《Humanity's Final Trial》Humanity's Final Trial Companion Notes
Humanity's Final Trial Companion
Introduction: Roots to the Trial of the Future
The idea for this novella dropped upon my brain like a raindrop. I was walking on a track at my local recreation center with this rather vague desire for the world to experience a better spiritual experience, and then it was as if the universe just handed this story over to me. I felt it was not only an exciting idea to write, but my duty to write it. In reflecting back to the sub-layers of motivation behind this story, I identified three central ideas. First, I desired to write a multi-layered story similar to some of the classics such as many Hawthorne’s short stories like The Birthmark, Rappaccini's Daughter and the Scarlet Letter. This would take a variety of hidden gems in the form of symbols and allusions of which I chose to use not only in a spiritual sense, but also in homage to other sci-fi/fantasy stories and films. Second, I wanted this story to appeal to that part of us which would put our own creator(s) on trial and kill him/or her for failing us, the created. A rather ballsy idea, if I may use that crude term. Finally, I wanted a story that explored this notion that many people use to dismiss the spiritual and supernatural. That is, the willingness to put human ideas around logic on such a pedestal that it should always overrule the senses and those things that are unexplained. I find it fascinating that so much of the supernatural is dismissed because those who are purely logic based won’t wrap their mind around what they can’t physically taste, see, touch and smell. Of course, I’m not “for” the totally illogical beyond the entertainment value, but I think we as humans are way too limited to not keep an open mind and heart about that which may be beyond our human limited scope.
Though there is a focus on Christian symbolism woven throughout the story and one of the main characters stands as a Christ-like figure, this story is primarily about the struggle with faith and spirit that is common in all religions. These references are a tool of a purely spiritual and historical nature and not meant as a tool to proselytize anyone into a Christian belief system. You will not find a hidden agenda of getting readers through “the steps to salvation”. What I do use this particular faith for (yes, I am one of this faith) is only toward those common elements of human life and spirituality we have questions about and that I find are worthwhile to explore. I suppose that is my writer’s privilege to explore them. Christianity, when used in this story and in group discussion questions, is as a springboard to such discussions that anyone should be able relate to. And though the Bible can be an highly debatable book for some people, this is still a book of literature and an ancient one at that. It is worth talking about for that merit alone though I personally find other merits as well.
The spiritual elements I weave through the story are set against the background of pure, resounding logic. In this case, humanoids are programmed to value logic over everything else. This brings to focus the essential question of the novella, “Is there any value at all to a spiritual life, and what would that value(s) be?”--even for those who deny its value because of logic. Since we often have constructs in our mind about our everyday lives, it is hard for us to be open to new ideas in stories that are similar to our own daily lives. “I’ve heard it all before” and “Been there, done that” kind of mind frames can hinder readers from hearing ideas they may have overlooked in very creative stories. It is much easier for us to read into such text and media from our perspective when challenged in backgrounds set like our own. We tend to go where we find comfort. And for many, it can be like scaling a thousand foot wall to get beyond their own beliefs and experiences. By casting this story in the future, we can disarm our own preconceived notions about not only the “now” but the future. We can be open to new ideas because we are vulnerable again within a world we aren’t familiar with or know how to navigate.
Lastly, in our day and age, whether it is religion or politics, we are wrestling with a lot of extremism, which threatens our societies with ideas that would take people backwards rather than forwards. While branded with the loftiest ideas around life and patriotism, these extremist ideologies march before weary minded people. They empower people who feel ostracized because of their own internal hatred and who long for a platform to defend their hatred rather than being educated through compassion. We all want to be heard. No matter who you are, you want to have a platform. However, hate and beliefs developed from it don’t deserve a public platform beyond public scrutiny and certainly should not be a part of our laws. “Trial By Robot” explores this struggle with a religious sect called the Descendants and the trial itself as a cruel exploration that is both political and humanitarian in nature.
How the Companion is Broken Down
Group Discussion--Largely a moral and spiritual discussion focus Humanity's Final Trial Multi-Verse
I’m excited to think people would use this companion in addition to the story itself to explore the richness of what on the surface could appear as a very simple text, just as I did in those literature classes years ago. Enjoy the read!
Questions for Group Discussion
Vincent represents another character in a popular sci-fi story from 1979 called “The Black Hole”. In what ways is Vincent from “Trial by Robot” similar and different to the one portrayed in the classic film? What is the significance of Vincent being aware of a tingling sensation around “fluid exchange fibers” in his neck? Why do you think he was trying to keep it a secret? If you could change one thing about your appearance (as Vincent changed his nose), what would it be? Why? What do you think the change would give you? Better yet, is there anything the change may take away from you? Vincent says early on “Human systems were remarkably complex but fragile,” and “their egos and emotions over-ruled the better part of themselves, destroying everything good in their path.” In what ways do ego and emotions get the better of you? Some people try to numb their emotions in order not to face the reality of their circumstances or the past. How can emotions and allowing yourself to take the time to feel them help you in the healing in the process? Do you ever reason yourself out of “feeling” and thus healing? What does that look like? What is the ego? How does the ego play out in your life for good and/or bad? Galatians is a somewhat popular book of the Apostle Paul’s writing in Biblical text. Galatians 2:20 is probably the most quoted out of this book. Look up information about who the people of Galatians were. What was Paul saying in Galatians 2:20 do you think in light of this? Vincent describes some of the humans he sees on trial as failing “to take the time to learn the laws of their enemy”. What are some challenges you face in which you could do better by learning how and why the situation or people operate the way they do? How could this help you to better overcome or work with them? In what ways is the character of John Woods like Jesus in how he acts and talks? John Woods was considered despised and controversial not only for his spiritual like qualities that are highlighted in the story but also because of his hybrid nature. We too also struggle with various sides of ourselves we don’t understand. What parts of you are in opposition with each other? What parts of you do you have difficulty accepting? What parts in others? In today’s society, no matter what culture you live in, there are groups of people who aren’t accepted, are constantly put on trial either in literal courts or the courts of people’s minds. What are some of those groups of people today? What lengths would you go in order to defend them? What lengths would go to for people who don’t believe or practice the faith you do? What limits would be there? What is the significance of the dirty doll that shows up in the beginning and at the end of the story? Do you believe that Vincent really saw the doll again at the end or just envisioned it? Birds are referenced in this story (in the center garden of the Supreme Chancery and John Woods mistakes the sound of his rescuers as a trapped a bird), what is the significance or symbolism of birds? A picture of the fanatical religious leader “Nicodemus” shows him in priestly garb holding a cane with a curved hooked at the end. What could this potentially symbolize in religious terms? Though Vincent agreed with his government that humans should be eliminated, why does he think John Woods should have had a fair trial? Vincent, in his download, has a vision of a woman on trial holding a purse in front of her chest “protecting her heart”. Who does this woman end up being and what Biblical significance does this refer to symbolically of her holding a purse to protect her heart? Vincent refers to sensing Governor Wood’s emotions at various points and grows more and more connected to him. Have you ever been aware of someone else’s emotions but felt detached from them? How did that feel? What did you judge about yourself? When Vincent is about to dive into the memories of the trial, he says “This is it, the beginning of the end...”. Why do you think he said this? Have you ever had a thought or vision that you didn’t understand until later? Cassandra and Dee-Dee are said to escort Governor Woods to the stand wearing high heels that “pounded the floor tiles with the fierceness of hammers pounding in nails” What is this in reference to in the Bible? How does this relate to what Governor Woods is about to go through? In what ways are the list of charges that are read to John Woods by the court similar to those of the actions and character of Jesus in the Bible? There are number of places in the trial that Governor Woods remains silent. Why do you think he chooses not to answer at all or until pressed to do so? What spiritual martyrs can you think of who lived the same way--stood silent before accusers. Why did they? What purpose does it serve? Governor Woods is accused by General Iscariot of not being aggressive enough by not totally wiping out the humanoid army in the Valley of Ice when he had the chance to do so. Why do you think the Governor used restraint and did not wipe out the entire humanoid army? Do you think it was a wise choice? Why do you think General Iscariot ultimately reveals a strategic plan of the Galatian Army operating through underground tunnels? Have you ever been so emotional that you said something you regretted? What did you do about it? John Woods says that may kill his body but that he will live on. What does he mean? How is this similar to the message Jesus gave about his own purpose and power? What is the significance of the Governor putting his betrayer, Petra, in his place of holding his mother Angela? What do you think about John Woods doing this act? Have you ever experienced that level of forgiveness where you were trusted again so fully after committing a terrible failure? Is it possible for humans to forgive at this level? Should we always show this kind of trust no matter what to anyone? Vincent notes the elements of spirit and compassion as a form of almost transferable energy. Have you ever felt this? What examples do you know about of someone living a spiritual life that exemplified compassion that spread and healed others? John says, “Mother, meet your son. He will take care of you now more than I ever could... Son, meet your mother. She has seen too much suffering. Give her safety and peace.” Who does Jesus in the Bible give his mother to and why do both of “son”’s in both these stories choose to accept the role do you think? One of the charges against Woods by his own people is that of him disappearing “in times of need”. Are there any spiritual gurus of our history and times who did such things? Why do you think they did? Did they not care about those under their care. What do you feel about the silence of God in your time of need? Have you learned anything from it? Do you resent it? How do you handle this resentment? When Chancellor Shackelton says, “Truth? What is Truth?”, what Biblical conversation does this mimic? How is he like the Roman character in the Bible who says these words to Jesus? Governor Woods uses this claim: “You may have my body, but you will never have me, for I am in this world but not of this world.” This is a claim similar to that Jesus made. World in Biblical text doesn’t mean our physical world but rather the world systems. In light of that context, What did Jesus mean by saying this and can we live it in today’s world? Should we and at what level? Is your faith more like a coping mechanism to get you through hard times or something “different” as Vincent observed in John Woods? What is the “difference” for you? What is the significance of Nicodemus QT-1 being named after “Nicodemus” in the Bible? How was the Biblical Nicodemus similar to this one in “Trial by Robot”? The white, thick book of the Descendants represents all holy texts. In what ways do people today often use holy books as the Descendants do? Governor Woods calls the Descendants and Nicodemus “Blind Fools!” that are not only leading people astray but into grave danger. In what ways were the Descendants leading people astray? Are there groups or religious bodies that face the same religious fanaticism today? Have you ever been deceived by religious fanaticism? Petra is a betrayer reformed. In what ways is Petra like Peter in the Bible and spoken to like Peter in the Bible in this story? Why does Governor Woods call him the “one last hope”? Think Star Wars and Darth Vader as reformed betrayer in the end. In what ways is Petra’s story like the story line of Darth Vader in Star Wars? What do you think of John Woods’ rationale about the presence of a divine being like entering someone’s kitchen or home when their physical bodies are not present? Have you ever felt God’s presence in a significant way? Or any kind of supernatural presence? What did it do for you? How do you often miss seeing the miraculous, mysterious and supernatural in the everyday life? How could you change that and notice the unseen more? Near the end of the story, the Governor commands Vincent to “Lead my people”. This comes from the book of John in the Bible. How is Vincent in a similar position as John in the Bible who these words were spoken to? Have you ever gotten a word from God or a sense of a mission that felt too big for you? What did you do? How do you encourage yourself and your faith so that you too can answer God’s call when it comes? Why do you think Vincent chose the disguise himself as the Governor when he went out to see the Galatians? Could this eventually backfire on him? What masks do you use to cover how you really feel or who you really are? How is it working for you or not working for you? Could the masks backfire on you? What do you think is happening when Vincent is struggling at the end of story to actually follow through with what John Woods commissioned him to do? How is this like us and the struggle we can have living out our own callings? What is your prediction on what Vincent will choose to do after he hears that last phrase “Lead My People”? What do you think was the significance of this story being separated into six sections in regards to the story of Genesis? In what way did humans betray God in the Bible? What was their relationship like afterward? The Bible speaks of “Repairers of the breach: restorers of paths to dwell in” (Isaiah 58:12). By the end of the story, does it appear that Governor Woods wanted to build a bridge between humans and humanoids? How do you distinguish between building bridges with people and holding to set boundaries? How clear do you make this to others or do they have to figure it out? Is there someone in your life you wish you could meet in the middle and how might you edge closer to that? What would your life look like if that relationship was better?
The Trial by Robot Multiverse
A. Character influences
John Woods--Jesus, Gandi, Muhammad.
Petra--The Apostle Peter, Judas Iscariot
Vincent--”The Black Hole” (see character section for more detail)
Ava--Hal, from “2001” (see character section for more detail)
Cassandra and Dee-Dee--Siren, from Tron Legacy
Nicodemus Q-T--Zues/Castor, from Tron Legacy
David--David Lindsey author of the book “Voyage to Arcturus”
B. Story Influences
I-Robot: Humanity being threatened by robots as well as saved by them is a theme in I-Robot. Also, the evolution of humanoid’s “positronic brain” and the resulting “robopsychology” that developes because of the concerns. Asimov also develops these Three Laws of Robotics which actually influences some of the ethics of artificial intelligence today. Though these don’t appear in the story, you will note Vincent’s adherence to their “laws” which is inspired from I-Robot as well. The entire violation of laws that create a system of putting humans on trial is inspired by the story. Not only that, but also that the ancestors who were sympathetic to humans at one time made it so that the law that gives humans trials cannot be erased .
The Birthmark (Hawthorne): The inability of self and others to stand for anything less than a cultural idea of perfection.
Star Wars: The redemption of those on the “dark side” of the force. Also, the horror of those that are forced to become part robot, part human like Darth Vader was but on an even higher level, at the fetus level.
The Black Hole--A robot (in this case Vincent, a hybrid) saving humanity.
Star Trek (Dr. Spock)--Dr. Spock’s struggle between his two sides of logic and human emotion.
Spiritual And Other Interesting Symbols
The Seven Sections--Trail By Robot is broken into seven sections (this section included). These are meant to reflect the 7 Days of Creation as depicted in the Bible. By the end of the story, a hybrid with a spiritual nature and the mission to heal his world is created. This is the 7th day of rest and reflection.
The year 2888--the number 8 is a lucky number, it also has Biblical significance. (There are 3 eights in 2888 and 3 is a significant set of eight--the eight sons of Abraham, the eight writers of the Gospel, the eight times Jesus showed himself after his crucifixion.)
Vincents tingling neck fibers--represents his human side that is unwilling to be silenced. This sensation keeps Vincent grounded to his body.
“Galatia”-A name chosen for two symbolic purposes. On a simple level, it is a place that is under Arctic conditions and the name is a play on the word Glacial. On a deeper level, it refers to the book of Galatians, one of my favorite books and often quoted book of the Apostle Paul’s writings.
The Betrayal of John Woods--this is done in a form similar to that of Jesus Christ by his own “tribe”. Jesus’s own fellow Israelites handed him over to the Roman Government, the very rulers that persecuted them.
Room 71a--this is the room Vincent is assigned to in the Grand Inquisitor hotel. It is a flip of my birthday, the 7th day of January (1st month). The small a, is for my middle name Andrew.
3 Days of Trial--This refers the three days Jesus was in the Tomb.
Numbers within Court Documents
Chip specs---15.5 (John 15:5) 4.10 (I John 4:40) 2-4r (Romans 2:4) Model #’s of the humanoids on the Tribunal--all are considered unlucky numbers Composition Square, Room 121 is reflecting the book of Romans 1:21 Quadrant 316 reflects the popular verse often quoted in the Bible John 3:16
Ava--She is very loosely meant to be modeled after 2001’s HAL with her Big Brother like traits. Like Hal, we can only hear her, not see her. She too ultimately betrays Vincent as Hal also betrays the humans.
Governor Woods hair--His bangs are said to go to the right. Jesus is said to sit at the right hand of God.
Governor Woods silence--Jesus is often portrayed in silence before accusers.
Shackleton’s address on the word “Truth”--This is similar to a conversation that is said to have taken place between Pontius Pilate and Jesus where the Roman Governor asks Jesus the same question: “What is Truth?”.
John Woods saying “my life and truth speaks for itself” --many spiritual gurus and martyers often point to how they live their lives and not just their words as an example for people to follow. Yet how many quote the words of Mohammed and Jesus like models to beat others down as well as use the words out of context as a weapon.
The relationship between Petra and Angela--John Woods is our Jesus like character. Jesus introduces the Apostle John to Mary as “man meet your mother” and to Mary as “mother meet your son” in light of his upcoming absence from this world. This Biblical development in the Jesus story, shows how strong the love is in the bond between mother and son, for even Jesus on the cross bothered to assign to these characters to each other, in the midst of great suffering. John Woods models Jesus in re-introducing these two characters to each other as mother and son, but he goes further in this story. The betrayed Governor puts his trust in someone who had just betrayed him. This goes the extra mile. John Woods gives Petra the high responsibility of taking care of his mother.
Birds--Birds and Angels share the symbolism of spiritual growth and guardians in literature. Even though the Supreme Chancery is one of the most powerful institutions in Acropolis, birds still have infiltrated its center garden area. Evil cannot keep out the light. Also, later in the story, John Woods mistakes the sound of a rescuer as the sound of a bird pecking at something, trapped in the room next door. This ends up being his rescuers.
The Envoy’s dress heels in the courtroom--the envoys, Cassandra and Dee-Dee, usher John Woods to the stand and their heals are said to sound like the pounding of nails. This is meant to symbolize to the crucifixion of Jesus, being nailed to the cross.
Governor Woods’ Blind Fools Speech to Nicodemus--This is mimicking the speech Jesus gave to the Pharisees in his anger about how they were the blind leading the blind. Nicodemus represents a futuristic group of fanatical zealots.
“Lead my People”--John Woods gives Vincent his exaltation which is what Jesus said to the Apostle John before departing to the heavens; “lead my people” and “feed my sheep”.
The damaged pull-string doll--she stands as symbol of the vulnerability and neediness of the human race and a haunting reminder for Vincent of the cruelty exacted on humans by his own kind. Whether Vincent was really seeing the doll again at the end of the story, reminding him of human need or not is up to reader interpretation.
“The Descendants of Hewlett Packard”--This is meant to be a bit comical and shows how all of us can be blind when we get fanatical and think we have a corner on the truth. The “manual” and his attachment to it is meant to represent many today who worship books like the Bible and lose human compassion quite willingly..
Character Names
“Vincent: Model G220”: Vincent is the name of a robot in the Sci-Fi story “The Black Hole” who becomes an unwitting partner in helping the crew of the spacecraft USS Palomino escape. In our story here, Vincent tries to save humans as well. Vincent’s model # G220 refers to a popular and one of my favorite scripture verses, Galations 2:20 “I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I now live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.” By the end of the story, Vincent is trying to live out this very verse.
“John Woods”: John is his first name because my favorite Gospel is the book of John and Woods refers to his famous quote of Jesus referring to himself as the Vine, and we the people as the branches--all items contained in the “woods” or earth. Jesus is both of the heavens and of the earth.
“Chancellor Shackelton”: Clearly, his last name refers to the word “shackels” in that he imprisons but he is also imprisoned by his own sense of superiority.
“Petra”: Petra represents the Apostle Peter. He is introduced first as the lead betrayer of the Christ-like character, John Woods. Peter is said to betray Jesus three times in the Bible. Petra turns out to be Governor Woods rescuer and he is told that he will be the “key to the kingdom” of what remains of the human race. In a similar sense, Jesus tells the Apostle Peter that he is leaving him the keys to the Kingdom and he would be the foundation, the building blocks, of the church despite his betrayal.
“Angela Woods”: Angela represents the mother of John Woods and is symbolically representing Mary from the Bible who also witnesses her son Jesus on the Cross betrayed and suffering. “Angela” is a play on the word “angel”. She is also given over to Petra as his “mother” in much the same manner Jesus gives the Biblical Mary over to John as his mother when he is dying.
“Mary Woods”: Mary is John Wood’s wife and her name is a play on the idea that some suggest Jesus had more than friendly ties with Mary Magdalene. Some believe they were married or perhaps some kind of love interest.
Sergeant Isador and Asg: These two names came out of robot name generator online just for the fun of it! In essence, a computer helped me generate names for walking computers. Ha!
General Iscariot: Judas Iscariot is the name of the Apostle that betrayed Jesus as the General does in his testimony against John Woods. He also reveals, in his anger against John, a major military stronghold and plan of attack during his testimony. In movies, Judas is portrayed as wimpy man but here I wanted to portray him in the opposite because the Bible really doesn’t give us any idea about him except his betrayal.
General Quinn: Francis Quinn is a character in Issac Asmov’s I-Robot who was cunning. It is also a name I meant to sound similar to Flynn. This is the last name of Sam Flynn in the movie franchise Tron and Tron Legacy who fought against an army of electronic warriors and machines.
“Nicodemus, Model QT-1”: Nicodemus’ model # “QT-1” refers to the name of a robot in Issac Asimov’s stories I-Robot. In addition, Nicodemus is the name of a Pharisee in the story of Jesus the Christ who can’t quite get his mind around the Christ and pleads to reason from him. The Pharisees were a very religious sect that ended up turning the Christ over to the political power of Rome. The character of Nicodemus’ persona is somewhat modeled after Michael Sheen’s portrayal of Zuse/Castor in Tron Legacy who runs the End of the Line club.
“Cassandra” and “Dee-Dee”--Although there is nothing symbolic in their names, the personas of these characters are meant to be reminiscent of the two Siren characters in Tron Legacy that dress Sam Flynn before his battle debut.
“David”: Represents the author David Lindsay and his book “Voyage to Arcturus”. The main character Maskull starts his journey climbing a lot of steps and goes to Arcturus struggling with issues of life and death. Here in our story, this “David” is climbing around in the vent shafts and facing the struggle of life and death under the threat of being caught. He eventually chooses to save himself.
Path of the Dominator
Demneh is finally content with life. Despite being a reviled beast Tamer, and living in the lowest dredges on the very edge of humanity, he has finally achieved his dream. He will be able to move his parents to safety in the nearby human settlement, but first he needs to complete one well paying job for a group of adventurers seeking something in the Wilds. Of course, nothing goes to plan. Demneh, with the help of his companion Ina, will have to contend with powerful beasts and even more terrifying humans. The path Demneh's life has taken thus far will change, and he will walk a new Path. The Path of the Dominator. Author's Note: This story is currently on hiatus. Glossary (work-in-progress)
8 82Rothester
Attention new readers: This novel is under revision. The revised novel is renamed "Arsett Gateway" and can be found on neovel. Read the latest chapter for more information. In another world of magic, monsters, myths, and legends, a new adventure begins. Ken Kai finds himself in this new fantastical world he could have never imagined existed. From Earth to the world of Adon, he will use all his modern skills and knowledge to build a new life in a pre-industrial civilization. But how did he find himself in a new world? Transmigration? Reincarnation? No. Ken Kai hides something much more cunning. There exists something that has long been buried and forgotten—an old Cold War secret. The world of Adon unravels as the height of exploration and discovery threatens the peace between Kingdoms and Empires, where Ken Kai aims to exploit. A secretive faction watches from afar. A superpower has awoken.
8 390Orphan: A Journey of the Self
Willam Strange is an orphan. It is nearly all he has ever known. The only relics of his time before being an orphan are an old scarf and a broken eyepiece. For fifteen years Willam has lived a life relegated to the background of a vibrant and turbulent world. His best friend Julia seemingly the only one that can see him for who he feels he is; but even then Willam has doubts. However, when Castoria's Orphanage experiences some strange happenings Willam and his fellow Orphans will be called to decide for themselves. He will have to decide his own destiny, because no one else will do it for him. Author's Note: Orphan is on Hiatus for re-writes and review. May be posted again at a leater date.
“Dead? Am I dead? Is this heaven or hell? Where am I right now?” I muttered to myself. When I was confused about the phenomenon happening right now, suddenly I heard someone calling me from behind my shoulders by saying “Dewa Candra Kumara, Dewa Candra Kumara it is great that you are finally here!”
8 57Bacterium
What happens when your afterlife doesn't go according to plan and you are forced into a world where the gods actually answer the prayers,once a century or so,and you play a game for their own entertainment.Or so they think. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------PS.-Most of the tags are for future guide of my story so if you don't see ant content related to them it will most likely be uploaded into the future.
8 98No Matter What
I found my homie and my best friendI'mma be there for ya till the very end No matter what, no matter what , no matter what.
8 216