest to open it.

[To open a treasure chest you have to touch it for 30 seconds without being interrupted]


[Congratulations you have opened a gold treasure chest!]

What lay before me in the chest was a pouch full of gold, a pair of black boots, and a skill book.

[You have acquired 50 gold coins.]

[You have unlocked the skill Instincts]

[Windstrider boots:

Type: Footwear

Equipment requirements: 20 Agility

Grade: Gold

Property: Agility +10

Skill: Windstrider

Type: passive Cost:none

After running at full speed for 30 seconds wind will gather at your feet to increase your movement speed]


[ Name: Slade

Species: Human being

Gender: Male

Level: 2 [50%]

Title: N/A

Class: N/A



Physical damage:26+2

Magical damage:24

Strength: 13

Agility: 25+10

Endurance: 10

Intelligence: 12

Vitality: 10

Charisma: 10

Luck: 10

Attribute skills:0

Physical defense:10+3

Magical defense:0


Inspect Lvl.1: Cost: 1 MP, can see information about monsters that do not exceed the user's level by more than 10 levels.

Meteor Stike Lvl.2: Cost:90 MP, when falling down heights greater than 2m while perpendicular to the ground while facing it with a weapon, you can perform a falling strike that can impale the enemy.the greater the height the greater the damage caused(beware fall damage will still count).


Kick you while you are down: Cost:10 MP per kick, when an enemy is immobilized to the ground you can start kicking them for extra physical damage.

Sprint Lvl.1: Cost 20 MP/S: while active the skill increases your movement speed by 10%

Instincts Lvl.1: Cost ?:?]

'This is what we talking about, a mysterious skill plus some nice boots' Slade had a content smile after equipping the boots and heading to the doors ready to brave any dangers ahead. With confidence, he walked up to the door before carefully opening it enough just to peek through it.

What Slade saw was a cave with a candlelit stair leading up to an altar with a giant statue he can't make out yet. Seeing no mobs he opened the doors before walking up the stairs and getting a better look at the statue. It depicted a humanoid form with a single horn protruding out of its temple and sharp-looking fingers. It was wearing a knight's armor without the helmet allowing you to see the handsome face with a fierce expression. It was holding up a mighty greatsword looking ready to go to war. As I came to the statue its eyes locked onto me giving me almost as much of a scare as when a voice suddenly spoke within my mind.

"Welcome human and congratulations for completing my five trials and tribulations for testing the resolve and limits of a real warrior!"

"Thank you, Sir, no mere trial will shake up my resolve and my courage holds no bounds," said Slade with a look like a hardened warrior that's been to war.

"Oh I'm impressed and call me Kayn and as you can see from my good old days I'm a noble demon, one of the strongest races in this world. Now tell me, Slade, would you like to inherit my strength."

"If that is the case I would gladly accept and help you with any requests," he said while he was practically drooling imagining himself looking devilishly handsome slaying his foes and impressing the ladies with his cool new form.

"Very well, I can see the desire for strength on your face so that you can settle grudges and strive towards your goals. Now all you have to do is sign this contract with your blood."

It was at this point that warning bells were playing at the back of his head signaling to hold off his desires.

"...Kayn what does the contract say," Slade asked nervously.

"What is the matter did you not say your courage holds no bounds and you would help with any requests?" the voice asked coldly.

"haha...It was just a figure of speech, and I'm just curious is all," he said while sweating.

"This contract is no problem for such a valiant warrior like you, you just have to start worshipping me and promise to a few requests for me once in a well."

"Sir stop playing around I worship the goddess and will never betray her," said Slade with a pained voice.

"I will tell you what, in exchange for my power I want you just to destroy a few human cities, and then you can do what you want thereafter."

"F*ck that after everything I been through in your trials, after risking my life just to make it here. I must either become your pawn or ruin my future by becoming a wanted man, where is the justice where are my rewards." said a voice laced in injustice.

"Here I will give you a little something for getting here. Now sign the contract or I will kill you and you will be an enemy of an entire race."

After putting away the item in his inventory, Slade came closer to the statue before pulling up his hands and pointing his middle fingers at the statue.

"Go f*ck yours..." he could not finish his sentence as his head was sent out flying from his body.

[You have died!]

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