《Golden Gate: New World Front》Chapter 7 - baker beach


"Being a marine wasn't something I had come for my life as prior before, I wanted to do something for the time"

Getting out of college, I was able to get myself a degree with my life a long way I expected me to get myself a good work and a family to take care of with many even my dad wanting to see a grandson, he could cherish a lot, having that I was a sibling of 3, having that my life was very good during my college days, I had a girlfriend before known her for 8 months and life was going as I wanted and nothing could be better than this.

But having said that, it wasn't something I hoped, around that time 9/11 occurred in America and even I was shocked by what happened, President Bush speaking to the people to the Justification of invasion of Afghanistan was heard around the country and the people, angered by this attack would see the reason with the people within my country seeing the cause, they would soon see the United States invasion of Afghanistan. Even with the war transpiring, I wasn't in the best of mood, during those dark days my girlfriend had broken up with me, with us seeing that our relationship was not the best, and her having affairs with me, we didn't do much but broke up with us not seeing each other for the past 19 years.

With the breakup I had, recent events of my mother being passed away had me depressed and with my brothers too heartbroken by what they had to see, by the time my mother was buried I didn't get to see my future in bright light and having no opportunities that I once had, I Join the marines as I joined in the 1st marine division, my service within Afghanistan was somewhat good and having me get shot once, I saw that I doing very good without any major problems.

But after 5 tours of duty back in 2006, and a few more military operations, the war in Afghanistan was long gone with the US leaving Afghanistan last year the threat of china was fully in the head with every American citizen with some believing a war, but for over 15 years of me serving the marines I have been expected myself to should lease retire with me seeing that opportunities for a new life.

But even so, outback from the city alongside his dog, James wasn't gonna leave the marines any time with him not seeing any potential jobs he could work after his day in the marines, he could only watch on the video he had recorded back at the bridge as a portal of sorts flashes in front of him as ships come out in mass, drinking his convenient store coffee, the video he had a record, was nothing he had sawn and even he was amazed by what he caught in camera but has said he couldn't have this be shown to the anyone even his police uncle, having that he do anything with this record, it wasnt something he could hold on, having him be a relative to a chief officer within sans Francisco James would have to show the video he had recorded be shown as evidence having with the bridge being a crash site as the number of lightning strikes made it a death trap for any vehicles within the golden gate bridge. James sips more on his instant coffee with him admiring what he could do with this video.





Golden Gate Bridge.

August 17, 2021.

Above the golden gate bridge, the vass fog that was made from the storm made it hard for the people within the helicopter to look down to get a full picture of the crash as helicopter despatch from the sans Francisco traffic centre were unfortunate that they couldn't help as the thick fog made there help to limit.

The events that happened within the golden gate was something they couldn't ignore, as the storm quickly ten with the rain dripping down, many could look within the bridge to see a sight like nothing before. As many got off their cars they quickly could feel the cold breeze and the smell of lighting around as the bridge was turned into a crash site with many vehicles being hit one and another, trucks, jeeps and even military vehicles. Nothing was saved and having many hit each other from the rapid thundering attack, what made it even more surprising is how many were able to get off safely from their wrecked vehicles, but even with the relief of their safety, the sirens from the ambulance and the policies around moved within the inner crash site as the screams of pain were heard from the distances.

Heading in, they quickly got off their vehicle and had to see this wreck, the officer was just purely shocked by what he was gazing at and having to see this mess as he grabbed his radio at his right chest and informed HQ.

"This is chief Jolene, request for additional ambulance 10-52 over at golden bridge we got some wounded people over~"

Quickly after his request, a female voice within his radio was short and could be heard.

"Affirmative… sending additional medical vehicles.."

Having to hear this, he turned to his second officer and had him look around the wreck, Jolene quickly whistled him out causing his second officer to gaze back at him.

"Go help the wounded!"

Hearing this immediately got him to looking around and having to see some wounded people at the distance of the bridge, heading to aid the wounded people at the bridge Jolene soon looks around on what made this such incident, as he didint expect a crash like this ever of over his 30 years of serving the San Francisco police department, 'terrorist attack?' 'Sabotage?' Questions about it hit his head and having to see what is going on he yearned to ask the witness what cause this car crash, looking around to see many leaving the scene lone notices the many limping people, with their head covered by blood, and their clothes soaked with blood, having to see this he was more surprised that no reports of an explosion having this given, he begins to see that it wasn't a terrorist attack, but wanting ti to be sure he noticed at the blocked road, a woman sitting in the wrecked car behind, Jolene introduced himself to the women.

"Afternoon mam, I'm Chief Jolene SFPD, and I came here after reports of a mass crash attack within this bridge. Do you got a few minutes to spare?"

The woman looked back at Jolene as her confused face made her unsure what she could report back to Jolene on what happened within the bridge, but not wanting to waste any more time she soon got up and told her single finding.

"Well, officer, we are not sure how this crash thing happened, but saying an immediate storm cane by within this part of the bridge as it quickly rains down to the bridge with lightning strikes around attacking any vehicle it hits on."


Jolene was surprised by what he just learned, with him seeing that the lighting strike was the one who caused this mess he quickly wonders what compelled him to make such a storm, but having to know that even third was ridiculous to hear, Jolene took her report with a grain of salt with not wanting to waste time he thanked the women as he walked off back to his car. But having to wonder what causes this such crash, Jolene could assume that it was a sort of heavy storm from the pacific, but even that wasn't convincing.

But even that wasn't a good sight but with him having no proof on who had done would be difficult for the chief officer and knowing he would be informing the media what happened, Jolene exhaled out of stress with him knowing that it would confuse the population what occurred at the bridge but having said within his car, the chief officer looked through his messages and having realized that the bridge incident wasn't reported back, but having to look through his phone, a crowd soon could be running towards the side of the bridge with many starting to make a fuss, Jolene looked through his windshield to see many heading towards the left side of the bridge, seeing this event confused the officer having that he expects everyone to leave the perimeter of the crash site, Jolene got out from his car once more and looked to the second officer, nodding his head with both know what they would do.

As they walked towards the crowded people, Jolene notices the sheer numbers of looking at the vass river towards them and having to notice this surprise him as he doesn't understand what made them come to the bridge in the first place, looking to his second officer, he quickly called out the crowd causing many to notice the two officers walking towards them.

"ALRIGHT!" The officer yelled with a forward voice, "I wanted everyone here to leave this perimeter, once we got many casualties from the crash I want all to head back towards the barriers at the bridge!"

Seeing them being officers, many started to head back to the placed in barriers with many staying and continuing scrutinizing the event they saw below with many being stunned by the event there looking, many who remained did not follow the officer's orders and seeing this, mad both officers disgruntled at what there looking at. With many watching on, both officers walked closer to the remaining people at the bridge and having them see that their phones are recording a sort, quickly made Jolene confused as he begins to wonder what made him record the river then the beach, but as they got closer, people around the bridge soon quiet down with many starting to hear a screech of sorts below the bridge as many started to get worried with many afraid what is happening.

As they got closer the screech was louder than they expected and flew above them a silhouette of a flying bat or sort scared the on bypasser below as above they watched in terror as flapping above them was something no man or women would ever see flying about there airspace; scaley and pack with sharp teeth its sheer size could make it bigger than any flying mammal that, the sizes and the dark appearance shocked the onlookers, and having to see a dragon-like monster flies over the crowd, with many pulling their phones shocked by what they saw. The wyvern quickly snaps off the onlookers and has it dive below the bridge many quickly dash to see what made it dive down as doing, having to see this both Jolene and his side officer dash to see what made it leave.

And having to look below the two officers were speechless by what they had seen with both saying nothing as they watched something out from a. Scientists fiction, viewing down on the bridge a wooden vessel which sizes was nothing before appears out from the population as a fleet of 35 vessels sails below the bridge as nothing but the hooded people on the deck were notice along as wyverns beside the fleet flies along with numerous of ships sailing behind the small ship in front, with the leading ship on respite with it being on the direction of baker beach.

Jolene looked back at the remaining crowd with him even he was appalled by what he had seen in front of him, having said it wasn't something he couldn't ignore but having to maintain is something he can't walk off, Jolene whistled out to the crowd.

"Alright, as this is a final request I want all civilians around this part of the bridge to head back to the barrier as final order!"

Jolene's hard voice was heard around, and having him be a more fixed officer, people quickly headed back from the barrier, as people who remained quickly got out. With them gone, Jolene walked back to the railing watching at the sight of wooden ships moving along the calm rivers as he never expected something like this to occur, but with them looking at the ships, the officer beside him gazed back at the Jolene and having him asked a question Jolene gazed back.

"Should we call the coast guard?"

Jolene chuckles from the response having him see that it is required for the coast guard to appear at the golden gate for a fleet of wooden boats would be a ridiculous statement to report back at HQ but with them knowing that the navy is needed, Jolene exhaled.

"Welp… we can't have this for this stay too long, report back to HQ and have them contact the coast guard."


"We have a fleet of wooden vessels at the golden gate."

Hearing this, he quickly got away and having his head back to the car, Jolene alone at the bridge pulls one cigarette and lights up as he puffs out smoke as he relaxed on the rails watching the vass wooden ships anchored bakers beach, but having to see wooden ships was new but what made he question is the dragons he had sawn fly above them with him knowing dragons doesn't exist with them being myths and legends with Jolene wondering his existence, he saws then scream and fly, it was very real and everyone around him saw it for themselves. But nothing can question but the wooden ships themselves Jolene's smokes out again on, as he gazed back at the largest of all with it within it being seen with thousands of sailors around it, disembarking glancing with the same people getting into the smaller ships as many small ships heading towards the baker beach.

Nevertheless, by what he saw, it wasn't something he can deal with, having that Jolene would have someone do that work, another stick was pulled and having it lit up Jolene inhaled a lot of smoke and puff in out as he continues wondering if the dragon flying above them was as real as he thoughted, watching afar as many of ships having boats heading to the baker, Jolene could only smile as he never thought that something like this happens, but having said, small amounts within his head gets the feeling of a history being made as even what he sees can be fake or not, Jolene walks away back to the his car as he walks off, he could hear the dragons crying afar, and having to hear this he could only wonder if it was a dragon.


Expedition fleet.

Within small boat mamy row there bows towards a patch of sand covered by ricks as the elves around and even the elder wondered if it was possible to get through, and having them wanting to land at that beach, many didn't bother asking with them getting closer the elder looked behind her with more then 70 rows boats packed with elves following behind them with the large boats anchored down with the large boats being stayed input, as she gazed back at the beach, at the distance, she could notice a small town of sorts close from the beach and having to see this made her smile as she could feel as the expedition she had planned along, was worth for its. Wait with her seeing that the people she had come to would fully say yes. The elder sees that she was getting near to the beach and having her not want to wait for many after hitting the rocks quickly got off with the elves being wet with them walking towards the beach.

They got there at last, and the elder was delighted that her people were able to reach the beach without any problems and wanting to not waste any time she looked behind her hooded elves as she smiled back at them.

"We came and now we are here, today we shall ask these Americans for their help!"

the hooded elves and elves behind nodded what she said, as behind them boats carrying their supplies quickly got off with them heading to the beach to make a foothold for the elves to take rest, as the elder looked back at the small town in front, smiling at it would see it is the day as having to hear many things about America she could tear as she has finally had reached America.

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