《Golden Gate: New World Front》Chapter 11 - Ballot for the new world


Assembly room, Washington D.C United the States of America.

August 23, 2021.

Having to greet their president earlier the few generals and senators within the room, all sat down with the president to sit alongside them, for himself as service for his country, the president was known as president garter Gabriel, a commanding general during the gulf war and a senate throughout the late 2000s are the known as the "the man with his words" he won the presidential election as policy brings the ideal of a better life and making America far greater than before.

Having to perch within the big table, the meeting was something that they would encounter on an everyday basis with all having to know what happened back in San Francisco. Garter and his generals and senators had to at least remember what caused this incident to occur.

"Alright…" Garter said, "before we can discuss further these 'elves' and the portal that opened back at bridge need some insight on what compelled them to come to our waters and cause terror around San Francisco having a situation that no man would expect I would need full clearance before I can do anything in a further notice."

Like what Gater announced, this is a serious topic before he got a report about the elves, the incident about the death of thirty civilians on that bridge was the first thing to be reported about an unknown storm that appeared which cause the terror within that bridge. Even footage of the elves were now on the internet and causing worldwide attention.

and remember watching the news broadcast about it back at the office, it was given by a man who recorded the incident the shocking footage with the statement of him being there to "walk his dog" and during that he stated that 'dark clouds appeared out of nowhere and immediately stroke down at the cars within the bridge some, unfortunately, to be hit by the lighting. As the men in the room sat down quietly, the senator bouquet immediately after broke the silence.

"well Mr garter, having gotten a small rundown from the reports given by the local government at Francisco, their department had stated that the elves which appeared below at the gate during the bridge incident had said that these people appearance had similarities to a mythical being of an elve, and there a leader of their expedition and I quote 'came to seek the assistance of their current war within there world as they come to America the strongest country I can find' she had stated."

Hearing this, the men there wanted to chuckle out but having it professionally they were speechless not expecting that to be learned that even garter although getting the constant report this was something new that he never had gotten to learn, but quickly after it was expected that the police department at Francisco had probably not stated so getting this new report was a surprise.

"Well. This is interesting…" he muttered, too dumbfounded by the reports he had learned. Rubbing his chin, garter looked back at the senator.

"An elven, coming to our waters with outdated wooden warships coming to our causing this whole incident just to come to seek aid from us."

Replying to the senator, he continued rubbing his chin, as quickly after, among the general staff, a gruntled voice was heard out and facing him.

"First we got the Chinese vessels invading within our waters at Alaska and Ukraine having a potential war with the Russians and now this shit. Fucking elves Mr president that causes worldwide attention that our country can't do much on!"


General Lee, like the rest of the men, had the reason to be upset as having the world be in a tension of a third world war.

"And these elves hadn't given a proper declaration to the population at Francisco due to the local police there not having the media not be able to have access the beach they landed and ones that are arrested thankfully, announcements were given from the people at Francisco that they will plan an event which will have these elves speak about their intention of coming to this country."

Garter begins to think deeply, knowing that the population is still confused about the golden gate lighting incident, this was quite a headache having to see that he isn't prepared to deal with a situation like this. man in the office wasn't something he could ignore, with rising tensions within the pacific and a potential war in Europe the only thing he could arrange was a conference between him and their current commanding officer.

"What are the plans for SFPD on the people they have arrested and their small integrations?"

"From what they reported, their" leader " had demonstrated two officials the power of magic towards them as they had stated back house and I quote, 'like magic from lord of the rings' chief Jolene stated and for FBI Richard he replied 'nothing like before' we do have camera footage for this"

Immediately after, a flat LED screen at the left corner of the room immediately brightened up as a TV begins to play out footage of the small "integration" everyone within the room was open wide having to hear it but doubting about it, it was there first time getting to see footage without having the press know it. Even having a flat-screen the quality was very dreadful although manageable, it was something they can see in full detail and having both men be closer to the young hounded women, the videos begin to play further in and immediately after they could see both officials back away as both arms of the hounded women placed at the centre of the table as immediate glow begins to faint brighter within the pawn of her hands.

"What the hell.."

General Lee was speechless by what he was looking at, a hooded woman holding onto an element as both men looked stunned by the sight they saw. Within the screen, the noises of the women could be heard to hear that she was explaining the power of the magic.

Although what she said wasn't a full brief down on what magic could do, they had gotten too basic knowing that magic could only be used if mana was flowing within the wood, and to comprehend that they needed power by earth by invoking a storm to summon the gate, a puzzle begins to assemble in. But even though what they had learned wasn't convincing, getting a small five minutes video on the integration, the senator immediately turned off the screen as he faced back towards the men at the table to hear what their thoughts had on this video.

"Well President Garter, after seeing that video, do you have any plans after seeing that footage?"

Senator Barack asks; hearing his question, garter looked back.

"Well.." He quietly mumbled, "Before we can do any drastic measures I would like to hear other people's opinions within this room, so I could plan out what we can do to these 'elves' that are currently in custody."


With garter wanting to hear their opinions, the few high ranking generals begin to think out their suggestions, and some were quietly wanting to see what they can propose, but having learned about the reports within the footage, lee looks back at the garter, having to hear what the elf had said at the screen, he finish a shot and announced within the room.

"Mr President.." CSA Lian Leens asks, "in all due respect but none of the people is fully convinced. Hell… everyone within this godforsaken country doesn't even believe in the story and even worldwide, we are dealing with something that our country will never expect to happen and everyone isn't even fully convince,

"Well. With that footage, we concluded that they are considered responsible for that bridge incident and other trends that happened after that, and them wanting to come to hear for the sake of asking us military aid despite them not having us know them, asking military aid and causing thirty people to die at the bridge, well this is just what god’s fucking plan."

The tone from Lee was aggressive to hear, it wasn't his fault for acting like this, with America having to deal with the Chinese within their coastline it was a matter of time before another world war would erupt.

Lee follows up, "Including that, Germany is requesting us, to not make an agreement deal between U.S and Ukraine as a way to not have a potential war within Europe be broken out."

Having to hear Lee retort, chief of staff Lian Leens laughs out from the verdict, having Lee look towards him and he smiles. "Of course! Having those krauts have been Russian cocksuckers ever since the Berlin wall fell, a country that was divided, of course,e, they try having a good relationship with the Russian and giving the motivation for having Russia not be allied with the Chinese."

Having to hear both men chuckling out, garter exhaled loudly, "alright we can discuss the weapons trade between our country and Ukraine later, we are currently on the topic of how to deal with the situation within San Francisco."

Hearing his request, both men concurred and immediately after went silent as the president could hear nothing but the loud sounds of their air conditioner within their room. Before, Barack after senator Barack notified the president.

"On that note, Mr President. There are some things you should know about the incident, that the people within the beach are elves surprisingly... And we got this report after a small checkup. Within the Holding cell."

Garter leans back, "I already know that. It's just we need to plan out what we should do before doing a full meeting between these people, they had done a lot of damage just by coming to our country, and by now they would have gotten a bad rap"

"Well, including the mishap at the beach line as well, trying to make peace or giving in to their request wouldn't do, I suggest that we have the least to pay their reparations. That includes paying the family who had had their relatives die back at the bridge and the damage they had caused as well."

Their answer wasn't quite persuasive as he wanted and asking questions to military officials their reasons wouldn't do much, he turned towards the vice president Keith and senator Barack while waiting for a response from himself.


Tapping the table, Keith exhaled. "Well garter, we should at least reduce the pressure on these 'elves' and try to make ourselves look presentable once you get to meet one for yourself, we can give in to our requests and demands once we have a basic partnership be formulated. We have an opportunity in our hand's mister president. What's behind that gate?"

"What?..." Lee muttered out, "the fuck you mean behind that gate?"

"Well. After the whole bridge incident had happened. Two large pillars were found within the bridge with insight reports of being similar to the portal gate from sci-fi movies. Even officers and locals, hell even the coast guard had reported about this gate and this is the one that made these elves appear out within our waters."

"Think of the opportunities behind that, the gate. I see something big after seeing the forecast report and being interested in what we can see there, I say we make these elves go there once the formal meeting is prepared."

Everyone was hesitant from his junction, even garter wasn't into his reasons. Senator Barack looked at Keith. "You are asking something that is too early, as of now it's been a week since the incident and yet no progress was made. For now, we take it slow, we have better communication than having two officers do our job and we make sure the population could see them as good people than these wizards that cast lighting or things like that."

Surprisingly what Barack had said gave a good look with many within the room agreeing to his response, "I say that would work" chief of staff Liam said, "having that we have many news reporting of our lack of making a proper statement on this incident I say we can fix it by making a proper conference."

With many on the board of Barack suggestions, Keith couldn't do much seeing that they should start slow, he slowly smoked as many looked towards the president. Him rubbing his chin and thinking heavily it was seen that it could have an effect in the future. He coughs and looks back at senator Barack.

"Inform the local government that ill is visiting these people within two days, and request them to make a proper conference for these people.. Give basic needs of supplies for these people, have them have beds, food etc. And have the surrounding area for this 'portal' be close and tightly watched over."

Barack replied "Yes Mr President" and immediately after saying garter shortly after standing and having to look back at the men he smiles.

"Gentleman, for millions of years we know that humanity never once had seen a portal which would take a man into another world nor a country, ever did. Until this very year as humanity sees the horizon of another world war against the Russians or the Chinese, then this year twenty twenty-one, marks the year that portal has appeared in our waters. And we soon questioned our tensions within that faithful portal. We will soon make history.."

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