《Queen of Darkness [Inter-Universal Protectors: Book 3]》Chapter 16


Ema had no idea where to start look. Yes, she was a Tracker – and apparently one of the best on the God Worlds – but she had no idea where to even start. There was almost no information available on the Frozen Ones other than they were old Terpolite warriors. Even Jay had only been able to provide her little more. The information she had told Ema nothing more than these people were looking for a fight, but they could be hiding anywhere in Creation!

“Don’t suppose you know anything?”

Xix shook her head. “My father was far from an open man. He may have loved me but his power came first.”

“He didn’t tell you anything?”

“Only the stories all Terpolites, including yourself, know.” She tugged her star-white hair, pulling it into a high ponytail. “He was a secretive man who was fooled into thinking he could save Creation by destroying it.” Xix sighed sadly. “The power of the Cores will do that to a person.”

Ema smiled. “I will never stop being relieved at how much you’re not like him.”

It had been a shock to learn the identity of her friend. Ema never expected to cross paths with the daughter of Enliatu, former Rebel working in the Mines of Terpola, during her travels. Xix had few features from her father, her long white hair and the family ruby eyes. The rest of her – the dark skin and Fae features – had come from her mother. Xix had inherited some dark magic from her father though she had much better control over it. To think, this kind woman was to be the one to inherit the power of Naka!

In the time they’d spent traveling together, Ema found herself often defending her friend. After the fall of the Dark King, those who were aware of the God Worlds quickly made a point to go after the remainder of his family. A lot of them went into hiding. Xix, having just escaped the mines, became a wanderer. Plenty of people who didn’t know her well believed Xix would be the one to complete her father’s mission. Ema knew that was far from the truth. Xix wanted nothing to do with the power of the Cores or becoming Queen of Terpola.


Xix pulled the drawstring on her bag tight. “If you woke up to find everyone you knew was dead and you were millions, possibly billions of years into the future, what was the first thing you’d do?”

“Try to figure out what the fuck’s going on,” Ema said. “Maybe go on a revenge spree depending on how those people died.”

Xix nodded. “You would need allies, information, transport and a target.”

Ema snapped her fingers. “The target is Amneris!” She pulled up a message sent from Jay showing the message left by the Frozen One and held it out to Xix.

“‘I am Aurelia, Guardian of the Naka’Idis. You brought your vengeance down on my people. You slaughtered them and brought fear to my world. I am coming for you, Anmerankh-Karareia.’” Xix frowned. “Well, it is safe to say she is definitely the target.”

Ema was awed. Xix could read the Old Language? Wait, what was she thinking? Of course Xix could read the Old Language. It was important for the ruling families of both God Worlds, and any other ‘important people’ to know the language.

“But this doesn’t make sense,” Xix was saying. “Amneris didn’t exist back then. Why would the Frozen One—Aurelia—go after her?” Her eyes widened. “They have the same name and Amneris is known for looking similar to the First Queen. That must be who the message is addressed to!”

Ema blinked, then blinked again. “Are you saying this Frozen One is going after someone who has been dead for aeons?”

“That’s exactly what I’m saying.”

“So, this would be a classic case of mistaken identity.”

“Yes. Though this does give me some idea of where they may be.” Xix tossed her black-and-gold bag over a shoulder. “It’s a bit of a trek.”


Ema shrugged, finishing packing her own bag. “I was getting bored of the U.F.W. anyway.”

The pair did a final check over the motel room they’d been renting, making sure nothing was left behind. Xix swept the keys off the counter and Ema closed the door behind them. The pair made their way down to reception, handing over the keys and a few gold coins, explaining that their stay was over and thanking the workers for their hospitality. They were quickly shooed outside.

Xix explained as they walked down to the street and waited for a taxi. “Supposedly, there’s this world named after the old god who resided there.” Xix waved her hand as a taxi came toward them. “The world is called Apep.”

“Apep?” Ema asked as they climbed into the back seat.

Xix gave the driver directions and a forward payment to get them there as fast as possible. “Yes, a deity who named itself after the Serpent of Chaos. On that world, it was thought there was a castle known as the Castle of the Chaos Serpent.” She smiled at her friend. “I doubt you’ve heard of it. It’s only found in records from the Terpolite Royal Family. For the most part, it’s been mostly forgotten to history.”

“That’s inconvenient,” Ema muttered.

“Unless you’re looking for somewhere to hide,” Xix counted. “Ozialon is no longer the Rebel stronghold it once was. These people are a different kind of Rebel. They want the War to continue. It would be safe to assume the current Leader would know about Apep.”


Xix nodded solemnly. “I still have friends there. Well, had. They left and provided me with the information. The new Rebel Leader is a woman named Nephthys Kaylee. She’s a member of the Terpolite Royal Family so would have the information to find Apep.”

“And Nephthys is the one who took Aurelia!” Ema exclaimed. “Oh, this is a huge lead!” She pulled out her phone to text Jay only for Xix to hold out a hand to stop her. “Why not?”

“This is a hunch,” Xix explained. “I could wrong. It would be a waste of time to call them until we are certain.”

That made sense. Ema said, “Alright. We check, then I call Jay.”

“He is one of your Lyriumian friends, correct?”

“That’s right.”

Xix rested her head on the back of the carseat, closing her eyes. “I’m not sure if those with Lyriumian blood would be able to access the Castle. The stories say there are wards around it created by Apep himself to keep them out.”

“Was Apep a Naka’Idis?” Ema asked.


“Ah.” She waved a hand. “It should be fine. Jay’s a Fae who lives on Lyriumia because he works for Amneris. Most of her Court don’t have Lyriumian blood.”

Xix hummed thoughtfully. “That should be fine, then.”

“So, Madame Royal Terpolite, how do we get to Apep?”

Xix smiled to herself, looking out the window toward the horizon. “We follow the path of the First Sun.”

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