《Golden Gate: New World Front》Chapter 2 - Continent of Gaia


Chambers of the royal palace.

August 11th 678 AD.

Walking down the stairs, the queen and the elder mage walked down together, with the queen looking around; she knew that this was her 3rd time visiting chambers of the royal palace and seeing everything hadn't changed from the last visit. Immediately heading down to see many rooms, the queen immediately sniffed the smile as the smell was strange with the queen, as she didn't expect the scent to be that unusual for a mage's chambers, the queen gazed around to see many empty cells with nothing but the rodents and hay lying around the floor, surprised to see as the palace not once had any royal conspiracy within the court, as she knows the kingdom has a meager crime rate, heading towards the door in front of them, the room was bright as the rays from the luminous shine out from the door with the queen taking cover from radiant light, The elder mages chuckle as the queen comments from the brightness from the room.

“You didn't tell me that the room we will head to would be that!” the Queen commented.


The elder mage only nodded, from the response, not expecting that she would handle the rays of bright light from the room there heading, and looked back at the queen and informs what they are getting into, as immediately run within the space, the queen opened her eyes; she was dumbfounded by what she just saw. In front of her was a giant ORB flying above in the room's core as elves wearing cloaks and robes circle around the orb, seeing that they are chanting with it. Stopping to admire the sire side of the ball, see glazes back at elder mages, and question how they have it be under the chambers.

"Elder, I must ask what this orb does for the kingdom?"

"That? Your majesty, what you're looking at is currently a magic orb; that stays there as a way so we can have more extraordinary magic flown around the kingdom; my people are currently enchanting it, so we can use magic to the fullest when the chance of a siege would appear."


With the mage informing what the use of the orb was, the queen sees the explanation and immediately tail along with the elder mage, with both heading towards a long corridor, both strolling the hallway the queen she could see was cleaner than the last room she was at, with the floor being less dirty and smelly and clean with a scent of a flower odor, a look from the wall, paintings of the map was created by her ancestor and previous rulers before, with the map illustrating it's somewhat history.

From her recollection when she was young, The land of Gaia is a mystic continent that is further away from another mainland from the great sea, the land they called home, had a past that was a blemish, with many of the newly made nations that once were seekers soon took up and arms and committed themselves to fight in what they call "17-year war". Those days were dark, with many species during that time being exterminated in the war. By the time that the war was over, the population from the content they loved never returned from its original number, from her knowing is that her kingdom was the one who got hit hardest, from the casualties rate with many of her people during that '17-year war' killed off from the poison wyverns that was commonly used throughout the war. After the '17 war' with talks for the seven nations to meet on a bit of land, a somewhat agreement was planned, by the seven great countries with many approving on a type of alliance that permits them, from not going to war grudges were felt from the recovery period, with the feeling of a betrayal was felt within those nations.


With the current predicament that the empire from the north made, the 17-year war had made many militaries weaker than presumed; after the 17-year war, many nations armies did not plan a military excursion, as many thought it was a sign of potential conflict, with many thinking about the 17-year war, out of the nations the kingdom of Elijah and the kingdom of Leilo made a type of agreement that a military exercise between the two forces would be planned. Still, even with the army training, the kingdom of Lelio was defeated within five months; from the information she was headed earlier, their ally could behave lasted far longer. Still, from the information about this nation having cannons, the siege didn't last long, as the empire used modern military tactics given by the allies above. Comprehending that many of their limited forces and their several allies were defeated by a lone powerful empire, the queen understands the situation, their limited resources, and their borders being sm; a, a mere two months would conquer their kingdom.

Both soon reached the room the mage wanted to head in, and after, Galadriel immediately quit thinking about the current war and directly looked in front of the mage to see a large stone Woman knee down with her hand in the air; the mage looked back at the Galadriel, looking away with the queen amazed by the sight of prominent stone women. Smiling from the company, she shortly went to the center and opened her sack, and placed two large crystal stones on the ground. Galadriel, noticing the elder mage, immediately got close and questioned her doings.

"Elder, I must ask, what are you doing with two crystal stones?."

Hearing this, the mage said nothing as she continued her placing of the stones. The mage soon arranged the rocks in a magic circle and backed up to see her made. She looked at it with a pleasing look and gazed back at the queen, who replied to her question earlier.

"That… you are looking at your majesty is a Portal spell, and these stones you're looking at are not regular crystals, but these what are you are looking are a stone that is capable of something far greater than even the mages from the north could have, and what these have the ability to what we call. Gateway magic."


"Gateway magic?"

The mage could only smile at the response and immediately looked back at the stones to see what she could prepare. Looking at her wooden staff, she pointed at the floor as she closed her eyes and soon mumbled into her mouth. The mumbling ended, and immediately in her eyes of Galadriel, she watched in amazement as the circle glowed in front of her as the mage looked back at Galadriel to continue her question.


"Gateway magic is a high ranking enchantment, which allows the mage to open a gate from another dimension without any dilemmas, but the stones aren't for opening gates for the other side; the stone can also allow us that to watch and scout other nations from the other dimension, with these stones."

The mage soon looked back at the void to nothing but the stars and dark sky; as the stones were bidden to illustrate what the mages wanted, the mage closes her eyes and chants it again; immediately doing this, Galadriel soln notices blue flowing of mist stir around the staff as it soon went towards the void as the queen could see the mage mumbling her chant, closing her eyes she soon stopped her chants and informs the Galadriel her intention.


"For 70 years, during my days as a young mage during the 17-year war, my family and my people were killed by those barbaric humans who intend to kill anyone who isn't pure, our country, ever since the 17-year war, became an economic powerhouse within the southern continent despite our small borders. I watched as our people lived in harmony and peace with a feeling that a war wouldn't come till now; ever since the limitation of military exercises and lacking workforce, our nation, and our once allies have all been defeated within five months because of the military limitations, mages who join the war summarized that neither the kingdom of Blain and the kingdom of Kashmir had a capable army, as many of there forces were killed in action because of the lack of military exercise and lacking proper weapons, made many there forces use old tactics against the nation who we thought wouldn't survive the greater desert, had finally come here and now."

"Our nation isn't capable of fighting against the nation which had won countless victories within minutes having no problem, and hearing that they would come and take our kingdom within four months, it means that they're gonna bring something for our greater walls, the chances are that they will bring out those damn red dragons, I been hearing a lot from the reports of the military front lines and having them give us five months to prepare means that there bringing more to defeat us."

Hearing this made Galadriel relatively weak. Knowing that she isn't capable of fighting such a war, she soon began to tear up from the response and explain what made her not fit for the situation.

"It's all gone, elder! I am not capable of fighting this war! All I did was cry and weep and wouldn't do anything because I was not fit for this situation. Our military has been weak! There's no point if we don't have allies and we don't have the workforce to take them down. How are we supposed to defeat them?"

Hearing the cries from Galadriel, the mage soon smiled from the response and immediately looked up to the statue.

"There is another."

Immediately after telling that to the queen, the dark void instantly brightens her face as the teen begins to cover her tearing us from the bright light; the sounds of the breeze around soon turned colder as the mage said nothing throughout the transportation. The Bright light shortly ended, and hearing nothing but the chirping of the birds and rays of the sun being felt on her skin, she opened her eyes to see that she was in a forest.

"Where are we?"

Galadriel pleaded, and waiting for a response, she soon realized that the elder mage wasn't around and seeing this, immediately panics and looked frantically as she couldn't find her; she felt defeated and soon dropped down to her knees as the queen saw that her time was up, trying to cry the tapping from her shoulder was felt on Galadriel and looking back to see who did it, it was none other than mage itself as she smiled back at the queen after the queen gaze back at her. She then got up and looked at the mage with a worried look.

"What made you disappear?!"

Hearing this made the mage chuckle and back up from the queen; the mage could give her one reason.

"Sorry, your majesty, I arrived a bit late."

The queen, hearing this believed what the mage said and immediately got back up as she waited for the mage to do something; seeing the bright light from the sun at the other side of the forest, the mage soon followed towards the other side as the Galadriel behind followed along as both walked within the forest. Rattlings and the sounds of the brush straddle were heard within, and the white blouse that Galadriel wore soon got dirty as the queen continued following behind.

With the mage being in the lead, she immediately got out first and looked begin and soon yelled out to the queen to check what she saw. "Your majesty, please come and see this!"

Hearing her voice getting louder, the queen said nothing as she groaned from the long walk. Coming out from the forest soon covered her eyes from the bright looks at the mage to see what she asked.

"Yes? What do you need?"

Hearing her reply, the elder mage soon slowly moved. Her hand towards the distance and following along her. She watched with amazement, and she looked at the city like nothing before. Her eyes widen, and her jaw drops; she looks upon a town whose buildings are tall as the sky as the coast was far ahead; at a distance, the queen was immediately was dumbfounded by the sight she saw, from a distance, a bridge painted red was seen being far, and the view of it is more significant than any bridge she ever crosses made her shocked by the presence of cities that aren't covered by large walls. The company was excellent, and the queen said nothing of the scenery she saw, and looking at her in-person to see the city itself, the mage smiled and told her what she was looking at.

"Your majesty, what you are looking at is a superpower whose nation never once was defeated in wars and nation who made many nations under their country become superpowers like them; there are nations who see freedom at first sight and the power that is held from them there will bring it just for the sake of aiding the nation."

Learning what the mage said was unbelievable to hear; it was impossible what she was, a country that wasn't defeated?!' 'Nation who will risk themselves for a weak nation like ours?' That's absurd! But hearing what the mage said, her words had a weight of the truth within it, and seeing the city with the skyscrapers, she looked back at her and asked one question.

"These are such strong words you have said, to me elder, I must ask. What is the name of this country?"

As Galadriel glanced back at the mage waiting for the response, seeing that she was waiting, she looked at the city as well and told her the nation that the mage told her in detail. Taking a deep breath, she looked at the city.

"From the words these people call. The country you are looking at is called.

"The United States of America."

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